Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 599

Chapter 599

When I got home, I saw my mother Li Yulin sitting on the sofa, and she was in a good mood. This makes Bao Zixuan very curious, is there anything good today! Recently, my mother has always been very thoughtful and has not been so happy for a long time.

Li Yulin was in a better mood when she saw her son coming back, and said with a smile, "You're back, why did you come back so early."

Bao Zixuan: "I just discussed some things with Li Zhaoji at the Peninsula Hotel, and the company has nothing to do. I'm worried that you will always be bored at home and come back to accompany you."

Li Yulin was very relieved to hear that her son cared about her. Seeing that her son had become the richest man in China, she couldn't believe it. This is something a single mother can do.

Li Yulin: "A Xuan, now the newspapers say that you have become the richest man in China, with assets exceeding 100 billion US dollars. Is it true?"

Bao Zixuan wondered if the mother was just for this happiness, it shouldn't be! Li Yulin can see from the financial data of Heiyun Group that she is not so happy for money.

Bao Zixuan: "It's almost a little! But you are very happy today, did you encounter something happy!"

Li Yulin: "I went to the school today and the students respected me very much. Many students from the mainland have poor family conditions, so I wanted to support them, but I didn't expect you to already think about it. in front of."

"It's very good that my son is not indifferent to the rich. Wealth and virtue are directly proportional. Only when virtue is cultivated can wealth follow, otherwise it will not be able to retain wealth."

Bao Zixuan didn't know who his mother heard from, but since he said it, he had to abide by it. If it can be exchanged for the happiness of the mother, what is it to spend a little more money.

Bao Zixuan: "We're going to the mainland in a few days, and this year we'll be in Huaxia Kyoto. Our house in the mainland has been renovated. Would you like to go take a look?"

Li Yulin was a little disappointed to hear that Bao Zixuan was not in Xiangjiang for the Chinese New Year, but she also knew that her son must have something important to do in the mainland. Although she is a woman, she also knows the problems that Xiangjiang is facing now. The dynamics of Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Xiangjiang, can determine many things.

Li Yulin: "I won't go there anymore, the mainland is still too cold in winter; I will go to the mainland to see when the village is blooming in the coming year. I heard that there are still many children over there who are not full and do not wear warm clothes. Let's take a look. Can you give them some help?"

Bao Zixuan: "Also, China's economy is not very good; there are indeed many children who need help, so that they will not be so bored at home. You can take mainland students from Yulin Institute of Technology as your tour guide during the summer vacation. I will let you know. The staff of the group's mainland branch will fully cooperate with you and try to help as many children as possible."

"And what do you need to bring to the mainland this time? This time the transportation capacity is very sufficient."

This time, I took a chartered flight to Huaxia Kyoto, and Bao Zixuan was no exception. However, in terms of logistical support, two ground effect aircraft will cooperate with them. Fly northward along the Huaxia coastline from Xiangjiang; land from Jinmen to Huaxia Kyoto.

There are very few high-rise buildings in this era, giving space for ground effect aircraft to fly. However, the aircraft must land on the outskirts of Beijing and cannot enter the urban area of Kyoto.

Kyoto is the capital of China, and being able to allow ground effect aircraft to enter is already very face-saving, but Bao Zixuan did not embarrass the Huaxia security department. Allowing them to board the aircraft and fly to Kyoto together after entering the mainland of China can be said to be a guarantee of safety.

Li Yulin didn't dare to ask Bao Zixuan to bring things back. Last time she talked about silk. This year, I worked hard to make clothes, not only that, but I also tried to give it away, but there are still a lot of things in the warehouse that have not been digested.

Li Yulin: "But let's say first, don't bring too many things back. The silk I brought last time was almost dead, and I haven't used it up yet. I don't have so many friends to give away, and it's a pity to throw it away. ."

Bao Zixuan: "Don't worry, this time will definitely not be like last time, there is nothing you want."

Li Yulin: "Recently, I like to practice calligraphy. I used to bring me some pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

Bao Zixuan didn't expect Li Yulin to like to write, this change is big enough. But as long as you have hobbies, you can be bored alone at home.

