Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 907

Chapter 907

After a few simple salutations, the two immediately drew closer. This is the benefit of the alumni circle, and it is also the reason why so many well-known Hollywood directors have supported their alma mater after the USC scandal.

William-Wales-Douglas was angry, and even a little sad, that Douglas was taken over by McDonnell. But for MIT, the alma mater that cultivated him, there is no complaint at all. And MIT is not only his alma mater, but also the alma mater of his father, Donald Welsh Douglas.

It is not without reason that Bao Zixuan is known as the greatest graduate of MIT. The current achievements alone have surpassed those of the founders of MacDonald and Douglas. As for how high the future will develop, only God knows.

With a arrogant personality, Bao Zixuan came to visit in person. They didn't offend you, so the face that should be given must be given. Otherwise, not only will it affect me, but the company and family may also be affected.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Senior, how far is the design of the super passenger plane. The development of the black cloud engine has already begun, and the finished product will definitely be seen within a year."

What does this kid mean, he is not satisfied with the speed of his own research and development. William-Wales-Douglas said very formally: "You said that there is no market for three-engine airliners, and the future will definitely be a world of twin-engine and four-engine aircraft."

Why mention this again, it seems that the old man still can't let go.

The three-engine airliner is mainly due to his support. Of course, he will be dissatisfied when he hears that someone wants to build a four-engine super-large airliner. And this person is not an ordinary layman, but a super genius in the aviation industry once in a century.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Everyone understands that the three-engine design is inherently inadequate. Especially the engines arranged at the tail seriously affect the optimization of the aircraft's performance, so it is far inferior to the four-engine or two-engine layout. Because the three-engine aircraft The power structure is unstable. The stability and balance of power output at three points is far less than symmetrical output at two or four points. When encountering problems, accidents are more likely to occur. Also, the engine has a certain weight Yes. A three-engine aircraft must have an engine on the rudder, which will cause some weighting problems. In terms of fuel consumption, which is the most important thing for airlines, three-engine is not as good as two-engine.

"In fact, it's not just three engines, but with the increasing thrust of aero-engines. Even the four-engine aircraft, the hegemon in the sky, will gradually withdraw from the stage of history."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan actually said that the four rounds are going to withdraw from the stage of history, why should they continue to develop them? Little MacDonald wanted to say something, but looking at the posture of the two, he did not dare to speak.

It's okay to fool the beautiful models outside with my aviation knowledge, but these two are top experts in aviation. Compared with them, he is the level of primary school students. You can't be embarrassed in front of experts, and since Bao Zixuan knew that the four-engine super-large airliner was going to be eliminated, he spared no effort in research and development. It is definitely not that there is so much money that there is nowhere to spend it, and no one in the heart will invest in this area.

In fact, William-Wales-Douglas is of course aware of the disadvantages of the three-engine aircraft, but he does not want to be the same as Boeing. It may be because of his vanity. Of course, it is not absolute. Three-engine aircraft can indeed save some fuel. It's just that compared with the potential safety hazards, saving that little oil won't attract customers' favor at all.

I didn't expect this kid in front of me to be so decisive, and this idea is not unreasonable. Who would have thought 40 years ago that planes could fly so fast and have such a wide range. No one could have imagined the progress of science and technology, and it might be possible.

William - Wales - Douglas: "The future is really the world of your young people. It seems that I am really old. I know that the four-engine super-large passenger aircraft will be eliminated, and I have to invest in research and development. It seems that this product is destined to be a transitional product. You should have other ideas of your own!"

"In that case, let's take a good look at it. You are an expert in aviation, so don't hide your opinions. Only by discussing together can technology improve, and at the same time, you are responsible to users."

A blueprint appeared in front of Bao Zixuan, and he was very shocked after seeing it. Because this drawing reminded him of a name - the Airbus A380 double-decker airliner.

In fact, the richest man in Bao has some misunderstandings, because before the Airbus A380. McDonnell Douglas also launched a double-decker airliner, the project codenamed MD-12, but it ended in failure.

William-Wales-Douglas continued: "MD-12 superjumbo; overall dimensions; wingspan 64.92 meters; length 63.40 meters; height 22.55 meters; wing area 543.0 meters*2; main wheelbase 11.58 meters; The wheelbase is 26.82 meters.

