Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724

There are quite a lot of Wall Street funds coming to Japan, but I didn't expect that I was also invited. The person who sent the invitation even made it clear that Mr. Clay-Clark could bring anyone there, absolutely unlimited. You don't have to think about it to know what the other party wants to express. It is no secret that the richest man Bao came to Japan.

After all, he did not show up for so many days, and the media will definitely look for its traces. I was worried that I would not save face by directly inviting the boss, so I asked the person who sent the invitation to say so.

In fact, not to mention Bao Zixuan, even Clay Clark didn't want to go there. The people who come here are professional managers, and the employers can let them go if the losses are too great. If you are in a relationship, it may be more troublesome. At that time, I will ask you for help, or ask for shelter; don't you turn a blind eye.

But beyond Clay Clark's expectations, the boss asked him to go. This is a good testing ground. It can even save a lot of information costs.

At the same time, it is also a good opportunity to sell real estate. Although stocks are easy to deal with, real estate needs a certain cycle. Coupled with the fact that Wall Street capital is not so keen on real estate, the Blackstone Fund still has some inventory in its hands. Although it does not affect the overall situation, since it is to be done, make it perfect.

Besides, the more capital losses on Wall Street, the higher the chance of success in the implementation of the next plan. It must not be easier for them, because that means self-interest is compromised.

Clay-Clark has no other way, after all, it is a task assigned by the boss; even if he is reluctant, he should go and see.

Just like that, I came to the banquet spot*, one of the most extravagant places in Tokyo at the same time.

In order to show pomp and to satisfy men's preferences; Olga deliberately set the dinner party in a high-end club in Ginza. And choosing a private venue, the degree of arrogance is evident. Of course, for a professional manager who can make billions of dollars in profits for the company a day, no boss will say much about spending a little money.

After all, spending is nothing compared to making money. Besides, money is earned, isn't it just to spend! Plus today is a formal business reception, even if Phil Hawkins knows it will raise his hands in approval.

At this time, Phil Hawkins would receive data from the Japanese branch every night. Seeing the huge profits, he instinctively chose to let go.

Plus the wife just gave birth. That's when care needs to be taken; people make money and nothing else.

The people who come to the party are all men, but when they come to a place like this, I really don't know what to say. While ecstatic in his heart, he also thought that Olga was nothing more than that.

In fact, Olga did not expect that such an arrangement would be counterproductive, mainly because he had not held a high position before; he did not know much about this kind of business banquet. Men like beautiful women, and it may not have anything to do with their age; but many people do not want to let outsiders know, let alone expose their preferences and weaknesses in front of competitors.

There must be competition among so many fund companies. The heads of various funds are not all friends; enemies are more likely. Even as a competitor, he usually shows greatness in face. Where is the identity and status, no one will do too much.

But today, this place, at most, can come over for recreation; it needs to be done in secret. If the whole industry knows about it, then it must not be able to hide from their family. Smart men think the same way; they are crazy outside and don't want to destroy family harmony. . .