Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1503

Chapter 1503

At this stage, there are many tycoons in Xiangjiang; there is definitely a discord between face and heart, and everyone has their own little ninety-nine. Previously, most people competed in real estate and shipping. But now the situation has changed a lot, because the relationship between Bao's richest man has raised the threshold for banks a lot.

The former tycoons who started their businesses with banks have already withdrawn from the financial field. Those who can continue to operate the bank in Heungkong are not simple roles. If there is no strength, there is no trust at all.

And because in Hong Kong, Chinese wages themselves are lower than in Britain. This makes Chinese-funded enterprises have a lot of advantages in terms of operating costs. Coupled with the relative flexibility of doing things, British capital cannot compete with Chinese businessmen in many fields.

It was only other industries before, but it did not have a significant impact on the financial industry. But the situation is different now. Many tycoons in Hong Kong have entered the banking field, whether it is HSBC or Standard Chartered; foreign banks already have no advantage at all.

Before customers believed in them, it was because of their peace of mind. After all, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank are both century-old companies, and their credibility can still be guaranteed. With the rise of Heiyun Bank, and the world knows Bao Zixuan's terrifying financial power; and Heiyun Bank is indeed much stronger than foreign banks in terms of convenience and speed in the core technology field.

Savers naturally know what to choose, so British banks are already seeing the crisis. If there is no change, then the final result will definitely not be much better.

Seeing Bao Zixuan, Li Zhaoji walked over.

They basically have investments in Iraq, but relative to their worth; their scale and size are not large. Just to forge a good relationship, after all, the Middle East is not peaceful. Should Iraq go to war with other countries, their investments will inevitably suffer.

If the investment is not large, even if it is all lost, it will not have much impact on Li Zhaoji and others. Once the Iraqi economy develops, not only will they have a head start, but they will also be able to enter the oil and gas sector. After all, I supported you before, and now I will definitely give you some benefits.

Lee Shau Kee said with a smile: "Bao Sheng is really a generous person, but it is estimated that others will not be envious. Many people thought that the Heiyun Group's undertaking of the Italian Commodities Japan Exhibition was not a proper job. But I feel that Bao Sheng will not do it. As expected, Baosheng never disappoints."

"It seems that in doing business, you really need to learn from Baosheng. There are other projects in Fucaira that can be invested in. Just think of my brother, it's good to follow you and drink some soup."

People who really think that Bao Zixuan undertakes the Tokyo Exhibition of Italian Commodities are basically so-called experts. Increase visibility by slandering and denying Bao's richest man. At any time, someone will go to the heat. But Xiangjiang tycoons, or people who know Bao Zixuan; basically don't think so. It even feels that the other party will definitely achieve impressive results.

Sure enough, they guessed very accurately, at least Bao Zixuan once again brought a surprise to the world. Authoritative media has done statistics, through this exhibition, Bao's richest man earned at least 1 billion US dollars. What kind of concept is this? It is estimated that many large companies in Hong Kong cannot make so much money in a year.

This is strength, no matter how young they are; but in business, they are definitely much stronger than them.

The sudden mention of Fucaira, it seems, is no secret in the world. Since Li Zhaoji knew it, his wife Zhang Youran must also know. Just didn't say it, or didn't know how to say it.

But since it has been done, it must not be abandoned halfway. Lee Shau Kee wants to invest in the past, and this is what Michael Kadoorie just means. It can be completely made into another Xiangjiang. Although it is very difficult, it is not impossible as long as you work hard.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Li Sheng is joking, it's just good luck. I didn't expect such a good result at the time, it was just forced by the situation. If the Black Cloud Group wants to enter Italy in an all-round way, it must make some achievements. To help Italian small and medium-sized enterprises to increase sales, I didn't expect the Japanese to be so crazy.

"As for the investment in Fucaira in the past, there was no problem at all. In the future, Fucaira will definitely be the most developed area in the world. I can guarantee this. If Li Sheng needs it, he can sell an island to the Li family at a low price."

