Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 941

Chapter 941

At least half of the profits are used for research and development every year. It is not an empty phrase, but it must be put in place. Of course, waste must be avoided. After all, no one's money comes from the wind. The annual R&D investment and capital flow of Heiyun Group are huge. However, Bao Zixuan was aware of the problem at the beginning of its establishment, so a professional accounting firm would come to check the accounts every month.

It used to be only one, but now it has grown to four. And it is rotated every quarter, which has excluded all kinds of problems from the root. Of course, the world is big, and everyone has it; seeing so much money turning around every day, there will definitely be people who dare to risk the world. Bao Zixuan's attitude towards this is zero tolerance, as long as he dares to take wealth other than wages and bonuses, or things that do not belong to him. Then, no matter how expensive it is, people will be sent to prison.

Therefore, after arresting several middle-level managers, no one dared to do anything in the Heiyun Group.

But there is one thing that Bao Zixuan has done very well. The salary of Heiyun employees is definitely the top in the industry. It can be said that there is no company that dares to say that it is more willing than Heiyun.

Ground effect aircraft only need to develop normally. After all, it is an emerging product, and no one knows where to go next.

The real technology leader of the various branches of the Black Cloud Group is Steven Cezanne of the digital camera company; even Yul Engel of the mobile phone company can't compare in many cases. Yule Engel is not the real inventor of the mobile phone after all, and in the field of digital cameras, the world recognizes Steven Cezanne's achievements.

Seeing his boss looking at himself, Steven Cezanne stood up and said: "Digital camera companies are working on 10-megapixel products. At present, the lens has been successfully developed, mainly because the software and other auxiliary equipment are not enough. But I have Confidence to complete all the details within half a year and achieve mass production within a year."

The black cloud is at the forefront of the world in the field of optics, and the East German Carl Zeiss company is almost hollowed out. Of course, Bunzixuan's willingness to pay is one aspect, and more importantly, it is the decision of the East German system. Carl Zeiss engineers and skilled workers all hope to work in the Black Cloud Group. Not only because of the high salary and good treatment, but more importantly, freedom. It is very safe to work here, as long as the tasks are completed on time. You can do whatever you want in your spare time. In order to stay in Xiangjiang, some even ask their sons to marry a Xiangjiang girl, and their daughters find a Xiangjiang person to marry.

With the assistance of this optical giant, in addition to Steven Cezanne's understanding of digital cameras, and Bao Zixuan's unconditional support, it is difficult for a digital camera company to develop. If it enters tens of millions of pixels, then the disadvantage of digital products compared with traditional roll-up cameras is not so obvious, and the pace of replacement will inevitably accelerate.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Steven Cezanne was very satisfied. It is an achievement to prove that your research and development achievements are recognized by everyone. Since being appointed by Bao Zixuan as the general manager of Heiyun Digital Xiangjiang, he was promoted to vice president at the last summary meeting. Many senior executives of the group have some opinions on him, thinking that his ability and contribution to the company cannot reach such a high level.

Digital cameras are niche products with very limited sales. People who can now use digital cameras can be described as phoenix water chestnuts. The contribution to the company is very small, and it is optional. The general manager of so many branches is not yet the vice president. How can he take on such a heavy responsibility? Of course, some people will not be convinced.

This year has not been very pleasant, basically staying in the laboratory. If he wants to fight for a breath, he must prove to the world that he is a capable and responsible person.

Steven Cezanne continued: "At the same time, a digital camera has also been established, and it can be successfully developed in the next three years."

When they heard that they were going to develop a digital camera, everyone felt even more incredible. Although the principle of digital Hong Kong is similar to that of digital camera, the technical difference is not small. Photos take up limited space, but videos require a lot of space to store data.

With the capacity of the current memory chip, it can't store much content at all. If it is just a tasteless product, it will not be developed at all in the character of Steven Cezanne.

The father of digital cameras is not a vain name, and it is also a big blow to his reputation if he does not have a good product.

