Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 600

Chapter 600

Youde was a little puzzled, because he was working in the office and suddenly received an application from Heiyun. Bao Zixuan, chairman of Heiyun Group, wanted to see him, which made him feel incredible. According to the records of the Governor's Office, Bao Zixuan never took the initiative to make an appointment with the Governor and the high-ranking government officials. Today is the sun coming out from the west, which one is the richest man Bao singing.

But no matter what Bao Zixuan's purpose is, it's a good thing to be able to take the initiative to meet. Now the attitude of the Chinese mainland is so firm, and I heard that the high-level leaders of Kyoto once again organized a wealthy Chinese businessman from Hong Kong to visit China. Bao Zixuan, who was about to leave, came to visit him now. Did he want to show his attitude? This made Youde very excited.

Youde quickly asked the secretary to adjust the time. The purpose of canceling all the trips the next morning was to receive the richest man. The British would like to know the truest thoughts of Bao Zixuan. If Heiyun can migrate to the UK, then it will not be so important to who manages Xiangjiang.

Early the next morning, Bao Zixuan set out for the Governor's Mansion with the documents prepared overnight; these were all used to persuade Youde to prepare. It's not perfect, but you can also know a general meaning, after all, the preparation time is too short. Bao Zixuan just wanted to show an attitude, an attitude to let Youde know that he wants to continue to develop in Xiangjiang.

Although the British prefer the Black Cloud Group to relocate to the UK as a whole, it is not bad to be able to stay in Hong Kong when not going to the UK. Although Huaxia's attitude is firm, but the dust has not yet settled, everything is unknown. It is not unacceptable that Heiyun can wholeheartedly develop in Xiangjiang. After all, Xiangjiang can still create a lot of benefits for the British at this time.

When Bao Zixuan came to Youde's office, the old man didn't delay at all. Directly asked Bao Zixuan to sit down, and the two began to chat briefly.

Youde: "Heiyun's recent work is not small, and he has set an example for other companies in Xiangjiang."

"Only by going global can Xiangjiang enterprises achieve long-term development. The area of Xiangjiang is still too small. However, it is time to choose the British Empire; cultural connections are more conducive to business management."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan knew that Youde wanted Heung Kong companies to go to the UK for development. If Heung Kong companies could build factories and make large-scale investments in the UK, it would not matter whether Heung Kong returned or not. However, none of these Bao Zixuan dared to promise, and there is no advantage in setting up a factory in the UK; and it is easy for Huaxia to misunderstand, but on the surface, they dare not say so.

Bao Zixuan: "This time I went to the Middle East to build a factory because of the promises made during the Hong Kong dollar crisis. I promised the Middle East royal family and the Rothschild family that if they are willing to help Hong Kong, then the Black Cloud Group can consider going to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Establishment of factories."

"People have already fulfilled Ruo Yan, and as a company, it is not easy for us to fail to fulfill the promises we promised at the beginning. This time, it can be said that it is entirely to save the credit of Hong Kong dollars. Investing in places like the Middle East is very risky."

Hearing that the Rothschild family helped Xiangjiang is to make Heiyun go to Israel to build a factory Youde was a little angry, what is the difference between this and a traitor. Rothschilds are British, they didn't see their contribution during the Falklands War, and now they actually help Israel. It appears that these people were Jews first and English second. London has been so kind to them that they are so unscrupulous now.

It seems that the country should really check the Rothschild family to see how much assets they have transferred to Israel. These are the wealth of the British Empire, but they do not belong to the Jews, and are now being transferred away by these guys. This is a betrayal of the Empire, and they should pay the price.

However, Bao Zixuan's ability to invite the Saudi royal family and the Rothschild family can only be imagined, and it seems that it will be even more difficult to manage in the future.

Youde: "Of course I know the difficulties of the Heiyun Group and you. This time, I have paid a lot for Xiangjiang. The people of Xiangjiang take it in their hearts, and as the Governor of Xiangjiang, I dare not forget it. Her Majesty has mentioned it many times, I want you Go to the UK and award you a medal in person. Whether it's your performance in the Falklands War or your ability to turn the tide in this Hong Kong dollar crisis, you deserve this honor."