Unintentional actions can achieve such good results, they all say that Bao Zixuan is the illegitimate child of God; only now I found out that it may be true. However, the other party did not continue to bring up the topic of Italy, and has made it clear before that it will not continue to undertake any commodity exhibitions. Then this topic can be filtered out.

Both parties are busy people, and there is no need to continue the negotiation on projects that no one else plans to carry out. But Fucaira, definitely enter. Even if the slot is locked in advance, after all, the project that Bao Zixuan vigorously promotes has not yet had any problems.

Now Bao Zixuan said that he could allocate an island to the Li family, which was completely considered. Although very excited, but also can not directly agree. If the location of the island is more memorable, then he himself will suffer in the end.

Fucaira is located in the Middle East, and the surrounding area has never stopped. If there is no absolute certainty, rashly invest in the past; but it is a very dangerous thing. Now that the other party sincerely invites you, you must express something.

Li Zhaoji said with a smile: "Bao Sheng said so, so the Li family has to do a good inspection. To be precise, it is not an inspection, just sign a contract in the past."

"The island must be kept for me. I know Bao Sheng is going to play a big game."

The attitude must be shown, at least not to refute the other side. And the meaning of Bao Zixuan is very obvious, the island can definitely be built according to the family territory. Xiangjiang has always been a British colony, so he is no stranger to the aristocratic Lee Shau Kee.

If the Li family can have their own island and territory, it will be of great benefit to the family inheritance.

Bao Zixuan took this point seriously, so he took out the island as a bait. The tycoons of Xiangjiang are not short of money. But nobility will not refuse. Although there is no title, having a territory is also a kind of progress.

Last time, the British used down-and-out noble girls to attract young talents from Xiangjiang, but many people took the bait. This time, you only need to pay, and you can do it; I believe that many Chinese tycoons will not refuse.

Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "I have to go to the Middle East in a while. If Li Sheng has time, we can go around together."

"I believe that you will not be disappointed. After all, it is your own place; you can build it any way you want."

It can be said that the richest man in the bag at the moment is domineering. To publicly demonstrate the determination to develop Fucaira, of course, is also to enhance the confidence of investors.

If you have no confidence, how can other businessmen believe. And it can also reassure the British that Bao Zixuan already has new goals and ideas.

If Hong Kong has always been managed by the British, I certainly don't want the tycoons to leave. Especially Bao Zixuan, after all, this kid's influence is really too great.

But now that a return is inevitable, it doesn't matter. Bao Zixuan's willingness to toss is his own business, as long as it does not harm the interests of the United Kingdom, let him go!

The most important thing is that this kid has been very sensible recently, and the construction speed of the joint aircraft manufacturing company is very fast. Coupled with the increase in orders, it is believed that not only the overall manufacturing level of British aircraft, but also the entire national economy can be greatly improved.

Now that people have better choices, they certainly cannot stop it, and they cannot stop it at all. Rather than being unpleasant, it is better to let the other party let go of their hands and feet, so that they can also form a good relationship.

Li Zhaoji said with a smile: "Since Bao Sheng invited, of course, UU Reading will not miss it. When, let me know in advance so that we can make arrangements."

"At the same time, you should invest in those fields, and ask Bao Sheng to guide you. After all, you are not familiar with the place where you live, and you don't know much about the local economy."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan thought to himself; super tycoon, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. On the surface, it is to let myself guide, but in fact, I don't want to suffer. After all, I recommend the projects invested by the Li family, even if they pay a great price, they should fully support them.

This guy really doesn't trade at a loss, but at this moment there is no other good way. Whoever made him who he is now needs the support of the tycoons.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, as long as Li Sheng trusts him, he will spare no effort. But let's talk about it first, if the project doesn't make money, you can't blame me."

The words are so, but Li Zhaoji is very clear in his heart. With Bao Zixuan's character, this would never happen!