After all, where is the name, no one dares to question it without seeing the real thing. That's not questioning Steven Cezanne, maybe the boss's vision.

Bao Zixuan: "The digital camera and software adjustment technology can be strengthened to see if we can integrate the camera with the mobile phone; Heiyun is to develop subversive products. We have already made things that others have not thought of; but A very fulfilling thing.

Yule Engel, the Heiyun mobile phone company, has always been so self-willed that he basically doesn't come to meetings. Although Oblak has been appointed as the general manager of Black Cloud Network Engineering Company, he is still just an empty shell. This time, the meeting was held on behalf of the mobile phone department, and the reporting work was a matter of course.

Oblak stood up and said: "The mobile phone department is currently moving towards color screen phones, and it is expected that the prototype will be available within six months."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan is very relieved, with the major breakthrough made by Black Cloud on the LCD screen. All electronic products that require a screen have been greatly improved in display. Although the mobile phone is small, the requirements for the screen are very high. When other companies don't understand the black and white screen, Heiyun Mobile can launch a color screen mobile phone.

Not only quickly occupy the market, but also let the whole world remember the black cloud mobile phone.

The mobile phone division has been the group's most profitable business, if not even one. It may be that the Blackstone Fund can compete with it, but it does not belong to the black cloud system. In fact, including Heiyun Bank, Bao Zixuan wants to divest.

The positioning of the Black Cloud Group must be clear, and the banner of an industrial enterprise cannot fall. Everyone knows that it is impossible to develop a country or region without industrial support. Maybe a small country can also use other human resources; but for a big country, without the support of high-end industries, it is not a superpower at all.

Starting this year, the mobile phone division will have new phones on the market every month. It is necessary to include high, medium and low-end markets, thereby increasing market share.

Previously, the mobile phone division did not produce low-end phones for fear of antitrust investigations. But now that the opponent has grown up, they can't follow the original plan. Bao Zixuan is going to adopt the Nokia model. As for the Apple model, it will not be implemented until the appearance of smart phones.

Oblak continued: "The mobile phone department employs many well-known designers from all over the world, and their daily task is to draw pictures. As long as they can draw them, we can develop them."

"Now a stable industrial chain has been formed, and the effect is very good so far."

Hearing that the top executives of other branches here seem to be enlightened, mobile phone companies can do this. They can do the same. Although product diversification will increase the cost of a single piece, it will also give customers more choices. Being able to meet demand as much as possible will inevitably increase sales.

And it will also drive competitors crazy. You will find that no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to keep up with the footsteps of Heiyun Group. Naturally, you will choose to give up. It has a lot to do with it. I hope other branches can get some inspiration from it, and good methods can be applied to many industries.

"Everyone should know that Oblak has been appointed as the general manager of the network equipment company of the Black Cloud Group. The group cooperates with the United States to jointly build an Internet project. This is a big project, and the prospects will be beyond imagination."

"There are ten auxiliary root servers in the world, and Yulin Institute of Technology has won a valuable place. This is a once-in-lifetime opportunity, which is directly related to how far the company will go in the future."

"For network issues, if you don't understand anything, you can consult Professor Posak. Company personnel must be proficient in network knowledge, which will enter the group employee assessment system."

"Oblak is giving you the first order, which is to connect the various branches within Heiyun first. Before the Internet is connected, build a local area network within the group."

Although I know that the company is going to engage in Internet projects, the Internet is more of a concept at this time. I didn't expect that the boss would attach so much importance to it. Entering the employee appraisal system is not a trivial matter. It seems that I have to study hard when I go back, so as not to be smeared when I get it.

Oblak didn't expect that Bao Zixuan would not mention the mobile phone issue, but set up a network company. It seems to be very satisfied with the mobile phone department, but also reflects the importance of network companies. No matter what kind of result, it is a kind of recognition for him.

At this time, it is only when he is inside the black cloud that he can gain a firm foothold and truly enter the top management of the group.

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