Bao Zixuan: "We have several antique shops in Kyoto, and there should be quite a few in them. I'll bring you some back then."

The son can always surprise himself, and he no longer cares about how much property Li Yulin has in the family. After all, my son's ability to make money is too strong, and maybe he will set up a new company and invest in new project research and development if he doesn't pay attention.

However, Li Yulin also had her own worries, so she said: "A Xuan! You are now the richest man in Xiangjiang, and I have not been of any help; I shouldn't have said more. When there are too many businesses, it's not a good thing.

"Not to mention that a person's energy is limited, the main thing is that the people below will have different ideas. As long as there is no supervision in place, there may be serious problems."

"You must have something important to chat with Li Zhaoji today. Can you tell me about it! Mom is not nagging, but simply wants to know what my son is going to do."

Originally, I was not going to tell my mother about this, mainly because I was afraid that she would be worried. But now that I have to ask, I have to say, otherwise, wouldn't I be more worried.

Bao Zixuan: "Li Zhaoji wants to get more shares of Baohuodong Mining Company, so he came to me. And I also want to get Henderson Land's land in the New Territories, which is currently being calculated and prepared for exchange."

"Not only that, Heiyun Group is preparing to establish a global headquarters in the New Territories. In recent years, the real estate market in Xiangjiang has been in a downturn. The construction cost is not high, and it is a good time to start construction."

"Xiangjiang real estate is a very cyclical industry, and it is impossible to say when prices will rise again."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan said that he would buy land from Henderson Land, Li Yulin didn't quite understand it. After all, Heiyun was already one of the biggest landlords in the New Territories.

Li Yulin: "Didn't the Black Cloud Group have a large site in the New Territories! Why do they have to buy from Li Shau Kee? This is how big a headquarters is going to be built."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Lee Shau Kee came up with an idea, which I think is feasible. I am going to buy all the land between Tai Mo Shan and Tin Shui Wai, including Tai Mo Shan. It will be about 70 square meters. Kilometers of land, you can build whatever you want."

Li Yulin heard that her son wanted to buy such a large piece of land, how much it would cost, and how much would it cost to build these places. Isn't that money to burn!

Li Yulin said seriously: "Xuan, I never ask about business matters, but do you know how much it will cost for such a large land! How much will it cost to build them!"

Seeing his mother's appearance, Bao Zixuan knew that he must be frightened. So he quickly comforted: "Mom, don't worry, you are an accountant, you should know the situation. According to the preliminary calculation, the price of buying the land is about 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the construction will cost about 40 billion."

Li Yulin: "These are just pre-requisite investments, not counting other follow-up investments. This project will definitely cost more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. Although the media say you have a net worth of 100 billion U.S. dollars, it is not cash. Once the black cloud capital chain breaks But it is very dangerous and there is no need to take this risk.

Bao Zixuan: "These mothers don't have to worry. The money earned from the Hong Kong dollar crisis is enough for the preliminary construction. What I'm more worried about now is that the Hong Kong government does not agree to sell Tai Mo Shan to Heiyun Group!"

Hearing that he was worried to my son was still thinking about Tai Mo Shan. Li Yulin didn't know what to say, she couldn't control her son now.

Li Yulin: "You can control it yourself! You can use a part of Tai Mo Shan as a public green space and help the citizens of Hong Kong build a forest park for free. This will stop the mouths of ordinary citizens and give the Hong Kong government a step down."

Although I want to persuade my son, since I don't care about business affairs, don't say anything more. In order to avoid embarrassing and disappointing his son, since he supports him, he must give his son an idea, which can be regarded as a contribution.

Bao Zixuan didn't expect his mother to have the same meaning as Li Zhaoji, this is definitely not a coincidence. Both of them are thinking about how to do it, which proves that the plan is feasible. As a real estate tycoon in Hong Kong, Li Shau Kee's idea, how could his mother say it lightly, there is definitely a problem here.

My mother has changed a lot, and I don't know if it's a good thing, but at this time I can only think in a good direction.

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