Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 954

Chapter 954

In his previous life, Bao Zixuan lived in the UK for many years and had some knowledge of British history. Even if you don't know it, you must be aware of the development process of your company and the major events it has experienced.

After World War II, the world economic center began to shift to the United States. The British Empire is no longer as heroic as it once was, and it has plummeted economically. The British economy has even suffered from the so-called "British disease"; slow economic growth, frequent sterling crises, concurrent inflation and unemployment have led to a decline in the strength of the British economy.

In the three years from 1994 to 1979, the average annual growth rate of GDP was only 2.5%; far lower than that of Japan, West Germany, France and the United States. Its share in industrial production in the capitalist world dropped from 0.2% in 1994 to 4.3% in 1997; its share in world trade dropped from 2.4% to 6% in the same period.

Half of world trade was paid for in sterling in 957, but only 20% in 977; in the late 1950s sterling accounted for a third of the capitalist world's total currency reserves, but in the late 1970s it accounted for a little over %.

The time when Iron Maiden really exerted her strength was in 1994, which is this year. In the more than 9 years since he was in power, the British economy has made great progress; it has achieved steady growth for consecutive years. From 9 years to 1996, the real annual growth rate of GDP was 3%, and in 1997 it reached 4.5%, ranking first in Western countries; it was the highest since 19973.

Iron Maiden passed a series of economic reforms, which were quite effective. However, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and it is not so easy to reverse the situation at once. Domestic companies in the UK, let alone taking out excess funds, have problems in self-help. Introducing foreign capital is the best choice, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that investing in the UK in the past at this time is no different from falling into the pit.

Of course, Iron Maiden knew the situation in the UK, otherwise, she would not have invited Bao Zixuan to invest again and again.

Although the British want the Black Cloud Group to invest in the past, the core industries and companies will never be sold. For example, the Rolls-Royce Engine Manufacturing Company, where he worked in his previous life, would never be sold to foreign companies anyway.

Even if the Queen of England sold Buckingham Palace, it is estimated that she will not sell the company, which shows its importance.

As for energy companies, the British government will not sell them either. Compared with other industries; energy income is relatively stable, and there is no shortage of funds.

Counting the numbers means that car companies may sell, although British cars are high-end. But the output is really not flattering. In addition to the backward marketing concept, the sales volume can be described as a mess.

The British local car brand in the previous life was basically bought out by the Germans. That is to say, from this time on, with the rise of the German and Japanese car industries, the days of British car factories became very difficult. In this life, the sudden rise of Heiyun Automobile has made it even worse for the British automobile industry.

As the most popular car company in the world today, it is also a Hong Kong enterprise. In fact, it's funny to say that, although Heiyun Automobile is registered in the United States, all countries including the United States believe that Heiyun Automobile belongs to the category of Hong Kong enterprises.

Of course, it has a lot to do with the propaganda of people with a heart. After all, American companies will receive too much care. Now it is directly characterized as a Hong Kong enterprise, and it will naturally be excluded.

Youde said with a smile: "Mr. Bao is a well-known entrepreneur, and his control of the economy is even more famous in the world. Today, I will treat it as a chat between friends, and I will ask you privately where the pain of the British economy is and how to adjust it."

"Although I am the Governor of Hong Kong now, I won't be working in this position for too long. You should know that I am a diplomat, and the main task of becoming the Governor of Hong Kong is to negotiate with mainland China. The Hong Kong issue will inevitably be resolved, and then the time comes. My mission is over."

"The UK doesn't need too many diplomats now, but practical officials who understand economic development. I don't want to go back to the UK to retire directly, so I can only seek breakthroughs from other places."

"But I know how much money I have, and I'm not sensitive enough to control the economy. Taking office in Xiangjiang gave me an opportunity. There are too many capable people in the economic field here. If you ask me humbly, you will always give me a face!"

"Especially driven by the Heiyun Group, the entire Hong Kong economy is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye every year. In comparison, the UK is far behind."

