Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1570

Chapter 1570

The Jews are pushing hard in Tel Aviv, and as another protagonist of the story, Christianity certainly cannot stay out of it. The Holy Grail appears, and if they don't show it at all, how are they going to explain it to the believers. At this moment, we also need to organize manpower and prepare to negotiate with Bao Zixuan in the past.

And all this needs to be decided by the Pope who lives in the Vatican. After all, he is the supreme leader of Christianity.

The full name of Vatican City is "Vatican City State". It is the seat of the Holy See. It is located on the Vatican Heights in the northwest corner of Rome. It covers an area of 0.44 square kilometers and has a resident population of about 800 people, mostly clergy. The Vatican was originally the center of the Papal State in the Middle Ages. After the territory of the Papal State was incorporated into Italy in 1870, the Pope retired to the Vatican. In 1929, the Lateran Treaty was signed with Italy and became an independent country. The Vatican is the smallest and least populous country in the world.

Although the area is the smallest in the world, the happiness index is estimated to be several blocks behind other countries. The per capita wealth is not announced. If it is made public, it is estimated to be the first in the world.

Perhaps the Pope did not have as much power as in the Middle Ages at this time, but his strength should never be underestimated.

After all, the Vatican Pope claims to be the surviving representative of Christ, the supreme authority, and the spiritual leader of Catholics. The Pope is also a knowledgeable, well-respected man with a permanent term.

In addition, the Pope has the highest legislative and judicial powers, can issue or repeal canon law; appoint people to form the Holy See, establish dioceses, appoint bishops, and be "infallible in morals and faith".

It can be seen from this that the Pope of the Vatican is very powerful, but not anyone who wants to be the Pope can be the Pope. The Vatican's requirements for Pope candidates are very strict, starting with multi-level, step-by-step formal learning and years of training. Then one must obtain a certificate from the Vatican Bible College, and then one must become the archbishop of the diocese.

It is not easy to become the archbishop of a diocese. First, elections are held by constituencies around the world, and then 117 archbishops gather in the Sistine Chapel to participate in the election. Only those who obtain a two-thirds majority of cardinals can be elected.

The appearance of the Holy Grail made the Pope pay attention. Immediately convene the main cardinal archbishop, and other relevant personnel for a meeting to discuss; see how to welcome the Holy Grail.

As Pope, surely know more secrets than anyone else. According to historical records, it was the Middle East where the Knights Templar took the Holy Grail, and their whereabouts have been unknown since then. It can be said that these can be matched, so the Holy Grail is likely to be genuine.

Although experts from the Middle East participated in the excavation of the treasure, the identification of the Holy Grail is not authoritative. But their academic achievements are still unquestionable. And even if it is not the real Holy Grail, it is related to the Knights Templar; it must be an important Christian relic, so in any case, it must be brought back to the Vatican.

After all, the Knights Templar is an inescapable topic for Christianity. Even though they have disappeared for hundreds of years, they are still very influential.

The Knights Templar, also translated as the Knights of the Temple, officially called "The Poor Knights of the Temple of Christ and Solomon", was a Catholic military organization in the Middle Ages and one of the three famous Knights.

In 1119, French aristocrats Hugo de Pain and Geoffrey de Saint-Omer founded a friar based on the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount to defend the safety of pilgrims and attack infidels. The monastery was built on the ruins of the former Solomon's Temple, from which the monks were named, with nine members at first.

In 1129, the Knights Templar received the official support of the Holy See, with many privileges, and then rapidly increased its size, power and wealth, and even developed the earliest banking industry.

In 1307, many of its members were arrested in France, brutally interrogated and burned at the stake for heresy. In 1312, Pope Clement V, who was in the Holy See of Avignon, was pressured by Philip IV to announce the dissolution of the Knights Templar.

In fact, the real Knights Templar has not completely disappeared. Instead, it turned to underground secret development. Of course, these outsiders must not know.

It is mainly the existence of the Knights Templar that threatens the interests of too many countries' royal families. Faced with collective opposition and joint attacks from various countries, if you don't think of a solution, or if you turn to underground development, there may really be nothing left.