"Internal dimensions: main cabin width 7.39m; upper cabin width 5.20m; height (all) 8.50m; under-floor luggage compartment volume 126.4m*3; main luggage compartment volume 521.5m*3; upper luggage compartment volume 198.1m*3 ."

"The design range is 14,500-15,800 kilometers, and the final value depends on what kind of engines the black cloud can provide."

"The MD-12 requires a powerplant with a thrust of 1,100 kN, that is, four engines with a single thrust of at least 267 kN."

Bao Zixuan was a little fascinated, and William-Wales-Douglas continued: "The original plan was to lengthen the MD-10 aircraft that have been put into use, still use 3 engines, and the three-stage layout can carry 375 passengers. Last time McDonnell Jr. gives some of your opinions, while considering the higher direct use cost per seat:mile."

"Only revised the plan, and replaced the original three-engine release with four-engine. The plan is mainly extended to two types of four-engine 630-seat and dual-engine 500-seat models."

Hearing this, I combined some information from my previous life. Bao Zixuan has fully understood that Americans have many design concepts that are really ahead of their time.

Had it not been for McDonnell Douglas' untimely early death in the 1990s, the MD-12 would have likely succeeded ahead of the Airbus A380.

William-Wales-Douglas watched Bao Zixuan keep glancing at the fuselage, and said: "The fuselage has an elliptical section, and most of the 63.4-meter-long fuselage has a width of 7.4 meters and a height of 8.5 meters. , the lower two cabins, and the bottom floor is for luggage and cargo. The upper and lower cabins are connected by two conventional stairs, and the width of the stairs allows two passengers with luggage to pass in both directions. Passengers need to go through the lower floor when getting on and off the plane. Stairs in front of the cabin The front is first class. The cabins behind the front stairs and the upper deck can be arranged as business or economy.

Although smaller than its successor, the Airbus A380, it is still adequate. In fact, in Bao Zixuan's view, the Airbus A380 is a bit of a waste. In later generations, only individual airlines have purchased them, and they are often dissatisfied with staff.

The super-rich all own private planes, and those with less economic conditions opt for low-cost airlines. Therefore, it is normal for the Airbus A380 to not be full of people, and now this size is very good.

Bao Zixuan: "There is no problem with the overall layout of the aircraft, at least I think it is feasible. In terms of aero engines, Heiyun will develop supporting products. In fact, the existing engine can also meet the requirements, but we must do our best. It has to outperform the 747 at every level, or the airlines won't pay for it."

"In addition, the avionics system, control system, flight effect system, and communication system will be jointly developed by Black Cloud and Motorola. I believe that there will be no problems with the combination of the top talents of the two companies."

"Mitsubishi will solve the precision parts processing, and wait for the design to be finalized. The four of us sit down together and have a good communication. This aircraft must give people a different feeling, or I will be sorry for the efforts of the four companies."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan was so lighthearted, he solved all the problems, very much like an emperor to point out where to go. To know that this is McDonnell Douglas headquarters, little MacDonald does not know how to describe it. But the mood at this time should not be very After all, the two technical experts were chatting, and he basically couldn't get in.

This time it was even more exaggerated, Bao Zixuan finished. William-Wales-Douglas said directly: "It's a good idea. There are hundreds of thousands of parts involved in the aircraft, including too many subsystems; you have to find the most professional company to achieve the best results."

"McDonnell Douglas will complete the design as soon as possible, and will notify the three of you in advance when everything is ready."

Knowing that it was superfluous here, little MacDonald left naturally. It's just that the two of them can't talk about professional knowledge, and now old William also needs to talk about cooperation. Since the old man is so interested, it is better not to disturb.

In fact, some concessions had to be made at some point, although it was MacDonald's merger with Douglas. But the Douglas family still owns a lot of shares in the new company, and no one has so much cash to pay.

At McDonnell Douglas, the Douglas family still carries a lot of weight. Under normal circumstances, little MacDonald will give each other face. Since it is redundant here, it is more comfortable to chat with beautiful women. With this idea in mind, little MacDonald went out to chat with the Dickinson sisters about their lives.

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