Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 942

Chapter 942

The day passed quickly, and Bao Zixuan would definitely go home for dinner. At this time, he is no longer alone, and it is not good to leave his new wife and mother at home. The senior management of the group also understand that, after all, the boss just got married, so he can't ignore the boss's wife.

And because of their relationship, Bao Zixuan didn't go home. Even if the proprietress didn't say anything, there would definitely be resentment in her heart. When it comes to them, it's not a good thing. Of course, this is just an assumption and may not exist. But it is still necessary to take precautions, so as not to end badly in the end.

When Bao Zixuan returned home, his mother and Zhang Youran had already prepared dinner. And the two also opened a bottle of red wine, which seemed to be ready to drink.

In my impression, Li Yulin seems to have never drank alcohol. What happened today, is it any different.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mom, leisurely, I'm so interested in drinking today."

The richest man Bao's favorite hobby is drinking, and he keeps a lot of good wine at home. Li Yulin didn't even bother to watch before, but now she wants her daughter-in-law to drink with her. It seems that after I got married, my mother finally found someone to accompany her.

Li Yulin: "Now that you and Youran are married, half of my wish has been fulfilled. Even if you don't go home, you won't be so lonely. It's better to drink some wine to relax. Before, it was just boring to drink alone."

Halfway through, Bao Zixuan and Zhang Youran felt embarrassed. The family lacked everything, and the issue of getting married and having children was bound to be put on the agenda.

In fact, Zhang Youran knew very well that whether or not she could have children after marriage was related to her status in the family. Not to mention marrying Bao Zixuan, the same goes for marrying an ordinary person. And with Bao Zixuan's worth and status, he must have a son. Most of the rich in Hong Kong are from the Chaoshan area and have a very strong concept. Zhang Youran also grew up in a big family, of course he understood the reason.

Li Yulin also found out that it was wrong, she couldn't force the two children too tightly. But wanting to hug her grandson made it hard for her to keep her mouth shut.

She knew that although Zhang Youran had already married her, she had just gotten married not long after all. Still can't let go, it may have a lot to do with family education. In order to make the atmosphere less awkward, he had to answer his mother's question.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, you already have a plan, and you will definitely be able to fulfill all your wishes."

After that, we talked about some company affairs, mainly Bao Zixuan told them to listen to them. After all, the two women are also bored at home, and it's good to hear new things outside.

After learning that Heiyun Group does not announce the performance of the branch, but reports on the research and development projects and progress; Li Yulin is very pleased, it seems that her son has grown up. Knowing that the wealth is not revealed, although it is not as sharp as before, it is of great benefit to the development of the company.

Zhang Youran didn't know the specific situation of Heiyun Group, but Li Yulin helped to read the ledger. The scale of the company's funding is incredible, even a little scary.

A woman, never thought that her son would be so rich. Extremes meet, for a mother, the son's money is enough.

The next morning, Bao Zixuan set off from home to the company; by this time the executive was already waiting for him in the conference room. Yesterday was only halfway done, and today the work will be done even at night. According to Chinese tradition, tomorrow is the first day of the Chinese New Year. As a boss, you must give red envelopes to employees, which is a bit out of place to talk about work.

Yuan Tianfan of Heiyun Bank is rather embarrassed. Other companies in Heiyun are industrial enterprises. The customer bank is mainly financial, and the investment in research and development is not very large.

At this time, it has not yet entered the Internet era, and it does not involve network security issues. The banking industry is relatively traditional and mature, and I really don't know what R&D is. However, the boss requires a report, and as a subordinate, you must obey.

Yuan Tianfan can only bite the bullet and say: "Heiyun Bank is different from other branches, and has little investment in research and development recently. It is mainly for outward expansion, so it can only start from this aspect and report to the group; I hope more understanding and support."

Everyone understands this, and Yuan Tianfan is very popular within Heiyun. Many branch companies turn to Yuan Tianfan for help when they have insufficient funds. This is the **** of wealth of the group, and no one dares to offend him.

Yuan Tianfan continued: "The most important expansion of Heiyun Bank is in mainland China. After obtaining the approval of Heiyun Bank to enter into the establishment of branches in mainland China, it has established branches in all municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capitals, and cities under separate state planning in mainland China."

