Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1919

Chapter 1919

Due to historical deviations, the Soviet Union was stronger than in previous lives; plus Bao Shoufu intentionally slowed down the disintegration of the polar bears, there was no sign of splitting at this time; but outsiders really can't find any faults!

The plan was disrupted once, and now it's over to the Soviet Union; it doesn't make much sense, at least the richest man doesn't need to come forward in person. Because of the large injection of funds, the Soviet Union can persist for a while. But the richest man knows very well that it is a bottomless pit; the building is about to collapse, and manpower can't save it.

Africa is the abbreviation of Africa. There are many interesting legends about the origin of the word Africa: one legend is that in ancient times, a chief named Africa invaded North Africa in 2000 BC and established a The city was called Africa, and later people called this large area Africa. Another legend is that Africa is the name of a goddess worshiped by the Berbers living in North Africa. This goddess is a patron saint. It is said that as early as the 1st century BC, the Berbers found a statue of this goddess in a temple. She is a young woman wearing elephant skin.

In ancient times; when the homeland of the western colonialists was still in the stage of glacial sealing, there was a boiling life on the African continent. At that time, the Nile River Basin was still an uninhabitable swamp; the Sahara Desert, which is now uninhabited, was at that time a forest and grasslands criss-crossed by rivers. About 10,000 years ago, the climate of North Africa changed drastically, and the prairie gradually became dry and turned into a desert.

The Egyptians developed astronomy very early and worked out a fairly accurate solar calendar for mankind's earliest. The solar calendar has 365 days in a year, divided into three seasons, one season has 4 months, 30 days in each month, and 5 days are added to the last month as religious holidays. It can be said that this is a continent with splendid civilization and brilliant culture; it has a very long history.

However, in modern society, the situation in Africa is extremely bad; it is not an exaggeration to describe it as horrific.

Since the Western colonialists invaded Africa in the 15th century, more than 400 years of colonial rule have brought serious disasters to the African people. From the 16th century to the 19th century, Western colonists trafficked more than 20 million African blacks to America as slaves. These slaves were subjected to inhuman abuse, and most of them died within 15 years of life. Western powers also seized African land and resources by force, and then completely carve up Africa, establishing barbaric and cruel colonial rule. Before the First World War, all countries except Ethiopia and Liberia were colonized by the West on the land of more than 30 million square kilometers in Africa. The slaughter of African people and the plundering of African wealth by colonialists and imperialists are too numerous to describe.

The African people waged long and arduous armed struggles against the aggressors and performed countless heroic deeds. After the end of the Second World War, the African people's struggle against colonial rule and for national independence flourished and achieved major victories. At the end of the 1950s, the number of independent African countries increased from 3 before World War II to 9. In the 1960s and 1970s, the independence movement in Africa was in full swing; the national liberation movements of various countries cooperated and supported each other, so that most of the African colonies gained independence successively.

The departure of the colonists is only imagined, but the influence is everywhere; it just doesn't show. Instead, start supporting agents, and there are more than one. Therefore, entering modern society, Africa gives people the feeling; it is always economically backward, wars are frequent, and the situation is turbulent!

It seems that apart from these, there is really nothing else to be found; fortunately, God has not completely abandoned Africans. While giving them a strong body, they also left enough land for them to live a prosperous life.

During the farming-dominated period, the land in Africa was barren; it basically belonged to a state where what was planted was not alive, and what was raised was not big; so life was not very satisfactory, even miserable! But since entering the industrial era, the rich mineral resources underground have become particularly precious.

But having wealth is one thing, but the ability and strength to protect wealth is particularly crucial; the rich mineral resources underground have become the root of evil; European powers have continued to plunder the African continent for hundreds of years.

Although the situation was better after World War II, at least the slave trade stopped; and it has become a red line, a forbidden area that no one dares to touch. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. That is the same principle since ancient times; a new round of competition on the African continent has already unfolded unconsciously.

It's just that the number of countries participating in it has increased, and some are stronger.

Without the above, even if it is as strong as the Rothschild family, it would not dare to seek anything.

To control a sovereign country, the timing, location, harmony of people, and luck against the sky are indispensable.

This is also one of the reasons why the Rothschild family sought out Bao Zixuan to cooperate. Strength is only one aspect; the most important thing is to take advantage of Bao's fortune against the sky.

