Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 318

Chapter 318

Today was just a simple meeting, but what everyone did not expect was that Bao Zixuan actually invested in a car factory. This was not expected by the senior leaders of Kyoto, and it can be said to be a surprise.

In fact, Bao Zixuan had the idea of investing in a car factory in mainland China, but it was only confirmed when he came here this time. It is to play a leading role and to set an example for Xiangjiang merchants.

But when Vice President Zhao was about to leave, Bao Zixuan said, "Vice President Zhao, I want to ask you a favor!"

Vice President Zhao said with a smile: "Xiaobao always has something to do for me, an old man to help, as long as it can be done, there is absolutely no problem."

Bao Zixuan: "I ordered 3 satellites in the United States, and I hope the national aerospace department will help me launch them. After all, our country's aerospace technology is not bad, and it can save me some money. The launch cost in the United States is too high, and our domestic aerospace technology is not bad. It should be cheaper."

In fact, President Li has already reported this issue to the relevant departments, but because there is no precedent, there has been no unified opinion.

Vice President Zhao: "I know about this, and I agree that our country's rocket will launch the satellite. Someone will arrange for you to go there tomorrow and see the relevant personnel."

In fact, Vice President Zhao has been instructed by the top leaders that the rocket can be used for commercial launch, which can not only increase experience, but also earn foreign exchange. This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

Hearing Vice President Zhao's words, Bao Zixuan felt relieved. In fact, both in the United States and in the Soviet Union can be launched. But he just wanted to do a little bit for the development of the motherland.

Huaxia attaches great importance to this rocket launch, after all, this is the first time for a commercial launch. If successful, then the future is of great significance, and new orders can be received continuously. Being able to occupy a place in the international satellite launch market is a picture that many people cannot imagine.

Early the next morning, a car came to pick up Bao Zixuan to go to the Kyoto Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Coming to this slightly dilapidated office location, who would have thought that the Chinese people could produce two bombs and one star in such a rudimentary environment. This can be said to be a miracle in the world's industrial and technological history, and will always be praised by the world.

Bao Zixuan's visit this time can be said to be the first time this institute has received outsiders, and it definitely set a precedent. After visiting the institute, Bao Zixuan came to the conference room of the institute. Seeing a person he never dreamed of, he was actually waiting for him, making Bao Zixuan overjoyed, and his excitement was beyond words.

Looking at this person who still gave up the super-high treatment and benefits of the United States in order to return to China, the country also expressed its sincerity in releasing 15 American pilots for his smooth return. The most important thing is that the US Secretary of Defense said: "He can be worth it alone. The strength of the last five divisions, this is a legendary figure."

Bao Zixuan quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Qian. I'm really flattered that I can let you wait for me here."

Qian Lao: "Little brother, hello! We graduated from a school, so you don't have to be so polite with me. Now you are not only a researcher, a Turing Award winner, but also an entrepreneur with ideas. Don't be like this next time, but I'm embarrassed."

Hearing the name of the younger brother, Bao Zixuan remembered that Qian Lao and himself both graduated from MIT. They are an alumni relationship, hence the name. In fact, the country also has this consideration. Originally, with Lao Qian's qualifications and prestige, he could not easily see outsiders. After all, his safety was also the top priority, and he could not tolerate the slightest sloppiness.

But as soon as I heard it, I saw Bao Zixuan, an alumnus, who was also the winner of the Turing Award. Let Qian Lao become interested and hungry, so this meeting was arranged.

Bao Zixuan: "It is a great achievement for you to give up everything in the United States and return to China, and it is a great achievement to be able to make a rocket project in a difficult and difficult environment. It also makes us Hongjiang people feel hopeful. At the same time, it also allows us to dare to make a big splash to return to China to invest and increase our confidence."

Qian Lao: "This time I heard that the younger brother wants us to launch the satellite for you, so you can think of the motherland for the first time. This is a recognition of our scientific research work, and it also gives us an opportunity to practice. I don't know if you want to launch it. What are the specific parameters of the satellite, the data brought by Xinhua News Agency is not very detailed, I know some are commercial secrets, and now I can take it out!"

In fact, the data that Bao Zixuan brought back to President Li are only the most basic satellite parameters, and can only be calculated as an approximate value. This is also for confidentiality needs, and it is impossible for everyone to easily obtain satellite data.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "It's been ready a long time ago," so he took out his laptop and started explaining to Qian Lao the specific parameters of the satellite and the desired effect.

Seeing Bao Zixuan's laptop, Qian Lao was stunned for a moment, and said, "This is the laptop produced by Heiyun Company, and it can actually achieve this effect. It is so convenient to view the drawings on the computer, whether it is enlarged or reduced. The blueprint of a satellite can be installed on a computer, it seems that it is really not keeping up with the progress of the times.

Bao Zixuan: "You must never say that, it's just a simple tool. It's far worse than your research on aerodynamics. As long as I give you one day, I'm sure you can learn it."

Qian Lao: "Is what you said true!"

Bao Zixuan: "I know that it's not good to send you alone. I'm going to donate 100 computers to the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I hope that I can make the best use of it. It's also my heart."

Qian Lao is not a material person. After all, he was able to give up the high salary in the United States. Those who returned to work at that time were all great men of the times. But this is about work efficiency and the changes brought about by mastering the latest scientific research results, so I said, "Then I will thank the younger brother on behalf of the institute. With this batch of computers, our computing efficiency will be much improved."

So the two began to discuss the specific launch of the satellite. Qian is always the greatest rocket expert in human history. Bao Zixuan was an aeronautical engineer in his previous life. He has a deep understanding of rockets, and he knows the development direction of rockets in the next few decades. The two of them can be said to be good opponents and good They have been chatting since the morning. In the evening, the staff came to ask them to eat, but they refused. Old Qian knew that Bao Zixuan's time in Kyoto was limited this time, so he hoped to take this opportunity to communicate with him more. Although he is the world's top rocket expert, he has not communicated much with the outside world in recent years. Bao Zixuan has studied at MIT in recent years, and he will definitely be able to get in touch with the latest scientific research results. Qian Lao is not a person who rests on his laurels, let alone listening to what Bao Zixuan said can open a new window.

Bao Zixuan did not expect that with such a simple scientific research condition, Qian Lao's understanding of rockets could be so advanced. It seems that gold shines wherever it goes, and there is no need for a scholar to be famous.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, the secretaries couldn't stand it any longer. This interrupted the conversation between them. Bao Zixuan did not expect to chat for so long this time. It seems that he will need to pay attention to the time in the future, especially when discussing issues with older people.

Old Qian said with a smile, "Little Li, go and prepare something for me and Mr. Bao."

Then he said to Bao Zixuan, "Little brother, just stay with me for a while!"

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, I don't pay much attention to what I eat."

After a while, the secretary named Xiao Li brought the supper. Bao Zixuan didn't know what to say when he looked at a few simple dishes. He was the top expert in China. Eating is so simple, it seems that the life of ordinary people is really difficult at this time.

Bao Zixuan said, "Elder Qian, you usually eat these."

Before Qian Lao could speak, Secretary Li said, "I saw you coming, and two dishes have already been added. Qian Lao usually eats the same food as we do."