"Currently, there are 70 Heiyun Bank branches in mainland China, and it is expected to reach about 120 by the end of 1984."

"The second is the US market. After taking over 35 branches of Morgan Bank, it has successively opened 7 branches in the United States, and it is expected to reach 50 by the end of the year."

"The rest of the region is dominated by big cities, and governments of different countries have different requirements for banks. Only after you have thoroughly understood the rules will you enter."

The U.S. banking industry is highly competitive, and everyone knows it. As an outsider, the development of Heiyun Bank will definitely have an impact; but I didn't expect it to be so excluded. During the last Hong Kong dollar crisis, Heiyun acquired 35 branches from Morgan Bank. It has only opened up until now, and it has only added 7 in a year. You must know that this is the world's largest financial market. It seems that the Americans' suppression of the black cloud has never stopped.

Industrial enterprises may have failed for other reasons. In addition to the black cloud car and black cloud computer registered in the United States, even if the sales volume is higher. As long as there is no monopoly; Americans will not have much opinion.

In the banking field, Heiyun is a new recruit. Wall Street capitalists have the power to influence the political situation in the United States. They don't want to make Heiyun Bank comfortable, so they really can't compete with it with their existing strength.

The Huaxia market gave people a lot of surprises, but they did not expect to develop so rapidly. Everyone is smart, plus Bao Zixuan deliberately instilled. Most of Heiyun executives believe that the Huaxia market has great achievements, and it is a matter of time before the economy develops.

As a large country with a population of more than 1 billion, the development of the economy means a huge market. At present, other multinational banks in the world have not yet entered the Chinese mainland, and Black Cloud can be said to have seized the opportunity. Seizing the opportunity is the key, and the future is bound to get rich benefits.

Bao Zixuan: "We don't know anything about the bank, so we can only ask President Yuan. If you have any requirements, or what other branches need to do, you can say it directly."

As the richest man Bao said, most of them studied science and engineering and knew little about the financial industry. But Yuan Tianfan didn't dare to do such a task. With the boss's ingenuity, if he really wanted to learn, he was really no match.

Heiyun must have a professional intelligence team, and Yuan Tianfan has a deep understanding of this.

No one would have thought that Bao Zixuan was a transmigrator. After all, it was too unbelievable. But every time we can grasp the opportunity, if there is no strong intelligence force, it is impossible to be so accurate in gathering think tanks to analyze.

Yuan Tianfan admired Bao Zixuan's operation from Wharf to Hutchison Whampoa. If the boss specializes in the financial industry, no one in Hong Kong can stand out.

It's just that Bao Zixuan's financial strength was overshadowed by the brilliance of an engineering genius.

The boss is modest, he can't push his nose on his face. Say you are an expert and take yourself seriously.

Yuan Tianfan: "At present, all the branches of Heungkong can be connected through the network, which is still unreachable in other regions. If we want to globalize the Heiyun Bank, the network problem must be solved."

"I want to do a good job of planning and layout before other banks realize this problem."

Bao Zixuan was very happy to hear this. If Yuan Tianfan was really aware of this problem, he was not trying to cater to himself. Then the starting point of Heiyun Bank will definitely be much higher than other competitors, and the development prospect is bound to be bright.

Bao Zixuan: "It seems that President Yuan is very optimistic about the development of the Internet, so it shows that the idea is correct. The banking industry is an inevitable trend. The existing bank remittance business is too cumbersome, and the efficiency is also very low."

"The computer company has teamed up with Heiyun Bank to upgrade the bank's network system. Not only the software needs to be upgraded, but also the hardware must not be relaxed. At the same time, Heiyun Bank also has to recruit its own network engineers, and professional maintenance is still required."

"In addition, no matter which company it is, access to the Internet will definitely involve security issues. Of course, it does not mean that there is any danger to life, and the Internet is not enough to kill people directly."

"But the invisible knife is even more terrifying. It is also very possible to steal company information through the Internet; and core data. This is not an alarmist, but something that will happen in the future. Using the Internet is very convenient, but security issues must always be put first. bit."

At this time, Bao Zixuan's words were hardly understood until a few years later when hackers appeared on the Internet. The management of Heiyun suddenly realized that, and could only admire it from the bottom of his heart.

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