Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1723

Chapter 1723

There are quite a lot of Wall Street funds coming to Japan, but I didn't expect that I was also invited. The person who sent the invitation even made it clear that Mr. Clay-Clark could bring anyone there, absolutely unlimited. You don't have to think about it to know what the other party wants to express. It is no secret that the richest man Bao came to Japan.

After all, he did not show up for so many days, and the media will definitely look for its traces. I was worried that I would not save face by directly inviting the boss, so I asked the person who sent the invitation to say so.

In fact, not to mention Bao Zixuan, even Clay Clark didn't want to go there. The people who come here are professional managers, and the employers can let them go if the losses are too great. If you are in a relationship, it may be more troublesome. At that time, I will ask you for help, or ask for shelter; don't you turn a blind eye.

But beyond Clay Clark's expectations, the boss asked him to go. This is a good testing ground, and can even save a lot of intelligence costs.

At the same time, it is also a good opportunity to sell real estate. Although stocks are easy to deal with, real estate needs a certain cycle. Coupled with the fact that Wall Street capital is not so keen on real estate, the Blackstone Fund still has some inventory in its hands. Although it does not affect the overall situation, since it is to be done, make it perfect.

Besides, the more capital losses on Wall Street, the higher the chance of success in the implementation of the next plan. It must not be easier for them, because that means self-interest is compromised.

Clay-Clark has no other way, after all, it is a task assigned by the boss; even if he is reluctant, he should go and see.

In this way, I came to the banquet venue alone, and it is also one of the most luxurious places in Tokyo.

In order to show pomp and to satisfy men's preferences; Olga deliberately set the dinner party in a high-end club in Ginza. And the choice of private venues, the degree of arrogance can be seen. Of course, for a professional manager who can make billions of dollars in profits for the company a day, no boss will say much about spending a little money.

After all, spending is nothing compared to making money. Besides, money is earned, isn't it just to spend! Plus today is a formal business reception, even if Phil Hawkins knows it will raise his hands in approval.

At this time, Phil Hawkins would receive data from the Japanese branch every night. Seeing the huge profits, he instinctively chose to let go.

In addition, the wife has just given birth, which is the time when she needs to be taken care of; the subordinates can make money, and other things will not be concerned at all.

The people who come to the party are all men, but when they come to a place like this, I really don't know what to say. While ecstatic in his heart, he also thought that Olga was nothing more than that.

In fact, Olga did not expect that such an arrangement would be counterproductive, mainly because he had not held a high position before; he did not know much about this kind of business banquet. Men like beautiful women, and it may not have anything to do with their age; but many people do not want to let outsiders know, let alone expose their preferences and weaknesses in front of competitors.

There must be competition among so many fund companies. The heads of various funds are not all friends; enemies are more likely. Even as a competitor, he usually shows greatness in face. Where is the identity and status, no one will do too much.

But today, this place, at most, can come over for recreation; it needs to be done in secret. If the whole industry knows about it, then it must not be able to hide from their family. Smart men think the same way; they are crazy outside and don't want to destroy family harmony.

If things are put on the table, it is not good for oneself and corporate image. And for many professional managers, their income is very high. But it is still far from being a real boss; therefore, spending money is not so willing. It can't reach the strength of caring for beautiful women at all, and it's more of a show; it's just an occasional appreciation.

The same goes for women, as long as they manage their time; it's not a problem at all. But now all the customers are called directly. You must know that in the recent period of time; most of the high-end clubs in Ginza receive practitioners in the financial field. After all, no one can make money faster than them and earn more.

Olga's previous idea was very simple, it was in the Tokyo Stock Exchange last time; but there were many beautiful women who came to cheer, of course, the organizer specially invited. However, the Hawkins Foundation does not have such a large venue, and if it chooses to be in a hotel, it is not so convenient; therefore, one of the subordinates advises it, and the banquet venue can be placed directly in the clubhouse.

It feels very feasible, so there is this club meeting. Everyone is convenient, as for spending more money, I really don't care that much. The profit of the Hawkins Fund in one day is enough to continuously charter the market for more than ten years.

As for the club owner, of course, I also want to make friends with these financial practitioners; no one has made as much money as them recently, and they definitely belong to the category of big fat sheep.

Although Clay Clark also wants to have something to do with Japanese beauties, this is definitely not the time. The boss is still in Japan, if he can't control it even these days; then his status in Bao Zixuan's heart will naturally be greatly reduced. It's okay to find a woman, but it can't interfere with work.

Recently, the work intensity has been very high, and as the president, you can't lose the big because of the small.

Therefore, when a beautiful woman comes to say hello, she instinctively chooses to avoid it. Not just Clay Clark, but many managers; no one wants to make a fool of themselves in front of their competitors.

At this time, the head of a Wall Street fund company came to Clay Clark and said with a smile, "Clay, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Seeing the other party, Clay Clarke was obviously taken aback; after all, he hadn't heard of the other party coming to Japan, but it's quite normal to think about it carefully; now who doesn't want to get a piece of the pie.

Clay Clark said with a smile: "Will, I didn't expect you to come to Japan too; it seems that this feast attracted a lot of people."

The man named Will is Will Gibson; he is less than 50 years old this year; it can be said that it is the golden age of a corporate executive. He himself has a long-standing reputation on Wall Street and has even become a model for professional managers.

The starting point is very high, working in Goldman Sachs investment bank; later, he established his own fund company. Because of its good reputation and stable investment return, it has won the trust of customers. Currently managing a fund company with more than 10 billion US dollars; it is definitely the ultimate goal of investors.

This person is not only a manager, but has already risen to the position of the boss; I didn't expect that he would also give Olga face, it seems that today is very interesting.

Originally, Will Gibson didn't plan to come, but he thought that many fund managers had participated. He has been in Japan for a short time, and the information he has acquired is not so comprehensive. Rather than coming to the banquet, it would be more accurate to inquire about the news. In fact, it is not only him, but many fund company presidents have the same purpose.

After all, with their worth, they really don't care where they go to eat and spend time; no one cares about small money.

Will Gibson said with a smile: "Clay, it's been a long time. I heard that you have been in Japan for the past few years, or you have more vision."

As a financial practitioner, I would never laugh at the Blackstone Fund's sell-off; there is no qualification at all. It has been several years since people came to Japan, and how many times they made profits during this period, and how many people know about it. It is the highest art of investing. All profits are on the books and cannot be convinced.

Earning huge profits doesn't feel like there is much room for upside; selling and leaving the market is the most normal phenomenon, and it will be the same for yourself. People who go up the mountain should never laugh at the gods who go down the mountain. This is the case in all walks of life.

Clay Clark said with a smile: "It's all the bosses who are far-sighted, I'm just an executive. But you, the achievements you have achieved in recent make us professional managers envious."

The ultimate goal of any professional manager is to own an investment bank or fund of his own. Will Gibson has done it, and certainly is the object of admiration.

Will Gibson: "It's just luck, and at the same time you know what happened at Goldman Sachs, and you're forced to do so."

"The full withdrawal of the Blackstone Fund means that the Japanese stock market and property market are about to collapse. As an old friend, can you reveal one or two?"

When it comes to business secrets, it is also a white question, and no one will answer it directly. As a Wall Street celebrity, it's impossible not to know. Knowing that the correct result will not be obtained, or that the other party will not answer; why there is such a question.

This is very intriguing and very confusing.

Perhaps seeing Clay Clark's question, Will Gibson continued: "I just came to Japan, and I don't know anything about it; so it's inevitable that I will be curious. I know it's not in line with the rules, but I can't help it; It seems to be really old, and the suspicion is getting worse!"