Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504

In fact, almost everyone saw Bao Zixuan's arrival. It's just that there are always people around, so it's not easy to come and disturb. Now that Lee Shau Kee has finished talking with him, someone familiar must come over to say hello. This time the British called the meeting, and they didn't have any good intentions! In addition, it is Chinese businessmen who can dominate Hong Kong Capital now; at this time, they must not be in chaos and let the British take advantage.

If Chinese businessmen want to fight for better conditions, they must unite; even Zheng Yutong and Bao Yugang are very clear. But asking them to bow their heads to Bao Zixuan is absolutely impossible.

But other people don't think so, it's okay not to bow, but at this moment, we must unite Bao Zixuan and Heiyun Bank; even now, the focus of Bao's richest man is not all on Xiangjiang.

After all, Xiangjiang still has such a big industry, and everyone is familiar with each other, so there is no need to worry that the other party will do things that harm the interests of Chinese businessmen.

Huo Yingdong came over and said with a smile, "It's still your tossing around a lot. It seems that we are really getting old. What are your plans in the future? I really plan to increase investment in the Middle East."

To say that Bao Zixuan has a firm foothold in the Middle East, the most uncomfortable thing in his heart is Mr. Huo. After all, he had always hoped that Bao Zixuan would be able to stand up. And this kid has really done it in terms of investment. The two companies, Black Cloud Group and Hutchison Whampoa, have invested more in the mainland than other tycoons in Heung Kong combined.

What is this concept, which means that Bao Zixuan is very optimistic about the economic development of mainland China. Moreover, with the ability of the other party, it will increase investment in the future; it is absolutely trivial to take the economy to a higher level.

But just when the Hutchison Plaza project was just approved and ready to show off its strengths; Fucaira gave people such a big surprise. Adding 2,000 square kilometers of land is still the chokepoint of the Persian Gulf; who would give up easily with such a superior geographical location.

Whether it is a person or an enterprise, no matter how strong it is, it is still limited. In the future, Heiyun Group will definitely increase its investment in Fucaira, and it will happen to anyone. Then the scale of investment in other places is bound to decrease accordingly.

Heung Kong will inevitably return in the future. If Heiyun Group reduces the scale of investment, it will be very difficult for the economy to develop rapidly.

Of course, this is only one aspect. Bao Zixuan's influence is too great; if other tycoons in Hong Kong are driven to invest in Fucaira in the past, then the economy of Hong Kong will even decline.

If this were to happen, the British would certainly have something to say. Huo Lao still wanted to persuade the richest man, although he knew that it was of little significance, he still had to try.

Bao Zixuan: "I hope to have factories all over the world. This goal will not change. And it is not good to invest too much in one place. Avoiding risks is also giving benefits to others."

"As for Fucaira, there will definitely be more investment in the future. If Mr. Huo is interested, just turn around in the past."

Hearing Bao Zixuan say this, Huo Yingdong certainly understood what he meant. It seems that the other party has made up his mind, so there is no need to discourage him. If both parties are unhappy because of dissuasion, it is not good for each other.

But for Fucaira, even if Huo Yingdong is interested, he will not choose to invest at this time. Safety is one aspect, and the most important time is inappropriate.

If the people of Xiangjiang see that the Huo family are all investing in other places at this time; how would they feel?

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Since you have made a decision, I don't have much to say."

"But this meeting is related to the interests of all Chinese banks; you must not let go, and you have to play a leading role. At present, our strength and scale are not enough for foreign banks to pay attention. But Heiyun Bank is different. , I heard that this time it has successfully opened up several national markets, which is really an amazing achievement."

In fact, letting Heiyun Bank take the lead, has formed a tacit understanding among Chinese bankers. Not wanting to be the first bird is one aspect, and the most important thing is that strength does not allow it. Although they have a lot of personal assets, the size of the bank is not small compared to HSBC and Standard Chartered.

Some basic businesses are in Hong Kong, and there is still a lot of cooperation with HSBC. Hong Kong and the UK also need HSBC and Standard Chartered to deal with the financial transactions. Even Heiyun Bank is powerless.

