Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1754

Chapter 1754

One late night in the early spring of 1983, a 10,000-ton freighter that was driven by the Soviet shipping company to Japan departed from Shibaura Wharf, Japan, and transported dozens of boxes of "five-axis CNC machine tools" components. According to the Japanese, the use of these CNC machines by the Soviets, in addition to improving the propulsion performance of submarines, could also improve the propulsion of new aircraft carriers under construction at the time. This is the sensational "Batumi export violation by Toshiba". The consequences of this incident were severe: for the first time, the US Navy lost its superiority in hydroacoustic detection of Soviet naval ships; to this day, the US Navy is still not absolutely sure of detecting new types of Russian submarines.

Perhaps because of the appearance of Bao Zixuan, this matter has not been exposed so far. Because in the eyes of Americans, there are many companies that can sell five-axis CNC machine tools to the Soviet Union, not necessarily the Japanese. The Black Cloud Group is also very suspicious. After all, Bao Zixuan has a better relationship with the top Soviet leaders.

In fact, the Soviet Union also approached the Black Cloud Group, and the richest man was out of love; it provided some technical support, and did not directly export finished products. This is not a joke, and the Americans and the British must not be caught. Of course, after Fucaira, I was not so worried, but it was absolutely not possible before.

Fortunately, a batch of machine tools were purchased from Japan before the Soviet Union, and there was no such urgency for high-end machine tools. The richest man in Bao, who is familiar with the history, of course, cannot miss this opportunity.

Originally, Toshiba and the Soviet Union did a pretty good deal, and Western countries, including Japan, did not find that the machinery shipped from Japan actually played a huge role in promoting the Soviet ship manufacturing technology. However, since the mid-1980s, NATO navies have reported that the noise of the propellers of Soviet submarines and warships has dropped significantly, and tracking has become more difficult, which makes the United States begin to doubt; whether the Soviet Union has acquired any advanced technology, but suffers from no what evidence.

In his previous life, until December 1985, one of the parties to the secret agreement between the Soviet Union and Japan, Kumagai of Wako Corporation of Japan, resigned due to a dispute with his employer, and angrily exposed the Toshiba incident to the "Batumi" chairman Genier Tauriger. .

But this lifetime Xiong Gudu did not resign and successfully entered the management of the company. Of course, there is no reason to accuse yourself, unless it is a disease of the brain.

At this time, Bao Zixuan was planning how to let the Americans know; Toshiba sold controlled products to the Soviet Union.

The black cloud intelligence department must be well disguised; perhaps Argentina is a good choice, which can also arouse the anger of the British.

The penetration of black clouds into Argentina for so many years has never stopped. Continuing to find German scientists during World War II is one aspect, and the most important thing is to find out the degree of hostility and threat to the black cloud.

During the Falklands War, Bao's richest man contributed both money and effort; however, he completely offended Argentina. If the Argentine leader wants to make trouble, or resort to extreme measures; he will not feel well either. To prevent problems before they occur, all dangers must be controlled at the budding stage.

Money is destined not to be spent in vain, so there are still many people in Argentina who serve the Black Cloud Group.

As a former developed country, the failure of the Falklands War has done great harm to the entire country. But I also realized a truth, that is, at a critical moment, no one can rely on it.

Originally thought that the Americans could support them, but the result was not only condemned by the United States; the United States even provided logistical supplies for the British army. France, as Argentina's largest supplier of weapons and equipment, even lost its chain at a critical moment. Not only did it stop accepting orders for Argentine weapons and equipment, but even the weapons and equipment that had been ordered and paid for were not shipped. The most important thing is that the money will not be refunded. Isn't this intentionally stuck!

If these are acceptable, then it would be too much to deliberately disclose weapon data, performance parameters, and interference frequency bands to the British side. After the Sheffield was sunk, the British finally realized the power of the Flying Fish missile.

So ask the French to provide jamming frequencies, which is deadly for any weapons manufacturer. Once the data is in the hands of the enemy, then their missiles are meaningless. Maybe due to pressure, maybe the British gave a huge favor. In short, the French actually agreed to inform the British of the technical parameters of the Flying Fish missile without reservation.

This is also the reason why the missiles launched by Argentina could not find their targets.

