Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920

Now that he is going to attack Somalia, the intelligence work must keep up; the richest man doesn't want to work around and get nothing, making wedding dresses for the Rothschild family for nothing! The control of Africa is definitely not as good as a huge family that has been in business for hundreds of years; fortunately, it is not unprepared at all, and there is absolutely no shortage of allies.

Not to mention some friendly countries in the Middle East, just Xiangjiang businessmen; they already have absolute trust in Bao Shoufu! When I came to East Germany this time, not to mention that each family made a lot of money, but the income was definitely very considerable; the super rich were very satisfied.

After all, it is really easy to earn this money, and it is still obtained from foreigners, which is also a sense of accomplishment in itself. Rich people in Hong Kong have always been criticized, saying that they only make money internally; what's more, they said that they made their fortunes by sucking the blood of the people in Hong Kong.

Although it is exaggerated, it seems to have some truth after careful analysis; after all, the limitations of the real estate industry are difficult to change. Even if the few people who opened the casino, most of the gamblers are people from Hong Kong and Macau; therefore, there is no reason to refute.

This time, it is the first time in hundreds of years to make profits on European land; since human beings entered the age of great exploration, Europe has always been in a dominant position. It's all about them plundering resources from other continents and making profits; Asians want to do something on the European continent, but they can't even think about it.

Therefore, Xiangjiang Regal does not say that it has absolute trust in Bao Shoufu, but at least there are good projects; they will definitely follow up. The area of Xiangjiang is too small, and it is difficult to have much room for development; going to the international stage has become the established goal of the major families.

If it is something else, it may still be able to get the support of the Jewish community; but now it is an independent country, so where is Israel; unless there are huge benefits, there will not be too many Jewish families to support.

However, these have nothing to do with Baozixuan. Since the Rothschild family dared to bring it up, it means that they have already made preparations. For so many years, he has always been at the top of the world's food chain; without strong skills, he can't do it at all.

As for why the first stop in Africa was put in Egypt; it has also been carefully considered, and the issue of weapons and equipment transportation must be resolved first!

The Suez Canal; built and opened to navigation in 1869, is a selevel waterway that runs through the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt, connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, and provides the nearest routes from Europe to lands near the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific. It is one of the most frequently used air routes in the world, it is also the border between Asia and Africa, and it is the main passage for people from Asia to Africa and Europe.

The canal runs from Port Said in the north to Suez City in the south, and is excavated north of Port Said into the Mediterranean Sea to the south of Suez. The completion of the Suez Canal turned the African peninsula into the African continent, Egypt straddled Asia and Africa, and trade in Southwest Asia, Northeast Africa, and Southern Europe became more busy.

The Suez Canal is of great value in the economic development of Egypt itself. According to statistics, more than 10,000 ships from more than 100 countries and regions in the world pass through the canal every year. 70% of the oil exported from the Middle East to Western Europe is transported through the Suez Canal, and the goods transported through the Suez Canal each year account for 14% of the world's seaborne trade. Many, large cargo volume, the Suez Canal is among the best.

The amount of weapons and equipment shipped from Germany is too large; ships need to pass through the Suez Canal almost every day. For the sake of safety, the richest man Bao decided to sit in the town himself; and he was ready to be severely slaughtered by the Egyptians.

Tolls are only one aspect, and there are other aspects of expenditure; it is also necessary. After all, anyone with a discerning eye knows what is transported on the ship. The customs declaration is shown as engineering equipment, but even if the entire East Germany is emptied; it is impossible to find so many engineering equipment.

Besides, the Rothschild family is not idle, buying so many engineering equipment; it is meaningless!

The Egyptians are very familiar with the Rothschild family; the Suez Canal was funded and built by the family, so about them; Egypt has always been paying attention.

At present, the canal has become a pillar industry of the national economy and an important means of earning foreign exchange; absolutely no one is allowed to get involved. If it is someone else, there is no need to be overly nervous; but the Rothschild family funded the construction, so there are some things that have to be guarded against.