At this stage, Hong Kong has frequent financial exchanges with the British mainland, or with the Commonwealth of Nations. If these are cut off, the loss will definitely not be small.

This is also the reason why HSBC has the ability to convene everyone for a meeting; at the same time, it must give face.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I just came back not long ago, I have to take the lead in everything. Even if you let the next person do something, you must know the ins and outs!"

Whether this kid is unclear, Huo Yingdong really doesn't know. After all, everyone knows that Heiyun Bank has always been managed by professional managers. Bao Zixuan seldom participates in specific operations, if Yuan Tianfan did not tell the boss, it is not impossible. After all, things have just happened, and Bao Zixuan has been in the Middle East again.

And it's a war, unless it's an emergency; it'll never bother him.

But it feels impossible. After all, it is related to the development direction of the bank and the core competitiveness. Bao Zixuan is delegating power, and Yuan Tianfan should also report to him.

But since people ask, they always have to answer.

Huo Yingdong thought for a moment and said: "At present, the competition among the major banks in Hong Kong is very fierce. In order to attract depositors, it can be said that everything is necessary. Of course, Heiyun Bank did not participate in all of this, after all, it does business between enterprises; Cloud's own employee storage business is enough to make your bank the number one in Heungkong."

"But those of us can't do it. In order to develop, we can only continue to attract depositors and grab resources from HSBC and Standard Chartered. The only advantage is lower operating costs."

"Take HSBC as an example, Shen Bi's salary is comparable to the salary of the entire management team of our bank. Therefore, we must have an advantage in attracting local customers in Hong Kong."

"Although HSBC's status has declined, after all, it has been in the position of Heung Kong First Bank for so long. There are still a lot of resources, and it is a critical moment; the British do not want to see HSBC go wrong or not survive."

"So they want to use other means to intervene in the development and operation of Chinese banks. It has not been stated yet, but the maximum deposit and loan interest should be stipulated."

"If the conditions are moderate, it will be beneficial to both parties. After all, the deposit interest rate has been greatly increased, and we are also very struggling."

"But now I'm worried about what HSBC is doing in the middle. You don't know Shen Bi's character yet. He is definitely a master who will never give up until his goal is achieved."

"Recently, you have not been in Hong Kong. HSBC has started to do things again, and many of them are not commercial methods, making everyone miserable."

Use administrative means to intervene in the direction of the economy and capital. This trick is not very clever, but it will be very effective. Perhaps Shen Bi also saw this and organized this meeting. "

Bao Zixuan: "Let's see what Shen Bi wants to do first. It's definitely not that simple. If it's just to reduce the interest, there's no need to make such a big commotion. The Governor's Office has an order that everyone should abide by."

"And this kind of direct intervention in economic development, UU reading Shen Bi will not do it. He still pays attention to image, and has always advertised himself as the most powerful banker in the whole of Hong Kong, an absolute professional; Retired grades should not leave any stains on themselves."

Hearing what Bao Zixuan said, Huo Yingdong also felt reasonable. After all, if you really want everyone to reduce interest, issue a document, or make a phone call, whichever company will seriously implement it. No one is willing to fight against the Governor's Mansion, that's not looking for trouble.

And lower deposit interest rates are good for everyone. Bank management costs have been fixed, so profits will naturally increase accordingly. As for the reduction of loan interest rates, it is entirely up to you.

It was this kid who thought it through, and at the same time knew Shen Bi better.

But there is also a possibility that Bao Zixuan is unwilling to be this early bird; he said so on purpose. After all, people's future focus will definitely be on Fucaira; not to mention the Hong Kong financial market has nothing to do with it, but it will definitely not be as focused as before.

The only way at the moment is to wait and see what Shen Bi wants to do. With his age, it is likely to be the last dance in Xiangjiang. As Bao Zixuan said, a person who pays great attention to fame; he will not allow blemishes in the last moments of his career.