Now the head of the Knights Templar, Fernando Camplau, has also come to the conference room; after all, there are many things that he needs to report in person.

After seeing that all the people were there, John Paul II first said: "What do you think about the news of the Holy Grail in Fucaira?"

At this time, everyone turned to Fernando Camplau, the current head of the rebuilt Knights Templar. Now the authenticity of the Holy Grail has yet to be determined. But if you want to say that the person who knows the most about that period of history must be him.

In fact, Fernando Camplau also has something to hide, the Knights Templar and the Assassin sect have similar final results. All the core members were killed, and the rest were ordinary knights performing tasks outside. Therefore, not much is known about core secrets. Only different from the Assassin sect, it was killed by the enemy.

The Knights Templar were killed by their former allies; or they were killed by their own people, and they might feel even more aggrieved in their hearts. However, the Pope has already asked questions, and he will definitely answer.

And recently, the Knights Templar have almost become a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats that. After all, there are not many holy objects in the whole of Christianity. But the Knights Templar were better off, taking two of them to the Middle East; one was destroyed and the other became a trophy. No matter what the reason is, believers only know that they have lost the holy relic; this crime alone is not trivial.

However, in order to find evidence that could effectively refute Bao Zixuan and the Arabs, the head of the group deliberately looked at the historical data. But the results are disappointing, although there is not much information left; but it is enough to prove that the Arabs are not wrong.

Fernando Camprao: "In early July 1187, the army of Sadd al-Din and the Knights Templar fought in the Middle East; the final result was similar to that introduced by the Arabs."

"Fight to the end; the Knights Templar, centered on the True Cross, organized a phalanx to resist. Many of the remaining knights could have broken through the siege with their fast horses and heavy armor, but in order to protect the True Cross, they all fought to the death. At last Saladin gave the order to stop the slaughter. The army of Jerusalem was almost annihilated, the Christian holy cross was taken by the Arabs, and the most elite Knights Templar and Hospitallers were either killed or executed by Saladin; but I don't know why; Saladin has spared Gerard the Grand Master."

"Since Jerusalem lost almost all its troops, it was quickly captured by Saladin."

"According to the notes of Gerard, the chief of the regiment who returned to Europe from the Holy City, when they set out, they did bring two holy objects to boost morale. One was the True Cross and the other was the Holy Grail. But since the same time After the battle of Saladin, it is rumored that the True Cross was smashed by the Arab army, and the whereabouts of the Holy Grail are unknown since then."

"So it can basically be concluded that the Holy Grail found in Fucaira is likely to be the real one. After all, all the historical data are correct, and there are two Jewish scholars who have identified it."

"I have investigated the information of these two Jews, and their academic achievements are still worthy of recognition. In addition, there are other historians to corroborate them, so there is basically no doubt about the authenticity of the Holy Grail."

"It was the lost holy relic of the Knights Templar back then, so I hope that we will bring the Holy Grail back from the Middle East. UU Reading"

Hearing this, John Paul II fell into contemplation; he was also weighing the pros and cons of whether it would be good for him and the Vatican to let the Knights Templar come back out of the mountains.

After all, an organization that disappeared for hundreds of years suddenly reappeared in the world, and it was still difficult for believers to accept it. But Fernando Camprow still makes sense, after all, they lost the holy relic; it makes sense for them to bring it back now.

In fact, many historians disagree on why the Holy Grail went to the Middle East. The true cross as a flag and symbol is understandable; after all, it can be reflected in the clothing of the Knights Templar. But the Holy Grail is useless, and it's so hard to take it to the Middle East.

Perhaps the role of the heart is greater. At that time, many people had the magical power of the Holy Grail. If you are injured, drink the water from the Holy Grail; you will feel no pain immediately and will speed up the wound healing. Of course, from a modern point of view, it is very unscientific; but at the time, the Templars were convinced.

At present, it is not the question of why he brought the Holy Grail to the Middle East, but the top priority; he should quickly exchange the Holy Grail from Bao Zixuan.