Rather than relying on themselves, the Argentines decided to develop their own defense industry. I believe that when the time is ripe, you will definitely be able to be ashamed.

It is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to find a modern defense industry in a poor and white country.

At this time, Argentine intelligence officers discovered through the investigation of KGB agents in the territory that Japan had provided the Soviet Union with a five-axis CNC machine tool in 1983, which made the country's top executives overjoyed. The Japanese are so bold that they dare to export the most important controlled materials to the Soviet Union.

But on second thought, this is also an opportunity for them.

Without further ado, the Director of Argentina's National Intelligence Secretariat came directly to the President's Office.

Raul Ricardo Alfoncin, President of Argentina. Chairman of the Radical Party of Argentina. Born on March 12, 1927 in Chacomos, Buenos Aires, he was admitted to the San Martin Military Academy as a young man.

He was Argentina's first democratically elected president since the end of a military dictatorship. Promote the restoration of representative democracy, political pluralism, and peaceful disarmament. One of the first things he did when he came to power was to fulfill his campaign promise to liquidate the military for human rights abuses. However, the military's political power forced it to pardon most of its convicted officers.

It can be said that I still want to do something in my heart, but the domestic situation does not allow it. But for national defense construction, absolutely no effort is spared. Not just as president, but as someone else.

The Falkland Islands has become an eternal pain. If there is no strong national defense, it is destined to be a master who will be slaughtered by others. Argentina is so close to the Falklands, but still can't beat the British at home; to put it bluntly, it is because there is no strong defense industry support.

The National Intelligence Secretariat is directly under the leadership of the President and is an absolute confidant; therefore, there is no need to be so polite between the two. The director of the intelligence department said directly: "President Alfoncin, we found a classified incident during the investigation; after a comprehensive analysis, we believe that if it is handled well, it will be extremely beneficial to Argentina."

Recently, there has been a lot of resistance to reform; for Alfonsin, it has been a long time since he heard good news. Could it be that he will get any surprise today, which made him suddenly interested.

Alfonso smiled and said, "What kind of secret matter is it, let's hear it."

After listening to the introduction of the intelligence director, Alfonsin fell into deep thought. He was thinking about how to maximize the benefits and what risks to take. Involving two countries, not only Japan, the world's second largest economy, but also the superpower Soviet Union; a little carelessness will bring Argentina into the abyss.

The opinion of the Intelligence Department is to threaten Japan's Toshiba Corporation, hoping to get the weapons and equipment and precision instruments urgently needed by Argentina from them. After the Falklands War, the United Kingdom has been carrying out economic sanctions and technical blockade against Argentina. They want advanced weapons and equipment, and equipment; almost impossible.

At least the members of the Batumi Organization will never do business with Argentina. The number of purchases itself is not very large, and it can't make much money. The most important thing is that everyone has the same interests, and Argentina's national strength is weak; it belongs to a country that has no sense of existence, so it will naturally ignore it.

Other countries may be able to buy through Heiyun Group, but Argentina's sanctions on Heiyun have never been lifted; coupled with the tense relationship between the two sides, Bao Zixuan will not sell advanced weapons and equipment to Argentina. Even if Bao Zixuan wanted to, the British would not agree; no one was willing to take the risk.

Alfonsin said very seriously: "Is the information reliable!"

As president, make any decision; it must be backed by accurate intelligence. In the event of failure, not only will you have to take responsibility, but the loss is even more incalculable.

Director of Intelligence: "Our female agent, when approaching a member of the Soviet KGB, got him drunk and learned that he was involved in a covert operation throughout."

"As early as 1983, the KGB of the Soviet Union teamed up with Japan's Toshiba Corporation, and used Norway as a middleman to transport the five-axis CNC machine tools of Batumi's important controlled materials to the Soviet Union."

"As for this Soviet KGB agent, he had been working in Japan before; he was transferred to Argentina the year before as a diplomat. He was involved in the entire plan, and the key people and companies were accurate, so he couldn't fake it at all."

"In addition, the investigation found that the Soviet Union was using these CNC machine tools. The successful processing of the propellers in the polar region made it impossible for NATO to monitor the entry and exit of Soviet nuclear submarines."

In fact, this was a normal thing during the Cold War. Intelligence officers also need a layer of identity, at least legal entry formalities.

