Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1753

Chapter 1753

The introduction of the two guests instantly ignited the people in front of the TV. The market share of various industries in the United States is gradually being occupied by Japanese companies. It can be said that the public grievances were very deep at this time, which immediately made many people nervous; of course, it was mainly the executives of Japanese companies in the United States. Let the situation ferment, the United States will take action.

Japan is an island country with very little resources; it can become the second largest economy in the world, and the export of goods contributes a lot. Among them, the US market is the most important; it belongs to the kind that must not be lost. Japanese businessmen know that crisis public relations must be carried out; otherwise, their products are likely to lose the US market.

At the same time, there was laughter and laughter inside ABC TV. The people are unemployed and the economic downturn has nothing to do with them; there are always good businesses, and as long as they have ratings, advertisers know how to choose.

The Nielsen interview is not a major program, and the ratings have been low. But today, it was uncharacteristically, and it actually occupied the first place in the ratings at the same time. Of course, it was the last time period, and the number of people who watched it at the beginning was really not many.

Thinking of replaying it at noon tomorrow, many viewers have not heard the previous recording of the world's biggest hit; at this moment, I have started to call the TV station.

Just after Nielsen's interview was over, the head of the North American division of Toyota in Japan called ABC TV.

As one of ABC's biggest advertisers, it's obviously more appropriate for them to come forward. According to the original plan, ABC TV will definitely rebroadcast the show tomorrow. By then, more people will know that American companies are being unfairly treated in Japan. If they do the same to Japanese companies in the United States, Toyota will definitely bear the brunt.

Today's Toyota not only represents itself; it also represents all Japanese companies. Just when Nielsen's interview was broadcast, Toyota Yaji, head of Toyota North America, suddenly received a call from the Japanese embassy in the United States.

Said to do whatever it takes to prevent ABC from reporting what happened to Hawkins in Japan.

If the identities change, Americans may come forward in person and call Japanese TV; don't play with fire. But now it is an American TV station, and the Japanese embassy does not dare to contact them directly. First of all, there is no interest exchange between the two sides, and people will ignore you at all; if you make a rash move, you will take the initiative to send news materials to the other party.

The Japanese embassy in the United States actually interfered with the content broadcast on its American TV station; however, it seriously interfered in the internal affairs of other countries. Americans can't just let it go, it will only make things worse.

Therefore, only companies can come forward, and Toyota is naturally the best candidate.

After receiving the call from Toyota Yaji, ABC TV President Gervin Matthew of course understood what the other party meant. I felt very unhappy in my heart, and the Japanese came to advertise; they welcome and broadcast any news, which is an internal matter of the TV station, and has nothing to do with the Japanese.

Gervin-Matthew didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "President Toyota, ABC TV must be responsible to the audience. We only report the most real news, and we don't deliberately target anyone."

If it is normal, Toyota Yaji will only persuade with good words and pay some benefits; maybe ABC TV will also restrain. No one wants to offend the financial master, let alone money. But luckily, the head of Toyota's North America region was very happy to drink a lot today. Although not drunk, but definitely a little floating; naturally speaking, not so careful.

Toyota Yaji said very domineeringly: "President Matthew, do you know who you are talking to! ABC TV shouldn't have a good time, if Japanese manufacturers don't advertise, you may not even be able to pay your salary next year. It was already very polite to talk to you just now, don't be shameless; don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless.

Tonight, the ABC executives took the initiative to work overtime, and they all wanted to know how the public reacted and what the specific ratings were. The topic is still a bit sensitive, and they are also worried about taking responsibility.

When I received a call from Toyota Yaji, I chose to turn on the hands-free mode in order to avoid suspicion. It is to let everyone know that he has no private transactions with Japanese companies.

Hearing that the Japanese were so arrogant at the moment made the ABC executives extremely angry. It is not only Gervin Matthews who has been humiliated by Toyota Yaji, but ABC TV, and even the whole of America.

