Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1571

Chapter 1571

If you want to get the Holy Grail back from Bao Zixuan, money is useless at all. Although the Vatican is rich, there is absolutely no shortage of funds. However, the financial resources of the richest man Bao are not weaker than theirs, and they are definitely stronger at present; and he has made it clear that he must exchange other cultural relics. In addition, the other party is not a believer at all, and there is no reason for people to donate it.

Now I can only think of a way to get the Holy Grail back. But for Christian holy objects, it's really a bad stock price. If the valuation is too low, Bao's richest man will certainly not be satisfied; it also shows that the Vatican has no sincerity. But the valuation is too high, and the price paid is inevitably a bit large. In short, this is a very contradictory thing, and it is a headache to think about.

Seeing the Pope in deep thought, another important figure, Angelo Mohana di Corona, thought that the Knights Templar could not take the credit alone; after all, they also have an unshirkable responsibility for the loss of the Holy Grail . As long as you are a man, you must take responsibility.

Corona is not a five juniors, but the current Grand Commander of another well-known Knights Hospitaller; it can be said that he has a high status in the Holy See.

The full name of the Knights Hospitaller is the "Hospital Order of St. John of Jerusalem", also known as the Knights of St. John's. It was founded in 1099. It was originally founded by the nobles of the Duchy of Burgundy and several companions in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Jerusalem. A nearby hospital was established with the main purpose of caring for the wounded and pilgrims.

Due to the selfless devotion to the pilgrims, the hospital order has grown rapidly, and the medical cause of the Knights Hospitaller has also been widely praised by Christians. From 1110 the Order agreed to hand over the property of the territories scattered over Jerusalem to the Knights Hospitaller.

In 1113, the Holy See recognized them as an independent religious order; and granted them a series of economic and political privileges, such as no need to pay 11 taxes, no need to accept the leadership of any regime, only subject to papal moderation.

In the early days of its establishment, the Knights Hospitaller was just an organization for good. It was not until 1120 that the Knights Hospitaller began to carry out activities as a military order to protect pilgrims from pagan attacks by force, and developed into an important military force in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and also had a great influence on the political situation in Jerusalem. . Baldwin III praised them as "excellent in medicine, well-equipped, and religious."

The rules of the Knights Hospitaller are based on the rules of the Austin Order. The members of the Knights are divided into priests, knights and non-commissioned officers, as well as members or recipients. The Order was ruled by a Grand Master, assisted by a council of priests and eight judges. Its organization is very similar to that of the Knights Templar, but its philanthropy is more pronounced.

Unlike the Knights Templar, which was disbanded and transferred to underground development, the Knights Hospitaller has always existed from its founding to the present. Therefore, it is not easy to retain a very good inheritance and continue for thousands of years.

When the Holy Grail was lost, the Knights Hospitaller also had a certain responsibility; now they must show sincerity, at least let the believers see their responsibility.

Corona, the current commander of the Knights Hospitaller, thought for a moment and said: "The Knights Templar announced their dissolution hundreds of years ago, and it is somewhat inappropriate to reappear now. Losing the Holy Grail Knights Hospitaller is also responsible, so I am rich in the past. Chaila. After so many years, the Knights Hospitaller has some savings. If Bao Zixuan needs it, it doesn't matter if you give it to him."

The words must be said beautifully, and at least the attitude must be expressed in front of John Paul II.

At present, the Knights Hospitaller is a sovereign "quasi-state", and it can be said that it does not completely rely on the Vatican. In fact, the Knights Hospitaller is somewhat similar to the East India Company; but in terms of the elements of the country, the Knights Hospitaller is far more complete than the East India Company. The latter only has the right to form an army, issue currency, and rule the colonies; but in terms of integrity and political status, the East India Company is obviously not comparable to the Knights Hospitaller.

Because the Knights Hospitaller has its own national anthem, its official language, its constitution, its currency, its passport, its stamps, its own judiciary; its foreign minister, its finance minister, its legislation, its parliament. Most importantly, it has established diplomatic relations with 104 countries in the world, and it also exists as a United Nations observer entity.

