Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Chapter 138 Field Training

If it is transferred to 10% of Liu Jun's shares.

Then in Qingyun Company, Wang Ye holds 50% of the shares and is still the largest shareholder!

Liu Jun and Xiao Hu each hold 20% of the shares.

Wang Dan and Nalan Yaqi each hold 5% of the shares.

To be honest, the future Qingyun company cannot be said to be completely ignored by Wang Ye. This company is still very high-quality and more profitable.

The domestic market for studying abroad is huge!

As long as you can get a share of the pie, you can make a lot of money, so Wang Ye has no intention of giving up.

But he really doesn't have the energy and time to take care of things over there.

Wang Ye has a faint hunch, that is, after serving as the president of New Sun Group, he will not only bring himself a higher social status and greater wealth, but also bring himself various uncertain troubles and risks...

To put it simply, you have to pass this "step" and truly enter the high-level circle of Russia!

He will put all his energy into this, because in the future, the people he comes into contact with are not ordinary people...

What oligarchs, underworld bosses, celebrities, Duma members, high-level people...

These people are not so easy to deal with!

Wang Ye knew that if he wanted to achieve greater success in the future, he would not be able to fight alone.

He also needs to cultivate his own team and have enough talents and confidants!

Talents are easy to find, as long as you are willing to give money, all kinds of talents can be recruited.

But it's not easy for the confidant...

In addition to his special status, he is a "foreigner" here. Even if he already has a Russian identity, he is not a native Russian after all. If he wants to recruit some Russians to be his confidants, it should be more difficult to do it in a short time.

Therefore, it is rare to find someone like Liu Jun who knows the basics.

Capable, familiar with Russia, Chinese, and has a good relationship with himself!

Wang Ye naturally did not hesitate to give him more shares to win over him.

Wang Ye and Liu Jun didn't realize that when the two of them got along again, it was no longer a completely equal conversation...

In the face of Wang Ye, Liu Jun's words were not as casual as when the two first met, but only after careful consideration.

Seeing Wang Ye's resolute attitude, Liu Jun no longer refused, and thanked him continuously.

After talking about business, Liu Jun got up and left. There are still many things to do at the company.

Wang Ye thought for a while, put on his clothes, picked up the small black bag, and walked out of the office.

There were several benches in the corridor outside his office. A security guard was sitting there bored. Seeing Wang Ye come out, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Sir, are you going out?"

Obviously, he saw Wang Ye wearing a coat and carrying a bag in his hand, he should be planning to go out.

Wang Ye nodded and asked, "Where's Anton, I'm fine this afternoon, I just asked him to take me to practice... this!"

said, he gestured with his thumb and forefinger, and the security guard immediately understood.

said with a smile: "Anton and two other colleagues are resting in the next room. We take turns on duty in front of your office, sir."

After , he shouted: "Head! Mr. Mikhail is going out!"

A small office door next door was pushed open immediately, and Anton and two other strong men came out.

"Go, find a place and take me to practice this thing." Wang Ye raised the little black bag in his hand.

Anton certainly knows what's in the bag.

He nodded simply and said, "Then let's go directly to the wild woods in the suburbs, where playing with guns is fun, it's like children playing in the shooting gallery!"

Moscow has a large area, and there are large forests on the outskirts, which are inaccessible.

So Anton is right, you can shoot with your hands and feet when you go there, and it feels like a real battle...

This is definitely not comparable to shooting indoors!

As soon as he said it, Wang Ye went downstairs and told Ajielina that he would come back to pick her up at the party.

Then he took Anton and the other four burly men out.

Two off-road vehicles, one black and one white, roared towards the suburbs.

Originally, the big market was basically the corner of the city. It didn't take long to drive outside. There were large forests on both sides of the road, and there were fewer vehicles on the road.

Anton drove a big G, and Wang Ye sat in the passenger seat.

This guy drives really hard, he will overtake when he sees a car!

But the big G does have this capital. The 5.5T big V8 is definitely a performance monster in this era...

The black big G roared and turned into a remote path, and the white Kuluze also turned in behind him.

This road is in poor condition, with potholes and no traffic.

walked forward for a while, then turned again, and went directly into the forest by the roadside!

Looking for a flat spot, Anton stopped the car.

With the sound of opening and closing the car door, Wang Ye and the others all got out of the car.

"It's not bad here, there are no people here, it won't disturb others." Anton looked around and said with satisfaction.

Wang Ye opened the bag, took out the heavy Yalikin, took two more clips, and handed them to Anton.

After taking the pistol and the magazine, Anton checked it proficiently, clipped the magazine, opened the safety with a "click", and demonstrated to Wang Ye: "You have never used it before, and you still need to get used to the recoil, so it is best to Hold the gun with both hands, so you can maintain stability and accuracy of shooting..."

After explaining the basics, Anton held the gun in one hand and the gun in the other, aiming directly at a big tree not far away and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A few shots were fired, and the big tree was hit so that its bark splashed!

Blue smoke came from the muzzle, and a pungent smell of gunpowder wafted into the nostrils.

Wang Ye was a little excited, his adrenal hormones soared, and he was eager to try.

The other security guards seemed to have not heard them. The three of them were leaning against the car, chatting in a low voice while smoking.

"Come on, try it."

Anton smiled and handed Yalikin over.

Wang Ye followed suit, holding the gun handle tightly with his right hand, holding the lower part of the gun body with his left hand, and also aimed at a large tree next to him.

pulled the trigger...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Several shots rang out.

The first two shots were pretty accurate, and they both hit the tree, but the third shot went flying, and the recoil was not well controlled.

"Yes, this thing is very simple, just practice more." Anton nodded with satisfaction.

In this wild forest, under the guidance of Anton, Wang Ye emptied ten magazines!

Not only was the magazines in his bag empty, even the pistol magazines on Anton and the others were taken by Wang Ye for practice...

(end of this chapter)