Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Janice Dickinson is definitely a smart woman, and her relatively independent personality makes him not want to be just a man's appendage. But sometimes it is very helpless to be a woman, and you have to rely on a man to take the top. Beauty is only temporary, and the face will grow old sooner or later. But for men, as long as there is money, there is basically no shortage of women.

I have been in the modeling circle for many years, and I have seen these very thoroughly. Although little MacDonald is fascinated, he is not as gloomy as other men. It is also a good choice to become Mrs. MacDonald if you can get your heart out. At present, I can only imagine myself here, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I must do my best.

Seeing my sister thinking over there, my sister couldn't help it. Did you call yourself here just to wait here, what does it mean!

Debbie - Dickinson is still too young to consider many issues so thoroughly. It may also be that the elder sister took good care and protection of him before, so that he did not understand the worldly customs in society.

Debbie-Dickinson: "Sister, what do these two men mean! Are we going to wait here forever, or go somewhere else!"

"It was the first time I came to the aircraft factory, and I really wanted to see how the aircraft was produced."

Hearing her sister's thoughts, her sister was speechless for a while. What is this place, where the headquarters of McDonnell Douglas is located. There are too many military secrets, and if the two of them turn around, they must be caught as spies. And being a woman has to be patient, especially when a man is working.

A man is working, but you are acting like a spoiled child and fooling around there. Men will think that you are at most a vase, and there is no need to continue reading when you are tired of watching. At this time, you must let the man feel that you will be waiting for him at home or next to him. If you need anything, you can find her at any time, and she will never rely on a man's hind legs.

The only way to be a successful man's partner, or even a wife.

Men work to make money, and the purpose of making money is to spend them. If you can't even stand the time to make money, then who would be willing to spend money on you.

The two sisters looked bright and bright, but they were only relative to ordinary people. In the eyes of the super rich, it is at most a plaything and a reward. So never show any impatience, because there is no capital for impatience.

My sister doesn't understand, as a sister I can only enlighten me carefully.

Janice Dickinson: "Debbie, what is this place? The headquarters of McDonnell Douglas, where many advanced fighter jets of the military are produced. Although the two of us are Americans, any contact with anyone without authorization is confidential. Strong weapons and equipment will be in trouble."

"And the man inside is working. If you want to make a good impression on the other party, you can't make trouble."

"Career is a man's guts; the man who has no career or wealth dares to provoke us. Even if he comes over to chat up, it will make people feel annoying. This is the reality, and no one can change it."

"I don't care who Little MacDonald is. I'm afraid the whole world knows who Bao Zixuan is. He is a man who is known as the world's No. 1 diamond king, and not that woman is qualified to wait for others."

"Don't be ignorant of happiness in the midst of happiness. For these super-rich people. The little money we make on the catwalk is nothing at all, and people don't care about it at all."

"Young McDonnell made a phone call, and Bao Zixuan sent him three cars directly. The value is more than one million dollars, and if it is put on the black market, the price may double. The black cloud George Patton military vehicle has become famous, and many people are There is no way to buy it.

"Our two sisters are quite good in the modeling circle. The value of three cars requires us to work for a year without eating or drinking. This is the gap. In the eyes of ordinary people, we are stars on the runway, with beautiful faces and Sexy body. But in the eyes of the super rich, we are at most a vase.

"As long as they want to, there are so many vases that there will even be queues. Don't be discouraged, some people just want to be vases and don't have a chance."

"If Bao Zixuan says he likes the girl in the modeling circle, he probably won't have to wait until the next day. He will come to the door that night, that's the reality."

"Even if they don't marry you, they won't let you suffer; because this man's generosity ranks first in the world. If you get pregnant during this process, then let alone your whole life, you won't have to worry about money in your next life."

Debbie Dickinson is a little confused, is this still the sister she knows! I wouldn't tell her this before, what happened today.

In fact, Janice Dickinson didn't want to tell her sister the dark side of society, but today's timing is too good. With Bao Zixuan by his side, this is an opportunity that most girls in the world dream of. I didn't expect my sister to catch up, so I didn't hurry up.

Debbie Dickinson: "Where's Little MacDonald! I think he's a little different from other men, you won't be serious this time!"

The speed of my sister changing boyfriends is not slow. At this time, Debbie wants to know her true thoughts.

Janice Dickinson: "Little MacDonald isn't bad. If you try hard enough, there's still hope."

"But it's hard to say for a man like Bao Zixuan, because until now no one knows what kind of woman he really likes."

"There was a saying in the modeling circle about what kind of woman Xiangjiang Bao Zixuan likes. This is not groundless, but every beautiful woman wants to marry a wealthy family. Especially the wealthy generation who are devoted to scientific research and business, at least they have not married before. So many rules and constraints."

"Little MacDonald is because his father is not here, otherwise he would not dare to associate with people like us! The rich and powerful look at the scenery, and they don't have to worry about food and clothing, but there are some rules that must be followed."

"Get it right this time, and our family won't have to worry about money in the future. That's why I always protect you. You need to know who is next to you. There can be no better time than today. I hope you will Take your chance."

At this time, Debbie-Dickinson finally understood her sister's good intentions, and recalled that in the past few years, her sister helped her block some things every time. At this time, she had already made a decision in her heart, and she must give full play to her own advantages.

At this time, I saw little MacDonald walking out. Janice Dickinson hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "What's next?"

Seeing that the woman had been waiting outside, little MacDonald was a little surprised. The two super beauties are actually able to endure loneliness. It seems that models are not all vases.

Little MacDonald: "Both of them are lunatics. It is estimated that it will not be over in a while. Some people will give you something to eat. We will wait here while we eat."

Debbie-Dickinson asked cautiously: "Isn't there still people inside! We eat here, no matter how good they are!"

Janice-Dickinson is very happy to hear this, it seems that her sister is enlightened. Know distressed people, and know how to learn.

The one who knows Bao Zixuan the most here is none other than Little MacDonald. Asking him is not guaranteed to be completely correct, but it is the best choice right now.

Little MacDonald said with a smile: "The two of them are traditional science and engineering men. Before the issue has been discussed, don't disturb them, or you will have to turn your face."

"It is said that Bao Zixuan works crazy, it seems that what he said is true."

Hearing not to disturb, Debbie Dickinson took it to heart.

If you want to conquer a man, you need to understand him in all aspects. My sister is right, career is the courage of a man. A man without a career does not look down on meeting a good man himself, and waiting patiently is the best choice. Don't say help, but don't make trouble.

Janice Dickinson said with a smile: "Dear; you are also from an aviation can be said to be a family background. Besides, you are a graduate of aviation, and you are in charge of one of the largest aircraft manufacturing companies in the world. "

Little MacDonald was familiar with Janice Dickinson, and of course knew some sarcasm. However, this is also the fun of both men and women. You can't always please one person, otherwise it will make people look down on it.

And with the character of Little MacDonald, it is impossible to be angry with such a trivial matter.

Little MacDonald: "My level, it's okay to fool a layman. The two of them are the world's top aerospace engineers, and they can't talk at all; it's better not to be embarrassed."

"And with two men, how can it be comfortable to chat with two beauties."

Debbie-Dickinson saw everything in his eyes; he began to gradually understand why his sister was able to walk among so many men with ease.

This is also a kind of skill, and he is still far from it; at this time Debbie-Dickinson is constantly thinking.

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