If the host country finds suspicious persons, it will naturally take precautions; at this time, **** beauties can often play an unexpected role.

In addition, the disappearance of Soviet submarines from NATO surveillance is no secret in the world. Not only NATO countries could monitor it before, but even Argentina occasionally detected signs of Soviet submarine activity.

As the intelligence chief introduced, there has been no sign of Soviet submarines in recent years. It was previously believed that the Soviet Union had mastered a certain processing technology, or that the Black Cloud Group had provided the necessary technical support. Unexpectedly, the Japanese assisted, but what does this have to do with Argentina.

Toshiba dares to make any money and can cooperate with Argentina. If the controlled materials can be transported to the Soviet Union, Argentina, which is a relatively small threat, naturally has no problems.

In addition, the United States' blockade of the Soviet Union is much stricter than the United Kingdom's blockade of Argentina; equipment can be shipped to the Soviet Union, and Argentina is naturally no problem. As long as the money is in place, and Toshiba is also worried about the incident, it will inevitably compromise.

Alfonsin: "You mean to contact the relevant personnel of Toshiba Corporation of Japan, and then obtain the much-needed weapons and equipment, as well as important machinery and equipment through them."

As the Director of Intelligence, not only do you need to report intelligence to the President; you also have to give some advice when necessary. It can be said that this position is not only for intelligence gathering, but also for think tank responsibilities.

The Director of Intelligence thought for a moment and said: "During World War II, Toshiba began to produce semiconductor equipment such as radars and military electronic tubes. At present, it is still responsible for the production of various tanks, machine guns, and missile cannons for the Japanese military. The strength must not be underestimated, and it is not the same as ours. What a contradiction."

"Because of the British blockade, domestic weapons and equipment are currently very backward; many parts and components have been cut off. The aircraft attendance rate is very low, and maintenance and maintenance have become a major problem."

"Take this opportunity to get on the line with Japan's Toshiba; weapons and equipment are naturally not a problem. After all, compared with the United Kingdom, we are really far behind."

"The weapons and equipment produced by Toshiba are very advanced, even stronger than those of the British. Coupled with its own complete industrial system, it is definitely the most ideal partner for Argentina. There is only one chance, but it cannot be missed. If the intelligence is grasped by the Americans , then it will be useless.

Argentina remained largely neutral during World War II, otherwise it would not have been possible for so many German officers and scientists to come here. Therefore, there is no deep hatred between Japan and Japan.

The five-axis CNC machine tool can be shipped back to Argentina, but it does not need to be too demanding. After all, this thing is too high-end, even if Argentina gets it; it doesn't know what to produce. The overall industrial level is too poor, and it is impossible for a few advanced equipment to change the status quo.

Besides, that thing is expensive, and most countries can't afford it; Argentina used to be very wealthy, but in recent decades, especially after the Falklands War, its national strength has been declining day by day. As for weapons and equipment, basic industrial equipment; it can be imported from Toshiba.

Alfonsin said with a smile: "Argentina can't sit still, this is an opportunity given by God. Every time I think of the Falklands and the British, I feel very unwilling."

"Since it doesn't work in European and American countries, and the Japanese have shortcomings in our hands, we must formulate a detailed plan without making any mistakes."

It can be said that as the President of Argentina at this time, there are not many choices. Since it is possible to open a breakthrough from Japan's Toshiba Company, it is natural to try boldly.

All of this was promoted by the richest man behind, to let Americans know that Japan had dealt with the Soviet Union; not only could it get rid of the suspicion of the Black Cloud Group, but it could also deal a fatal blow to Japan.

Of course, I don't want the Japanese to put the blame on him. UU reading is targeted by a country; but there will be no good fruit to eat. When Argentina came forward, no one would have thought that the Black Cloud Group was behind it. After all, the whole world knows what the relationship between Argentina and the black cloud is.

It was found that Japan was actually sending controlled materials to the Soviet Union, which was obviously blocked at both ends; neither wanted to suffer losses either horizontally or vertically. As for the British, they may not dare to care about the Soviet Union; but they find that Japan is in contact with Argentina; they will definitely fight back.

In short, once the matter is successful, it will be very beneficial to the Black Cloud Group!

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