Hearing this again, Bao Zixuan felt annoyed. London had long wanted to let him pass, but the richest man Bao, who did not want to pass before the Huaying negotiation, had been looking for reasons to shirk. Now China will definitely misunderstand in the past, then all the previous efforts will be in vain. However, there must be an explanation from the British. After all, no one dares to release the pigeons of the British royal family easily.

Bao Zixuan: "I also want to go to the UK. I am very interested in the British car brand that the Prime Minister said last time. People have already done preliminary investigation. Once the acquisition can be reached, I will definitely go to the UK to sign a contract. It can be done at that time. Go to see the Queen and her old man with sincerity, or I will be embarrassed to do nothing."

It can be said that Bao Zixuan's answer is impeccable, so that Youde doesn't know what to say. It's not that people don't go, but they want to go with the results.

Youde said with a smile: "As thoughtful as you think, there are many car brands in the British Empire. It is because of the limited ability of the founding family's descendants that business problems arise. If Heiyun Group can take over, these brands will surely be rejuvenated with new vitality. ."

"The UK not only owns car brands, but also has many other industries to invest in. I heard that Baohuodong Mining Company's operation and financial situation are very good, and it is possible to consider investing in British steel companies."

Now the UK is not only bad for the automotive industry, but other industries are also not much better. Because Baohuodong Mining Company has too many shareholders, many of them have inextricable interests with HSBC. Therefore, Bao Zixuan did not do so absolutely, and the company still kept the HSBC bank account, which led the British to understand the financial situation of the mining company. Now that Youde asks this question, Bao Zixuan thinks that he will finally have a chance to knock HSBC out this time. Bao Yugang didn't say much about leaking customer information, but now he has to deal with the Governor first.

The British felt incredible when they knew the revenue of Baohuo Dong Company, but it was reasonable to analyze it carefully. Because no company can compete with them, it can be said that the pricing power of rare earth minerals in the world is in their hands, and it is difficult to make money.

Seeing this, the British hoped that they would be able to acquire the steel companies of Great Britain, the birthplace of the first industrial revolution. It was once the country with the highest steel production in the world, but due to the increase in transportation, labor and land costs, it has no international competitive advantage at all.

Domestic construction has already taken shape and does not require large-scale investment. As a result, the steel production capacity is extremely excessive, and there is no price advantage in the international market. It is conceivable what the state of British steel companies will be.

Now that there is something to ask Youde, the richest man Bao can only agree first. But I also thought of a pretext, so I said with a smile: "Bao Huo Dong Mining Company is not the only one who has the final say, but also to listen to the opinions of other shareholders. Especially the three founding shareholders Huo Yingdong, Bao Yugang and Dong Haoyun, they If I disagree, I won't say much, after all, it is a partnership business, unlike the Heiyun Group, I can make the decision by myself."

"However, I will put forward a proposal to buy British Steel at the board of At the same time, I will conduct a preliminary inspection. There are still many companies in the British Empire with deep roots, but the people who manage these companies have big problems, or It can be said that the lack of courage has led to the stagnation of business operations; I think Baohuodong Mining Company should not have these problems after taking over."

What Bao Zixuan said was very reasonable, and he also showed his acquisition intention. Youde shouldn't push too hard, that would be too obvious. Business matters should still be resolved by commercial means, and administrative intervention is not easy. That would be counterproductive, and it would be easy for people to misunderstand; but Yoder felt very unhappy to listen to Huo Yingdong's opinion.

In the eyes of the British, Mr. Huo is absolutely impossible to win over the Xiangjiang Chinese, and he is a firm supporter of the Chinese mainland to take back the Xiangjiang. It seems that he is still working **** Bao Yugang. Fortunately, things are not so urgent and can find another opportunity.

The two of them were chatting about other people, and it could be said that they were not in a hurry. Youde adjusted the time for one morning, and Bao Zixuan also wanted to prepare the groundwork well, at least to make Youde satisfied with his attitude.

The richest man Bao felt very aggrieved by courting the British in the Chinese territory, but this is the situation now; Bao Zixuan can only keep comforting himself that everything will be fine after he returns.