Gervin-Matthew: "Mr. Toyota, you are talking to the president of ABC TV in the United States; not your employees, if this is the attitude; then I am sorry, there is no need to continue talking. As for Toyota, or Japanese companies It's your freedom whether you choose to work with ABC TV. America is a free business society, not Japan."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and there was no chance for the other party to explain at all; there was no need to talk anymore, maybe the crazy Japanese would say something even more unacceptable. He is also a person who wants to save face, and he doesn't want to be counted down in front of his subordinates.

At this time, a director of ABC TV said: "Who gave the Japanese so much courage. In the past, I deliberately targeted American companies and asked the executives of Hawkins Fund to apologize. Now I have made a direct call to ABC TV and ordered us not to allow it. Report relevant news.

"I am a little confused now, whether the United States has troops stationed in Japan; or whether Japan has troops stationed in the United States."

"Toyota Yaji dares to say this, it is clear that it does not take ABC TV in its eyes. In the eyes of the Japanese, it is he who pays us advertising fees; he has the right to ask us to do anything."

"ABC has always only made the profits it deserves, and it doesn't have to bow down to anyone; it's a matter of principle, I don't know what you guys think."

The Japanese have already called the door, so what else can you see. He even dared to threaten the TV station. I don't know that even the White House dare not offend the media easily. The Japanese really think that they can cover the sky with one hand, but they think too highly of themselves.

Gervin - Matthew: "ABC TV has the right to let the public know more truth; must give the Japanese some color."

"Send all the reporters to interview the heads of American companies who have been affected by Japanese companies. At the same time, keep an eye on members of Congress. It's time for them to do something."

"ABC TV has opened a professional channel to continue to report on this matter."

The interview is easy to understand, but is it necessary to open a professional channel? A U.S. company is being treated unfairly, not a global crisis.

But the president has already made a statement, and it did make the ABC executives feel shameless just now. It is not unacceptable to open up a professional channel.

The Japanese ambassador to the United States did not know that his phone call just now not only had no effect, but even completely offended ABC TV; now there is no room for relaxation, but hope has become very slim.

ABC TV reporters started to act overnight and had to perform well in front of the president. Everyone is staring at this moment, but they can't lag behind other colleagues.

In recent years, many American companies have been affected by Japanese companies. Of course, a large part of them is the credit of the Black Cloud Group. But at the moment, I don't care so much. I can put all the blame on the Japanese, who made them so arrogant.

It is to let the Japanese side know that offending the Americans will cost a heavy price.

The head of an American company that has been suppressed by Japan for a long time seems to have found the backbone. The reporter who added fuel to it said that the business was good before, since the Japanese came; because of the low price, customers have not placed orders for a long time.

If the dumping of Japanese goods in the United States is not stopped; or if relevant laws are introduced, American manufacturing will cease to exist.

The U.S. Congress is the highest legislative body in the United States, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Members of both houses are directly elected by state voters. There are 2 senators per state, totaling 100, for 6-year terms, with one-third re-elected every two years. Members of the House of Representatives are elected according to the proportion of the population of each state, a total of 435, with a term of two years, all re-election after the expiration of the term. Members of both houses can be re-elected for an unlimited term. Senators and House of Representatives are full-time and may not hold government positions concurrently.

After the bill is passed by both houses, it will be handed over to the president for signature; if the president does not veto it, or if it is vetoed but re-approved by two-thirds of the members of both houses, it will officially become a law. The Senate and the House of Representatives work under the auspices of their respective Speakers. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is elected by the General Assembly, and the Vice-President is the current Speaker of the Senate. Both houses have many committees, and there are also joint committees composed of members of both houses, and most of the work of Congress is carried out in various committees. The main and most obvious task of the U.S. Congress is to legislate, making laws that affect every American. Legislation often requires decisions on controversial issues such as health care reform, war, trade exchange rates, etc. It becomes law only after a deliberation process.