It's an exaggeration to say superstition, and it's more about seeking a kind of inner comfort; the Rothschild family also believes in fate, and perhaps no one can be exempt from it.

After leaving Germany, Bao Zixuan came to the African continent; but he did not go straight to the destination, but chose Egypt, the oldest country in the African continent and the former leader of the Arab world.

As one of the four ancient civilizations, Egypt's history is beyond doubt; it can become the leader of the Arab world, but it is really intriguing!

According to normal thinking, one must have money to be a big brother; but Egypt is an exception. Egypt has no money; not only has no money, but also owes a lot of debt; there is not even enough food to eat.

As a large country with a population of over 100 million, Egypt hardly has a decent industry; it is not even self-sufficient in agriculture, and its grain production cannot meet even one-tenth of domestic demand; it lives on imported grain all the year round.

After World War II, the wave of nationalism in the Arab world emerged one after another, and many Arab countries became independent one after another. In contrast, although Egypt has been under British control for a long time, it has always maintained independence in name, and has a certain light industrial foundation, and its comprehensive national strength ranks first in the Arab world.

Therefore, after the founding of Israel, Egypt first jumped out to oppose Israel, and led Syria, Jordan and other countries to hard steel with Israel, and thus became the chief helm of the Arab world.

After taking power, Nasser immediately demanded the withdrawal of the British troops who had been stationed in Egypt for more than half a century. Later, under the pressure of international public opinion, the British troops withdrew from Egypt, but still retained control of the Suez Canal.

As a strongman of his generation, Nasser certainly did not want the British army to hang on; so he forcibly nationalized the Suez Canal, triggering the Second Middle East War.

In the Second Middle East War, Britain brought in its old enemy France and Egypt's deadly enemy Israel; jointly launched an attack on Egypt, and the Egyptian army retreated steadily.

But the world at this time was no longer dominated by Britain and France. Their control of the Suez Canal seriously threatened the hegemony of the United States and the Soviet Union. Therefore, under the joint intervention of Washington and Moscow, Britain and France were forced to withdraw their troops and hand over the Suez Canal.

The result of Egypt taking back the Suez Canal greatly inspired the Arab world, and the prestige of Nasser and Egypt reached its peak.

Since Nasser is more ideologically inclined to socialism, he actively closes the relationship with the Soviet Union; with the assistance of the Soviet Union, he continues to fight against Israel.

It was only until Nasser died of illness that the Egyptian army failed to defeat Israel and recover Palestine.

In 1970, Nasser, who was pro-Soviet, died of illness, and his deputy Sadat took over as President of Egypt.

After Sadat came to power, he asked the Soviet Union to increase its aid to Egypt; however, the Soviet side refused, and the relationship between Egypt and Soviet Union deteriorated.

Seeing that the Soviet Union was unreliable, Sadat turned around and defected to the West; not only established a paramilitary alliance with the United States, but also reconciled with Israel, becoming the first country in the Arab world to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel angered the entire Arab world; before that, Egypt under the leadership of Nasser had always been regarded as the leader of the Arab world and a hero against the Jews; Egypt became the leader of the Arab world by virtue of its war with Israel.

But now Sadat has risked the world's disapproval, leaving Palestine and other Arab brothers behind; he has reconciled with Israel alone, and the saliva of the Arab world and even the Islamic world has directly flooded Egypt.

In all fairness, Sadat also has his own helplessness. He knows that Israel cannot be beaten to death;

Furthermore, the secularized Egyptian military has not completely settled the extreme religious forces in the country. Sadat needs to end external interference very quickly; concentrate on domestic secularization and economic construction.

Facts have proved that Sadat's decision is very wise. The reconciliation with Israel allowed Egypt to successfully take back the Sinai Peninsula. On the other hand, Syria has never reconciled with Israel. As a result, the Golan Heights is still occupied by Jews.

But Sadat also paid the price with his life. He was assassinated by an Islamic extremist in October 1981.

After Sadat's death, Mubarak, his deputy, came to power; Mubarak continued the foreign policy and secular national policy of Sadat's era, and Egyptian society entered a stable period.

Heiyun Group has an office in Egypt, and Bao Zixuan is currently listening to his subordinates to report on the situation in Africa and Egypt!

(end of this chapter)

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