Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 I'm going to move to live with you

Wang Ye is still a bit talented. He used to have good physical fitness. Now, under the guidance of a master, he quickly mastered the tricks.

It must be bragging to say 100 hits, but at close range, he can basically do 10 hits and 9 hits!

For self-defense, this is enough...

In fact, there are a few Uzis in the car!

But Wang Ye didn't play that, because in his capacity, at best, there is a very small probability that he will use a pistol.

After finishing all the magazines, Wang Ye shook his already sore arm, moved his body, and said with a smile, "It's almost time, let's go back to the company."

It's already past four o'clock in the afternoon. When I get back to the company, it's almost five o'clock and I have to get off work.

Several people got into the car one after another, started the car and started to drive towards Xinyang Market.

went smoothly, and soon returned to the management office under the Xiaohonglou.

At this moment, there are still several long queues at the entrance of the management office, and many people are still anxiously waiting to rent a shop.

Wang Ye and the others drove two huge off-road vehicles, especially the black Mercedes-Benz big G at the beginning, which was even more eye-catching.

After Wang Ye and the others came down, everyone looked over in unison.

A total of five people got off the two cars, four of which were Russian strong men over 1.9 meters tall, and they were all with guys. From this point of view, they were security personnel.

The king's industry is very prominent.

Suits and leather shoes, bright leather shoes, this must be the leader...

And, a guy who looks to be in his twenties... Chinese?

Go out with a big G and bring a few bodyguards, which seems to be bigger than Boss Kong's pomp!

now reappears in the New Sun Market Management Office.

Who is he?

This question was quickly answered.

When Wang Ye walked into the Little Red Building with several bodyguards, the security guards and staff at the door all greeted him one after another.

"Hello, President."

The businessmen who were queuing up in the front also heard it. Although some people could not understand the Russian word for "CEO", after all, some people could understand it.

soon spread among the team, the guy who looked like a Chinese just now was the president of New Sun Group!

is even higher than Boss Kong!

This appearance of Wangye also has an invisible benefit.

That is to add him, and Boss Kong, there seem to be two Chinese people in the top management of New Sun Group!

This makes many Chinese businessmen feel a lot closer psychologically...

After Wang Ye brought An Dong and the others in, many Chinese businessmen in the queue began to whisper.

"Hey, the guy who just entered, is he really the president of this new market?"

"I feel a little different, so young..."

"The previous brothers who knew Russian said that the staff all called him the president and Mr. Kong as the vice president. Obviously, this young man is of a higher level!"

"This is also Chinese, right?"

"It's hard to say, Lao Maozi also has black hair here. It doesn't look much different from us Chinese."...

Entering the management office, Wang Ye didn't go back to his office, but went straight to Ajielina's side.

Agelina's office door was open, and she was busy helping people with the contract for renting the storefront.

Districts 1, 2, and 3 of New Sun Market are owned by Wang Ye personally.

Therefore, if those businessmen who do shoe business want to rent a shop, they must come to Agelina to do it.

The process is very simple. If you want to rent a shop in the shoe area, you must first take your ID card and pay a deposit of 2,000 US dollars per shop at the finance office in the lobby on the first floor!

And the deposit of $2,000 is for renting only one shop. If you rent two shops or more at one time, the deposit will increase.

The deposit for the second berth is $4,000, and the deposit for the third berth is $6,000

Although the shop is free of rent and management fee, it does not mean that you can get a shop without paying a penny.

In that case, if someone wanted to rent a street in one go, and then sublet it or something, wouldn't Wang Ye be a big deal!

He naturally has corresponding precautions.

It is a good way to increase the deposit according to the number of rented shops.

As for those who originally wanted to rent a few shops, but did not want to pay more deposits, they went to opportunistically to rent shops in the name of a few people, Wang Ye can only say that they are too young...

There are corresponding clauses in the lease contract, and all interpretation rights belong to the market management party!

"It's almost time to get off work, it's time for us to go." Wang Ye asked with a smile.

Ajielina was burying her head in signing a contract. After hearing it, she raised her head, stretched her waist and replied, "After signing this one, there are two people waiting at the door, so let's just sign one piece."

There are 300 berths, it is impossible to get them all in one day, and it is not in a hurry anyway.

Like today, Ajielina has signed nearly 50 contracts and rented more than 60 shops.

But it only started in the afternoon. Normally, I should be able to sign a 100% contract in one day, and I can get it all done in about two days.

And those businesses that have rented shops cannot open their doors immediately.

Many people's goods are still being detained in the old market...

Even those who rent warehouses outside the market need two or three days from the market to pull the goods over and arrange the shops.

Wang Ye, Ajielina and Anton just got in the car and were about to go back to the apartment when they received a phone call from Nalan Yaqi...

"Hey, Brother Ye, are you free later? Can you drive over and help me carry something."

"Do you have to drive to move something? By the way, the preparatory building is not a lot of boys, you can just call two people to help you." Wang Ye said with a smile.

"Oh, I also rented a house outside. Unfortunately, it's in the building where you live. I'm about to move there today, so I'm looking for you, hee hee..." Nalan Yaqi replied road.

Wang Ye was stunned for a while, he didn't expect that Nalan Yaqi really moved to the apartment where he lived.

I heard her say it before, but I thought she was joking.

After all, the reason why I live there is that there is Ajielina, and it is not very convenient to live in a dormitory.

And Nalan Yaqi is totally unnecessary!

But since she has already rented a house, Wang Ye can't say anything more. After all, Nalan Yaqi also shared a lot of money from Qingyun Company.

There is obviously no pressure to bear the rent.

After thinking for a while, he simply said, "Then wait for me for a while, about half an hour. I'll drive downstairs to help you carry things."

After getting in the car, Wang Ye told An Dong: "Wait, go to the dormitory area of Friendship University first, and then go home."

Anton didn't ask anything, just nodded and started the car.

The black big G and the white Cool Road Ze left the big market one after the other and drove towards the city...

(end of this chapter)