After all, they want to fight for the right to control and manage the canal, not to mention justified; but there is some truth to it.

After listening to his subordinates' report, the richest man came to the busiest canal in the world.

At this time, someone was already waiting for him, to be precise, to discuss the distribution of weapons and equipment.

Eric Rothschild met Bao Zixuan in France before; he did not expect to meet this kid in Egypt; it is really hard to determine how to call the two of them.

As Angela Rothschild's elder brother, he is considered a half-cheap uncle; but some things are not right, and the words are not right; it is better not to take the initiative to get close.

Since the other party came here, he must represent the Rothschild family; the respect that should be given must not be less.

At present, the two parties belong to a cooperative relationship, and the attitude should be lowered; so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. If the other party pushes his nose on his face, then he can't blame himself.

Fortunately, Eric Rothschild is a smart person, at least he knows what position Bao Zixuan belongs to; he is far from being comparable to an heir, and his attitude is lower. After all, in front of the richest man Bao, he really doesn't have much sense of presence!

Eric Rothschild said with a smile: "Mr. Bao; long time no see, still looking good!"

To say that Eric Rothschild is also a strange thing, he doesn't like to participate in the internal battles of the family; instead he cares more about red wine and art. That's why the old Rothschild appointed him to be in charge of the Lafite estate.

But after all, they belong to the core children of the family, and they are involved in the development plan for the next century; they must not stay out of it. In addition, the old Rothschild deliberately trained him and did not allow any refutation at all; he was sent directly to Africa.

Chateau Lafite is indeed a well-known enterprise, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the world's largest wine brand; it is also the end point of many people's lifelong struggle.

But in the Rothschild family, it is nothing at all; it is not impossible to call it the most insignificant of many industries. In the past, it was more managed by collateral children, which is enough to explain the problem.

A person's mind changes a lot with age; this is especially true for men. Even if Eric Rothschild does not want to participate in the internal struggle of the family, the blood flowing in his body makes it impossible to stay out of it.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here, so the next thing will be much easier!"

"I heard that the Suez Canal was built by your family 100 years ago. It's really admirable to think about it."

If the other party wants to express something, first get close; meeting acquaintances is easy to do. As Bao Zixuan, and the agreement has been signed before; even if the old Rothschild came here in person, nothing can be changed. It is impossible to take advantage of it; it is also unrealistic.

It's obviously an initiative to show favor, but do you have what the other party needs? He is just one of the many heirs, and he is nothing in the Rothschild family; if it is because of Angela's relationship, there is no need.

They are all adults, and many things belong to the tacit consent of the family; if there is no woman to mediate, Bao Zixuan probably would not be so straightforward. It is easy to say to remove all the weapons and equipment of East Germany, but the difficulty of actual operation is absolutely beyond imagination.

Not only does the East German military need to cooperate, the most important thing is that the Soviets are not fooled; looking at the whole world, perhaps only this man in front of him can do it.

In the Rothschild family, it is normal for UU Reading to sacrifice women for benefits. The other party is also the master who has eaten and seen it before, so there is no reason not to know.

The matter is absolutely extraordinary and must be dealt with carefully; Bao Zixuan doesn't know yet, it's his kindness; it makes Eric Rothschild have complicated thoughts.

It can only be said that there is no clear understanding of the current influence.

As for the mention that the Suez Canal was built by the Rothschild family, it is one aspect to praise the family for their foresight; it is probably more to see what they think at the moment.

For a hen that keeps laying golden eggs, no one can stay out of it; not even the Rothschilds.

Eric Rothschild thought for a while and said, "I still need Mr. Bao's attention. Whether I can gain a foothold in the family; it all depends on Your Excellency."

"As for the Suez Canal, times have changed; it is not easy to force it. Besides, there is no way at the national level, let alone our family."

(end of this chapter)