Thomson-Wu is a member of the U.S. Congress. Hearing his name, he knows he has a Chinese background. But at this time, his English is definitely much better than Chinese. It has been nearly a hundred years since my great-grandfather came to the United States. As for why he can become a member of the House of Representatives, it is not only the need to unite ethnic minorities; it is mainly because the Wu family has chosen to marry white people since the second generation.

Even Thomson-Wu is no exception, his wife is of Germanic descent. The father-in-law himself has a very background, otherwise it would be impossible to become a congressman at a young age.

Thomson-Wu, who was not yet 40 at the time; definitely a young talent.

After watching the ABC TV report, I feel that this is a very good opportunity; it is also an opportunity to increase influence. If you use it well, it might be a dream come true.

Becoming president, although nominally possible; also knows that it is almost impossible. But as governor, there is still hope. The premise is to gain voter trust, or more support.

At present, the American people hate the Japanese so much, and this time they may offend the entire Wall Street; it can be taken advantage of.

Therefore, when a reporter from ABC TV interviewed Thomson-Wu and asked him how he thought about the current Japanese companies occupying the US market and going deep into various fields; and whether there are double standards and other issues! The congressman's answer surprised TV reporters.

Thomson-Wu said that if the United States wants to maintain its status as a great power, it must control its core areas in its own hands. There is nothing wrong with capital freedom, but it also depends on the specific circumstances.

Japanese companies can receive huge subsidies when exporting, so the tariffs increased by the United States will not have much impact on them, at least not in prices.

In addition, Japanese products themselves do not pay special attention to quality. Of course, this does not mean that they are bad. Japanese cars are indeed economical and durable, but they do not pay special attention to safety.

For example, where Japanese cars can use plastic, they will never use steel. In the event of a car accident, the safety of the occupants in the car is difficult to guarantee. It is important to save fuel, but compared with life; the public must know how to choose!

When the reporter asked if there would be a meeting, it was suggested to sanction some Japanese companies.

Thomas-Wu said that he would, first of all, consider the survival and happiness of American companies and people; as for the rest, it is not so important.

This is just the beginning, there are many more members of Congress like Thomson-Ng. They all said that some Japanese companies should be sanctioned, otherwise the future of America is extremely dangerous.

As for why not before, the main thing is to follow the principles of commercial freedom and fairness. Now it is the Japanese who are picking things up, and the United States must fight back. If you can't do this, you won't be trusted by the public. At the same time, it also proves that the high-level is incompetent, or there are other shady secrets.

It can be said that the White House has been involved, which gave Reagan a headache.

No one expected that the American reaction would be so intense. The richest man in Bao is also a little confused, it's just an audio tape; is it so powerful!

In fact, the tape is just a fuse. Americans have a deep resentment against Japan; after all, the streets are full of Japanese goods, and luxury real estate basically belongs to the Japanese.

It cannot be said that the hatred of the rich is in the heart, but at least the heart is very unbalanced; Japan, as a defeated country, is also the younger brother of the United States; why is it happier than the Americans.

Of course, people instinctively ignore the hard work of the Japanese since the end of World War II.

It is normal for a long-standing resentment to be suddenly ignited, and it is normal to explode in an instant. If you don't do it, you can take advantage of this opportunity; it is adding a fire to the relationship between Japan and the United States; I don't believe that Reagan can sit still. At this time, the richest man Bao already had a new plan in mind. I believe that many Japanese companies will be stripped of their skins even if they don't die.

Now is not the time to be sympathetic, but about who can win the future. Japanese companies in the previous life seem to have suffered heavy losses at this stage, but they are more of an appearance. Many have transformed to produce high-end raw materials and basic accessories; overall sales have not been affected much; they have just stepped back from the front desk.

It has a bad reputation, but it has also managed to turn Americans away; it has not focused on Japanese companies for a long time. Bao Zixuan didn't want to cheapen them like this. After so many years of development, Heiyun's fangs are sharp enough to harvest the Japanese stock market, but also to pack technology and talents.

Although it is difficult to implement, it is not without opportunities.

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