"The workers here are more industrious than those in the UK, and they never complain. And their wages are not as good as those in the UK, which are relatively low. Comparing the two, the UK is already lagging behind."

"Although Prime Minister Thatcher has made a lot of achievements in economic development after taking office, everything will be futile if we do not solve the problem from the root cause."

"I may be an expert in politics and diplomacy; but when it comes to planning and developing the economy, you are definitely an expert. In order to return to the UK and not be unemployed, I have specially invited you to come over and tell me what you think about the UK economy. ."

Looking at the sincere face of the old man, if it was in a previous life, he might have been sold by others and he would not know. In this life, Bao Zixuan has seen too many politicians, and of course he knows Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

However, what should I say, Youde is also the Governor of Hong Kong. The face that should be given must be given, which is the most basic politeness issue.

Bao Zixuan: "Originally, I was not qualified to evaluate British economic policy. After all, the person who formulated it must know better than me that Britain should develop in that direction."

"Since His Excellency the Governor said it was a private communication, then I will express my personal opinion."

"After the Second World War, the British welfare system as a whole is a welfare-oriented system that emphasizes the government's leadership. It has a prominent internal contradiction; that is, it overemphasizes the use of state power to maintain the principle of equality. The thinking has been seriously distorted; especially the heavy financial burden has increasingly become a huge obstacle for the government to revive the economy. After the Thatcher government came to power, privatization has become a fundamental idea and direction for the reform of the social welfare system. The reform mainly involves housing, education, Three aspects of the social security system. Among them, the housing privatization policy is the most successful; the education system reform is mixed; the social security system reform has not achieved much.

"This is also the fundamental reason why the United Kingdom has changed a lot, but the economic development has not achieved the expected effect."

Any middle school student who has lived in the UK or studied this history in his previous life will know it. However, it is definitely ahead of time to say it now, which makes Youde Moshe pause. At the same time, there is a strong crisis and worry, the young man in front of him is really too scary.

If it is said that the other party does not understand the situation in the UK, it is impossible to analyze it so well.

The problem is coming, and it must be the result of comprehensive analysis by mastering multiple data and intelligence.

Sure enough, Bao Zixuan had planted commercial spies in the UK, or some commercial spies cooperated with the Black Cloud Group. In fact, this is a normal thing, after all, the United Kingdom has also placed a lot of intelligence personnel all over the world.

But Xiangjiang was just an overseas colony of the British Empire, and Bao Zixuan was just a businessman. He actually dared to set up a commercial spy in the UK, and I don't know who gave him the Youde is a diplomat after all, and he has already reached the point where his joy and anger are indistinguishable. Therefore, in Bao Zixuan's view, the old man didn't do anything special. However, the old man has already kept the matter in his heart, and he must remind the relevant domestic departments when he has the opportunity.

This also brought a lot of trouble to Heiyun Group's past British acquisitions, which was definitely something that Bao Zixuan did not expect. A simple show has added a lot of workload to the Black Cloud Group. Still too young, compared with these old foxes, it is still far worse.

Youde said with a smile: "It seems that I really asked the right person. If it were you, how should you solve these series of problems."

Hearing that he was always asking about the British economy, Bao Zixuan was also thinking about it. Could it be that this old man really wants to go back to the country to govern? It is not impossible.

Now that I've said it, there's nothing to hide. Rather than procrastinating, be direct.

Let Youde see his sincerity, and it can be regarded as a good fate.

Bao Zixuan: "Reduce the standard of some social security allowances; reform some conventions of the social security system to make it more reasonable. Change the universality principle of the social security system, implement the principle of selectivity; promote the privatization of social security."

Although it was just a few simple answers, every sentence was on the point. It seems that the Black Cloud Group is not only planting spies in the UK, but also seriously studying the UK economy.

If this kid is British, with his talent, it is impossible for the British Empire to rise here. But he belongs to Xiangjiang; after more than ten years, he is about to leave the British colony.

Youde had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what to say for a while.