Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Advancement across the board

The time entered June, Liu Mei wandered around Moscow for two or three days, which also confirmed that Wang Ye's strength was indeed amazing.

She also has greater hope for this collaboration!

Of course, with her strength, being able to participate is considered a "victory". As for shares, there is no need to consider it for the time being.

All revenue issues have to wait for Wang Ye to pull up the framework and negotiate with CITS or other large domestic travel agencies. Liu Mei is at best an "agent" of Wang Ye in China.

After inspecting Moscow, Liu Mei asked Nalan Yaqi to drive her to Petersburg and the Crimean Peninsula, preparing to inspect there as well.

Maybe her core business in the future will revolve around this tourist route, so she naturally needs to know more about these three places.

After returning to the country like this, when negotiating with those big travel agencies, I won't be timid.

On the Wangye side, several lines are also advancing in an orderly manner.

Qingyun Company has begun to prepare for the admission of international students. There are nearly 600 students, which is not a small number.

Among them, there are about 160 people who will go to the great one, and all the rest will go to Youda.

After all, the huge tuition and living expenses are much more expensive than Youda. The cost of one year is about 10,000 US dollars, and it will be 50,000 US dollars in five years!

In those days, there was still foreign exchange control in China. Even for international students, with your visa and admission notice, you could only exchange at most two thousand dollars at the bank every year, and the exchange rate was more than 8.6.

But these US knives are obviously not enough, so they can only be exchanged in the hands of scalpers, and the exchange rate is one to ten...

Therefore, if you are studying at the university, after one year of preparatory courses and four years of undergraduate studies, you will have a base of 500,000 RMB!

This amount is still a bit difficult for most families.

For Duyou University, the five-year fee can be reduced to about 300,000 RMB, and the pressure is much less.

Therefore, most students and their parents choose Friendship University to study abroad.

With so many students coming, and they will be concentrated at the end of August, there is still a lot of pressure on Qingyun Company.

There is a lot of work to coordinate with Mo Dayou.

Therefore, Liu Jun was very busy during this time, and brought several Maozi employees of the company to work overtime every day.

Looking at it now, it is very wise for Wang Ye to find him as a "partner", otherwise, Wang Ye can only do these things by himself.

Although you can make more money, you can't afford to waste time!

Ruan Xiaozhu is now in charge of the Huaxing Communication Company.

Don't say, this cousin Wang Ye is also a strong woman!

After taking over Huaxing for a period of time, the work was on track, and the company was managed in an orderly manner.

Of course, the most difficult job in this company has been solved in advance by Liu Jun and Wang Ye.

The contracting of the call line was obtained by Liu Jun through a friend relationship. The cost was relatively reasonable, and the card printing was also arranged.

As for the more important sales, Wangye directly solved it.

The original overseas student market channel is very stable, and the new sun market is directly monopolized sales, other phone cards have no chance to compete with Huaxing card!

Obviously, the demand for calling cards in the New Sun market far exceeds that of international students.

Although New Sun has just started operations and its popularity has not yet reached its peak, the shipments of calling cards are already amazing.

Basically every day, calling cards with a face value of at least $50,000 can be sold!

In contrast, the international student market is almost negligible

After the market has developed, this phone card company can be regarded as a "cash cow".

As a rough estimate, after deducting the cost of contracted lines, card printing costs, company operating expenses, taxes and miscellaneous expenses, etc., the monthly net profit may exceed $300,000!

This money is naturally not worth mentioning to Wang Ye.

But for Liu Jun, Ruan Xiaozhu and the others, it was quite remarkable.

So during this time, Ruan Xiaozhu was so busy that he didn't have time to "harass" Wang Ye...

As for Wang Ye himself, his energy is naturally on the side of the New Sun Group and the Kitty Eagle Group.

The Kitty Eagle Group does not need to say much, it is still in its infancy, and many things are still in preparation.

The development of New Sun Group during this period is quite good!

After and Mailov reached a settlement and dealt with Lokayev, the New Sun Market ushered in a wave of business openings.

3,500 shops have been rented out!

I have to say that Wangye's free strategy has been a great success. On the Russian side, there has never been a market that would provide free business to merchants, and the New Sun Market is the first.

In addition, the location of this place is superior, the hardware and software facilities are good, and the personal and property safety of Wangye is guaranteed. Those Chinese businessmen really have no reason not to come to do business!

As a result, a wave of "blood" was drawn from the old ACT market, and under the propaganda of the old Chinese businessmen, a group of new Chinese businessmen "flyed" from China, which directly boosted the popularity of the new sun market.

The wholesale market, as long as you have enough merchants and a full range of goods, you don't have to worry about losing popularity.

Because of the customers who come to buy, they will come by themselves.

Therefore, the new sun market has just opened for a month, and it can already be on par with the ACT market in terms of popularity!

This situation surprised Mailov. He recently ran over to "observe" several times, and complained to Wang Ye that he had been tricked by Wang Ye...

Of course, that's just a joke. After all, after the old ACT market was unblocked, there was no large-scale tide of rent cancellations.

How much rent and management fees should Mailov charge? Even if the popularity is diverted a little, it has little effect.

Based on the current situation of the New Sun market, Wang Ye has completed the task assigned to him by the board of directors half a year ahead of schedule!

As for how much profit, rent and management fees cannot be counted on this year, and we can only rely on branches such as customs clearance and logistics.

But the profits of these companies depend on the turnover of all merchants in the New Sun Market!

The business of Chinese businessmen is booming, so naturally more goods will be sent, and New Sun Group can also earn more logistics fees, customs clearance fees, and even exchange fees.

If the business is not good and the goods shipped cannot be sold, then naturally they will not continue to deliver goods here, and the New Sun Group will not make any money.

Therefore, in the final analysis, market operators and merchants are also a community of interests.

The reason why Wangye wants to solve the historical problem of "grey customs clearance" is to expand the business scale of Chinese businessmen and attract them to increase investment.

In this way, not only Chinese businessmen can make more money.

New Sun Group, including Wangye, can also make more money...

(end of this chapter)