Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 953

Chapter 953

On the way back, Bao Zixuan didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let Huaxia Sports enter commercialization ahead of schedule. However, many things should be done sooner rather than later. It is better to expose problems in advance than to delay them.

Zhang Yuliang, however, had a different idea. As he became more familiar with Bao Zixuan, he felt increasingly unable to see through this son-in-law. I don't know if it's the luck of my daughter or the sadness of being a husband.

And seeing the attitude of Director Zhang and Director Li towards Bao Zixuan, I immediately understood in my heart. As long as this son-in-law wants to do something in Huaxia, he doesn't violate the law, doesn't violate the rules, and doesn't need to pass Fok Yingdong at all. In addition to his friendship with the Soviets, there are not many who can drink with Lao Maozi's Minister of Defense. In addition, there are some members of the royal family in the Middle East who have a lot of friendship with him.

This is really a young man who has only made his fortune for 6 years. Zhang Yuliang still feels very dreamy until now.

Did not stop at Zhang's house, after sending Zhang Yuliang back. Take Zhang Youran to leave directly, although the third lady is a little reluctant. But I also know that it is good to be able to stay at home for one night, and my daughter is in Xiangjiang, and she can meet anytime she wants.

Although Bao Zixuan's family is not a big family, there are not so many rules. But now no one dares to ignore the influence of the richest man in Xiangjiang Bao, because her mother-in-law broke the rules.

Not long after Bao Zixuan arrived home, he actually received a call from the Governor's Office. Governor Youde asked him to discuss something. It seems that every move in Xiangjiang is under the supervision of others.

In fact, Bao Zixuan really thinks highly of himself. He is very rich, and the Black Cloud Group is indeed powerful. However, it is still far from the point where he needs to send someone to monitor him. After all, he has a lot of bodyguards around him. In addition, he has not turned his face. The British should also pay attention to the influence.

Fok Yingdong, who has a clear position, can't stay out of it, and the British people's fear of him is increasing every moment. In addition, President Li is also a key surveillance target, and he is still bringing Chinese mainland personnel here. It is difficult not to be known by the British.

They all put things on the bright side, and even if the British knew, there was nothing they could do. You can't do legal things and get arrested, but behind you is a country with powerful force.

Since force does not work, it can only be solved by other means. Although Bao Zixuan wasn't a stubborn person, he wasn't much better. At least before China and the United Kingdom, the former is bound to be chosen. Instead, it's better to get some benefits from the other party, but the Prime Minister has a task for him.

Since Bao Zixuan will not transfer assets out, he can completely let him buy some companies in the UK. At present, the domestic economic situation in the UK is very poor, at least not by a single star compared to the thriving Hong Kong.

When Bao Zixuan went to the UK, he definitely wanted to invest. Instead of letting him spend money crazy in China and Japan, it is better to invest some of the money in the UK. It may be able to take some advantage, as long as it can promote the development of the British economy and increase the employment rate, who else will care.

It is with this purpose that Youde is ready to lobby the richest man. This kid knows the depths and everything is negotiable; if you want to perfunctory things, it is not so easy.

Youde invited him, and he must pass; at least for now, he must give the governor face.

Early the next morning, the driver brought the richest man to the Governor's Palace. The superficial work is still to be done, at least no one can pick out any faults from the etiquette.

For Bao Zixuan, the British have put a lot of effort into it. But this kid just didn't move, and kept acting stupid over there, and there was nothing to do with him.

British aristocratic girls took the initiative to come to the door, the Prime Minister personally invited him, and the Queen was even willing to award him a medal. These honors and good deeds, put on any one person, will fight desperately, but we don't know the right to be the richest man.

As for the hints of the two governors, it is nothing at all, and it is not much different if they are not said.

When Bao Zixuan came over, he didn't say anything at all, at least Youde didn't have the guts yet. If you really irritate this kid, it is estimated that anything can be done. When it doesn't end well, he has to take a lot of responsibility.

Seeing Bao Zixuan coming, Youde greeted him in person, and said with a smile: "I heard that your kid got married quietly, why didn't you tell me in advance. I originally wanted to invite your husband and wife to come together, but it was very unfortunate. , Madam just returned to England for a holiday."

