Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Bao Zixuan has the habit of exercising every morning. As someone who has come here, he knows that without a healthy body, he can't do it. Many engineering men in previous lives broke down because of working too long, and ended up spending a lot of time in the hospital.

He doesn't have to work like before every day, but sometimes he doesn't care when he works. Therefore, I asked the bodyguard to wake me up to exercise every morning, and now I have formed a conditioned reflex. Different from being accompanied by bodyguards every time, this time I am really not used to exercising by myself.

Fortunately, the space in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse was large enough, so Bao Zixuan did a few simple stretches and started jogging. The on-duty staff saw that the Hong Kong rich man who paid yesterday was exercising. They all have protection tasks, so they have been following behind. If something happened, they couldn't afford it.

About an hour later, Bao Zixuan finished his morning exercise. Said hello to the personnel who had been following behind to protect him, and went back to the room to wash up.

The rich people of Xiangjiang who had a night's rest were in much better spirits, but their bodies were still a little uncomfortable. After all, the climate here is much drier than Xiangjiang, and the throat is not very comfortable. Even Bao Zixuan felt something strange in his throat, but it wasn't a big problem.

The breakfast is in the form of a buffet, which should be learned from Western hotels. Bao Zixuan greeted the others and started to eat breakfast.

Huo Yingdong smiled and said, "Young people are still energetic. I heard that you went to exercise early in the morning."

Bao Zixuan: "I get used to it every day. The body is the capital of the revolution. If the body is not healthy, everything will be in vain."

At this time, Dong Haoyun also said, "Yeah! I just knew it was too late. I didn't pay special attention to it when I was young. It makes me unable to do anything now, and my energy is much lower."

Bao Yugang also said, "Yeah! When I was young, I never saw any wind or waves when I was running a boat out to sea. Now I feel a little uncomfortable after sitting on a boat for a long time."

Bao Zixuan: "Elder Huo, what arrangements do we have today?"

Huo Yingdong: "I met with the senior management today, mainly because I hope everyone can invest. Now many projects in Huaxia welcome investment from our businessmen from Hong Kong, so there are many areas open this time."

Bao Zixuan's investment has accelerated the pace of attracting investment to a certain extent, which has enabled many projects to be invested ahead of schedule. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but he knows that sometimes there's no harm in planning ahead.

Dong Haoyun: "We have the most factories with small packages, so you should be the main one! Bao Sheng and I will buy a few cargo ships at most, so we can have an explanation."

Different from the reshuffle of the shipping industry brought about by the oil crisis in the last world, Dong Haoyun and Bao Yugang have already put a lot of energy into freight transportation. Therefore, their number of tankers has been reduced accordingly. After all, their energy is limited and it is impossible to estimate too much business.

Dong Haoyun also has Bao Zixuan's credit for reducing the number of oil tankers. He talked with Mr. Dong for a day before the other party gave up the purchase of oil tankers.

Huo Yingdong also said: "Yes! Little Baosheng, it's okay for us people to build a house. I really don't know anything about industry, but a country cannot develop without industry. This time, it really depends on you to support the facade."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You are putting me on fire! I want to increase investment, MacLehose is probably going to trouble me."

Huo Yingdong has a deep understanding of what Bao Zixuan said. After all, he was deeply hurt by it. So he said, "What Bao Sheng said makes sense, and we can't harm him."

At this time, it can be said that there is basically no sound in the restaurant, and everyone is thinking about this issue. There may be no problem with investing in building a house, but if you build a factory on a large scale, it may be a little troublesome.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Bao Zixuan realized that he might have said something wrong. So he smiled and said: "Why do you all have this expression, as long as you have money to make money, I don't care about anyone's feelings, pay taxes according to the rules, act in accordance with the law, who can do what to us."

Huo Yingdong didn't expect that Bao Zixuan was young, but he was really brave. With the shadow of his youth, his age is not too young, and he must also cultivate a successor who is more suitable for contact with China. It seems that Bao Zixuan is more suitable now, and we will communicate more in the future.

Huo Yingdong: "It seems that Xiao Baosheng has already made up his mind, so I can rest assured."

Bao Zixuan: "Elder Huo, I understand what you mean! But please rest assured that I will never be ambiguous in the face of right and wrong. We are all descendants of Yan and Huang. There is no need to be a second-class citizen.

After saying this sentence, many people thought about it. After all, many rich people have a tendency to emigrate, but it has not been implemented. The peak of Hong Kong immigration was during the Huaying negotiations, but Bao Zixuan would not do this.

At this time, the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to organize everyone to walk towards the conference room. Today, all the activities were held at the Diaoyutai State Guest House, just to let the rich people from Xiangjiang make adjustments. After all, there is a big difference between Kyoto and Xiangjiang in winter.

The people who came here were the leaders of the industrial department, and Bao Zixuan saw Vice President Zhao again. As the head of the industrial sector, he is sure to attend.

Vice President Zhao saw Bao Zixuan and said, "Hello, Mr. Bao! We met again. Recently, I have seen a lot of reports about you."

Bao Zixuan: "Hello! Nice to see you again."

Vice President Zhao: "I know all about your investment in the deep sea, and we are very welcome. I know that you also have a car company that can produce all types of trucks, and the cars are very famous all over the world. Now the country is very famous. If there is a shortage of such industrial products, you are welcome to invest."

Bao Zixuan: "I also have this idea. The Dodge trucks acquired by Heiyun Automobile can produce all tonnage trucks. However, as far as I know, many road conditions in China are not suitable for large transport vehicles, so it is a bit embarrassing."

Vice President Zhao: "We welcome Xiangjiang patriotic businessmen to invest in the road. Mr. Fok Yingdong has decided to invest part of it. There is also a slogan, that is, to get rich, build roads Please rest assured, road It will never be the limiting factor for truck development.

Bao Zixuan: "I am very relieved to hear your words. I have invested in a car factory in Brazil. It is mainly aimed at the South American and European markets. Now it seems that the production base for the Asian market can only be placed in Huaxia, after all you have said so. ."

Vice President Zhao: "If you say that, then I will say more next time. It seems that I can be a part-time investment director, and the effect will be better."

"By the way, do you have any specific requirements for the location of the factory? We will try our best to meet your requirements."

Bao Zixuan: "The first phase of construction needs to meet the production capacity of 200,000 cars, so the place must be large. And in the future, there will be three phases of expansion capacity, so I require at least 10 square kilometers of land, of course, it does not need to be satisfied at one time. Please. You can rest assured that I will pay for the land use fee, but I just hope to slow down appropriately."

"Also, unlike other factories, auto factories require a large number of skilled workers. And these workers have a relatively high level of education, so I hope the factories can be built in big cities, at least cities with profound cultural heritage."

Vice President Zhao: "If you say this, it means that Kyoto and Shanghai are more in line with the requirements, and it is up to you to decide where to go in the end."

Bao Zixuan: "I will arrange for personnel to come and inspect the two cities. I hope the local government can cooperate."

At this time, the representatives from Shanghai and Kyoto could not wait to control Bao Zixuan, but they couldn't let this rich man get out of tune. Both cities are galloping to eliminate the other. It can be said that there is a lot of employment pressure in the two cities. Both cities have a large number of young people who need to be resettled in the countryside, but they do not have many factories. Now that the richest man in Hong Kong is going to invest, they will not fight hard.