Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Miss He Family

However, the import customs clearance franchise has not been obtained yet, and the ideas of the Chinese business owners who came to do business have not changed.

They just want to come here to make quick money, and they don't dare to ship too much each time.

After all, it came through the gray customs clearance. If something goes wrong, it will be lost!

Wang Ye was also very helpless. Geblev didn't let go, and he had no other choice but to wait and see.

As for why Geblev didn't want to help him with this matter as soon as possible, Wang Ye also considered it, but he was not worth so much effort.

Hey, in the final analysis, your strength is not enough, others don't value you...

was sitting in the office thinking about things when Boss Kong knocked on the door excitedly and walked in.

"President, good news, my old buddy in Aomen just called me and said that he has contacted the Aomen He family! The He family is also very interested in cooperation, and is willing to send someone over to meet you. Talk about it."

Wang Ye was also very happy after hearing this. If he could join forces with the He family to build a "gaming and entertainment center", then the Kitty Eagle Group should have no problem.

With sufficient funds and strong background, coupled with the "technical" support of the He family, it is difficult not to make a lot of money!

"Oh? That's great, did your friend say when the representative of the He family will come?" Wang Ye asked.

"I haven't decided yet. The He family wants your phone number. They said to communicate over the phone first. I haven't given them your phone number yet. Didn't I come to ask your opinion first?" Smiling face.

"Give it to them, why do I keep my phone number a secret." Wang Ye waved his hand and said.

Boss Kong nodded immediately, "Okay, then I'll call my friends back later, tell the He family your phone number, and let them contact you."

After Boss Kong went out, Wang Ye thought about it.

Omen He family, of course he knows, but he doesn't know too much. After all, there is no intersection between "previous lives", and Wang Ye has not even played in Aomen.

After all, there really isn't much fun in that place except for the gaming industry.

It happens that Wang Ye doesn't like gambling...

But even so, Wang Ye has seen the news about Aomen He's gambling king and his four-bedroom wife and more than a dozen children.

Especially the matter of the He family's several houses fighting for the family property was once a scene of uproar. It's hard not to pay attention to it.

Wang Ye didn't want to comment on other people's family affairs, he only knew that King He Gambling was really great, and he could be regarded as the uncrowned emperor of Aomen.

After all, in the small place of Omen, it is said that 70-80% of the people are directly or indirectly working for the He family.

Even more than half of Aomen's annual financial revenue is the tax paid by the gaming industry...

Therefore, Wang Ye also maintains a certain respect for such a legendary figure.

As he was thinking about it, the phone rang. Wang Ye glanced at the caller ID. It was estimated that someone from the He family had called for an international call.

He reached out and connected the phone, saying in Chinese, "Hello."

"Hello, is this Mr. Mikhail?" The other side hesitated for a while, and asked in Chinese, the voice should be a middle-aged woman.

"It's me." Wang Ye said simply.

"Ah? I didn't expect Mr. Mikhail to speak Chinese so well. I even got a Russian translation for it. It doesn't seem to work." Obviously, the woman across from him didn't expect Wang Ye to speak Chinese so well. Well, he said in surprise.

"My father is Chinese and he has learned Chinese since he was a child. May I ask who you are..." Wang Ye replied briefly.

In fact, it's not only that his father is Chinese, Wang Ye's mother, grandparents, and grandparents are also Chinese...

Of course, he is now talking about cooperation with the He family as "Mikhail", so he has backgrounds such as "Chinese-Russian mixed blood", "Kovchenko's nephew" and "Kitty Eagle Group boss"!

"Haha, then we are still half compatriots. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Mikhail, my name is He Chaoying. Now I am in charge of the business of Aobo Group, and this cooperation is also for me to connect with you."

He Chaoying?

Wang Ye knows who this woman is!

The eldest daughter of the second room of the He family is also the biggest winner in the farce of more than a dozen children fighting for family property after the retirement of the old man of the He family!

Because in the end, the core assets of the He family, the controlling rights of the two groups that mainly focus on gaming business, all fell into the hands of He Chaoying!

As for the big house, the three-bedroom and the four-bedroom, the property allocated are other industries invested by the old man, such as real estate, oil shipping, finance, etc.

But those industries are obviously not comparable to the gaming industry!

This woman is not simple...

Wang Ye also cheered up and said with a smile, "Then what should I call you, Mr. He or Miss He?"

"We are all compatriots. I heard that you are not too old. It is too outlandish to call Mr. He and Miss He. You can just call me Sister He." He Chaoying was unexpectedly enthusiastic.

Wang Ye smiled slightly and replied, "Well, Sister He, don't call me Mr. Mikhail, just call me Misha. My friends call me that."

After chatting for so long, the two finally got to the point. He Chaoying asked directly, "I heard that Misha, you got a gambling card, or is it the only one in Russia?"

"Yes, I have already obtained it. It should be no different from your gambling license in Omen. It can operate all types of gambling industries. However, my gambling license has a little restriction, that is, it is not allowed to accept Russian customers." Wang Industry said frankly.

He Chaoying pondered for a moment and smiled: "This problem is not really a big problem. We can do business with foreign tourists. We don't expect the locals in Aomen here. By the way, what is the tax rate for your gambling cards?"

Wang Ye thought for a while before answering: "It's seven percent, which is the same as the hotel industry. The tax rate here in Russia is lower."

"Seven percent?! Are you sure... Oh, sorry, I'm a little surprised, here in Aomen, our tax rate is much higher." He Chaoying exclaimed.

The gaming industry is a hugely profitable industry, so those countries that allow the gaming industry to exist generally also levy heavy taxes!

Aobo Group like He Chaoying needs to pay up to 32% tax!

So I was surprised to hear that Wang Ye only had to pay 7% of the tax.

"Hehe, it's definitely seven percent. So, Sister He, let me briefly introduce you to the situation..."

Wang Ye briefly explained the situation on his side to He Chaoying, and finally said sincerely: "Now I am not short of funds and venues, but I am short of skilled staff and management personnel, if you are interested, Sister He. , you can come and have a look."

(end of this chapter)