"But she has already said that when you return to Xiangjiang, you must invite your husband and wife to dinner. She and Mrs. Bao are alumni, and they can talk very well."

It's no secret that Mrs. Youde and Zhang Youran are alumni. Bao Zixuan was still surprised. He knew that the two were getting married but did not invite his wife to attend. It turned out that someone was not there.

Bao Zixuan: "My wife often mentions my wife, saying that she is very caring and concerned about her."

"When the wife returns to Xiangjiang, we will definitely inform the husband and wife. When the time comes, the two will have dinner together and wash the dust for the wife together."

Bao Zixuan said this is undoubtedly a closer relationship with Youde, although it is not very useful, but the face must be given enough.

I didn't expect this kid to be so good, how much he should have done earlier.

Youde: "Then it's settled, wait for the wife to come back and have a meal with the family."

Now that you are the governor, people may give you face. When you retire, things are bound to turn around. As long as smart people know what to do, they may not care, and future generations will inevitably follow.

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know what instructions your Excellency the Governor has to meet."

These words were very low-key, which made Youde a little stunned. With Bao Zixuan's status today, it seems that no one dares to tell him to do things. This is not to compliment him, but to flatter him.

Youde said quickly: "Don't say that, although I was appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as the Governor of the British Empire in Hong Kong. But the basic principle is to serve Hong Kong, which is the primary premise. Therefore, there is no such thing as an order to say it next time. Saying things like that; I'm going to be **** that no one's even going to be friends."

It seems that Youde knows the depths and doesn't have the feeling of being superior; the main thing is that he doesn't dare.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Your Excellency the Governor is serious, you are the highest chief executive of Hong Kong. And I am a citizen of Hong Kong. It is of course my duty to have the opportunity to do something for Hong Kong. Thinking that Your Excellency the Governor invited me over, it must also be for the sake of Hong Kong. developing."

"As long as it is beneficial to the development of Hong Kong, I will go all out."

Youde was obviously very embarrassed when he heard what Bao Zixuan said. After all, this kid is not called to come here because he wants to vigorously develop the development of Hong Kong.

The recovery of Xiangjiang by China mainland seems to be irreversible at present. No matter how good the development of Hong Kong is, it is only temporary. Although he is the Governor of Hong Kong, he must pay attention to the development of Hong Kong. But Yoder is even more of an Englishman, so where is his home.

However, this kid has to answer the words, although he thinks that the UK will develop better. But at this moment, he is still serving in Xiangjiang, and on the surface, he still wants to protect the interests of Xiangjiang.

As the richest man in Hong Kong and the head of the largest enterprise, it is normal to discuss the future of Hong Kong with the Governor. It is obviously inappropriate to bring up the British economy at this time.

However, for the core interests of the British Empire, Yoder didn't care so much. The governor's term is only a few years, and it is necessary to consider the long term. If Xiangjiang Construction is too good to be handed over to Huaxia, to be honest, he also has a lot of unwillingness in his heart.

Although it was built by the people of Hong Kong with their own money, in the hearts of the British people, they still think that it is mainly their credit. People are like this, and no one is willing to give up the benefits at their fingertips.

Even if Bao Zixuan brought the topic to the development of Youde could only bite the bullet and turn back. Iron Maiden is still waiting for news over there, and there is no effect at all, so he doesn't have to do it as a governor. Even if the governor's term expires, it is estimated that there will be no good placement in the UK.

Youde: "Xiangjiang has developed very well, especially after the rise of the Black Cloud Group, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles."

"I asked you here today mainly to discuss domestic affairs in the UK. I don't know what you think about the UK economy."

Bao Zixuan immediately understood what he meant, he wanted to invest in the UK himself. Iron Maiden had an invitation before, but he refused for various reasons. It seemed that she was really anxious.

You can see some clues from the fact that Youde only invited him today. It is clear that the Black Cloud Group has invested in the UK. It seems that the British also know that the return of Xiangjiang is irreversible.

But now the limited energy has to be put on Japan, China, and the Soviet Union. In the past, although the British investment was able to pick up some bargains, compared with these three countries, the benefits obtained were not even a tad bit worse.

Kindness is hard to accept, and Youde has already said it for this sake. If you really continue to shirk, it is estimated that you will not give yourself a good look in the future. Rejection is a science, and Bao's richest man may still be worse.