Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 270

Chapter 270

The Big Man Behind Chapter 270

Wang Ye is right, just take money and do nothing, it really shouldn't be.

But Mailov feels wronged too!

This gray customs clearance was actually created by him...

It's just that his ability is really limited, and he can only do this step after trying his best.

Of course, doing this also maximizes his interests...

Taking the money paid by the merchants for customs clearance and tax declaration, Mailov first put half of it into his pocket, and then took the remaining half, and let the relevant personnel share a point.

In this way, he can not only make a lot of money, but also establish his own network of contacts, killing two birds with one stone!

However, the consequence of this is that thousands of merchants have been exposed to huge risks, because the goods sold do not have a formal customs declaration list, not only can they not enter the supermarket channels, but they are often stared at by the taxation department It's just a closed shop!

If there is no Wangye, then everyone will be used to it. After all, the tax department does not come here often to do things.

Basically it only happens once a year or two, so everyone should pay the "protection fee"...

Therefore, the ACT market has been operating for so many years, and the business is still very hot.

But now that Wangye has come up with such a thing, the ACT market is too embarrassing in comparison.

Mailov didn't know what to say, so he could only change the subject: "By the way, Ljublino's side has been doing a lot of things recently. I learned from you that you have free rent and management fees, and you can attract Chinese customers everywhere. Be careful."

Speaking of this, Mailov was a little gloat- ing .

Because of the agreement he reached with Wang Ye, the main merchants in the ACT market are now from Vietnam, South Korea and various Stan countries.

Of course, there are still some Chinese merchants left.

And New Sun Market, all Chinese merchants!

Lublino should also be interested in the potential of Chinese merchants, so the main target is to focus on the Chinese bosses on the New Sun Market.

In that Moscow Chinese newspaper, every day is bombarded with advertisements!

Speaking of the Liubrino market, Wang Ye also had a headache.

I thought that I could solve it beautifully, but the old fox Geblev got a hand, and the franchise certificate I got was not of much use.

In fact, it can't be said that it is useless, after all, the new sun market is now the only legal import wholesale market!

For those more powerful Chinese businessmen, the attraction is still great.

To a certain extent, it will also give Liubrino a headache, because the conditions they offer will instantly become unattractive.

In the final analysis, the Liubrino market is still in the same nature as the ACT market. They all rely on "grey customs clearance" to survive, and there is no guarantee that they will not be seized by the tax department!

Perhaps, the one who should be anxious now is Ljublino's boss...

"Then let them try it. I would like to see if they can pull a few customers away from the New Sun Market." Wang Ye responded with a smile.

"Also, Ljublino had an advantage in the past. The large-scale venue has good hardware. If the conditions are the same as yours, maybe some merchants will do business in the past. But now yours is a legal market, and that's all. Can you compare Lublino. By the way, do you know who is standing behind Lublino?" Mailov said mysteriously.

"I don't know." Wang Ye said frankly.

He had asked Mailov about this before, but Mailov didn't tell him, and was sloppy.

Wangye also asked Geblev if Lyublino was related to the faction of the Great Emperor, but got a negative answer.

"It's Luzhkov standing behind them!" Mailov said in a low voice.

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, he didn't realize who Luzhkov was...

The name seems familiar, and with the qualifications to be the man behind Liubrino, he must be a big man.

So, just guess from those at the top!

Soon, Wang Ye remembered who this person was.

This is the helm of Moscow City!

And the qualifications of this guy are very "old", the founder of Russia's second largest party, who has controlled Moscow for 18 years!

Even the Great Emperor would not dare to provoke him easily...

After knowing this, Wang Ye also frowned a little. It seems that it is not easy to solve Liubrino smoothly.

No wonder this guy Mailov would rather deal with Khovchenko than deal with Ljublino!

Obviously, Khovchenko is just an oligarch and rich. But it is not in harmony with the emperor, so at the political level, there is not much power.

But the water in Lyublino was so deep that Mailov couldn't hold it!

Since it involves a big political figure, Wang Ye is more cautious, he said with a smile: "Whoever is standing has nothing to do with me! I am doing legal business now, and I don't want to trouble others, of course, if others trouble me , then I will not be polite. I believe this country still has laws!"

Mailov scoffed at his remarks, everyone is all the same, black and white are all stained, why are you pretending to be arrogant!

But he wouldn't say anything to offend Wang Ye, but pretended to say: "You can make up your own mind. I just want to remind you that there are big people behind others, so when dealing with you, you may not be soft-hearted."

"Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention." Wang Ye thanked politely.

After hung up the phone, Wang Ye's face became solemn.

If Mailov is right, then his current situation is indeed a bit dangerous!

Because of that license, it is estimated that Ljublino will be very angry!

This almost cut off the family's fortune...

Although it did not directly lead to the collapse of Liubrino or the inability to open a business, it is very difficult to attract business there now.

Especially some bosses with relatively strong strength, no one is interested in Ljublino.

After all, the cost of both sides is similar, and the customs clearance efficiency is the same, but Xinsun is a completely legal business, and Liubrino is illegal. How to choose, as long as you are not stupid!

Since the other party has such a background, he will definitely find a way to "involve" himself.

As for whether he will offend the people behind him...

Honestly, it is estimated that the other party will not think that he can gain the trust of the emperor so quickly.

How he will deal with himself depends on how the other party measures his "strength"...

If the other party thinks that dealing with them will arouse the dissatisfaction of Geblev or even the Great Emperor, and lead to more serious consequences, then they will not have the courage to do it.

On the contrary, if he thinks he is easy to bully, or if he moves him, if Geblev's side doesn't respond very much, it is estimated that he will attack him...

(end of this chapter)