Its only flaw is that it has no territory. Therefore, this also causes the Knights Hospitaller to exist as a political entity, but does not have the character of a state. Although it has many constituent elements of a state, it has no territory; it is not a state in the true sense, but it still exists as a political sovereign entity recognized by international law.

Although it does not need to be completely under the command of John Paul II, if you want to develop or seek other resources, you must be consistent with the Vatican.

You must know that the Knights Hospitaller has no territory, so in terms of funding, it may be a little worse. The two office buildings were leased from the Italian government. Even if there are some channels to obtain funds, it is through charity, or the influence of the Holy See.

If there is a breakup with the Vatican, the final result will not be very good.

Hearing that the chief of the Knights Hospitaller wanted to pass, John Paul II was very moved. Although this will increase the influence of the Knights Hospitaller, it is also a good way.

The Knights Templar had been disbanded by Pope Clement V in 1312. If it appeared at this time, it would be unclear. Isn't that punching yourself in the face! To know that the authority of the Pope is absolutely unquestionable, and must not let the world see the Vatican as a joke.

At the same time, he also understood in his heart that the Knights Hospitaller just wanted to use this time to welcome the return of the Holy Grail; to increase its influence. But is there any other better way?

At this time, I saw Ilderfus-Paula not far away; I immediately had an idea in my heart. Such a great contribution cannot be taken away by the Hospital Knights, and the Teutonic Knights can also participate.

The Teutonic Knights, also known as the German Knights, officially known as the Knights of Our Lady of the German Brothers of Jerusalem, was a Catholic military organization in the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages and one of the three famous Knights. The early members were all Germans, and the Knights were forced to accept the Poles after they succumbed to Poland.

On March 5, 1198, the Teutonic Knights were established in Akka, in what is now Israel, and thereafter used Akka as their headquarters until 1291. In 1224 the Teutonic Knights established the state of the Teutonic Knights after conquering the Prussian region and the ancient Prussians.

In 1512, Albrecht from the Hohenzollern family of Brandenburg was elected Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, a close relative of the Elector of Brandenburg. Under the influence of Martin Luther, he announced his conversion to Lutheranism in 1525, thus cutting off the connection with the Holy See, the name suzerain of the Knights. Albrecht made himself Duke of Prussia, but the Teutonic Order remained as an organization.

In 1809, Napoleon disbanded the Teutonic Order as a military organization.

In 1929, Pope Pius XI decreed that the Teutonic Knights became a purely religious order of friars, which has survived to the present day in order to assist and public welfare.

Although the Teutonic Knights have also experienced many twists and turns, compared with the Templar Knights who cannot see the light, and the relatively independent Hospital Knights; the Teutonic Knights are definitely their own. They passed, adding two cardinals. Not only is sincerity enough, even believers will think that everything is unified and coordinated by the Vatican; orthodoxy must be established.

What a smart person Ilderfus-Paula, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has been by the Pope's side for so long; his ability to observe words is not bad at all. Certainly understand what John-Paul II meant. So he said directly: "This matter is related to the honor of all the knights, although the Knights Templar is not easy to come forward; but the Teutonic Knights must participate and contribute to ushering in the Holy Grail."

Hearing this kid's statement, John Paul II was very satisfied. It seems that he still understands things and knows what he wants to express. If the Knights Hospitaller were to bring the Holy Grail back, their influence would definitely increase significantly. This is not in the long-term interests of the Vatican and religion.

But if the relics of the Holy Grail are exchanged, all of them will be borne by the Vatican; John Paul II is a little distressed. After all, with Bao Zixuan's appetite, the price to pay must not be small.

They do not produce labor themselves, but rely on other sources of income. Although it is easier to make money than ordinary people; but for wealth, it is more important than anyone else.

Now let the Knights Hospitalier pay and pay, and in the end the Holy Grail will still be placed in the Vatican. This is the result he wants to get, it depends on how Corona chooses!
