Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1496

Chapter 1496

One day passed quickly. The Italian businessman was tired but very excited. They did not expect that today's sales are even more terrifying than yesterday. The Japanese are literally insane, as long as it's in the showroom; basically it's bought. Fortunately, the country is very cooperative, and the products can always be shipped in the first time.

Japan is nearly 10,000 kilometers away from Italy; that is, it has a large number of ground effect aircraft, otherwise it may not be possible. And Italians know that there is a huge shortage of goods in Japan now, and many people in China are cooperating with packaging.

After all, the more fully and meticulously they are prepared in China; the more convenient it is for exhibitors to pick up the goods. It can be said that it is rare for the Italians to be efficient this time. It seems that it was only because the money was not in place before.

Italians are lazy and inefficient; famous in the world! And grumpy people can easily become sluggish. Italians also don't like to work too long, shops close from 6 to 7 pm, and some restaurants even take a 3-hour break at noon. Most importantly; not very strong on the concept of time; whether it's going to a date, or going to a meeting, being late is the norm.

Now willing to work overtime, working more than 10 hours a day. This was unimaginable before. It can be said that Bao's richest man has created another miracle invisibly.

Previously, Heiyun Group felt that 120 cashier teams were enough. And for the sake of convenience, it is stipulated that the prices of Italian goods are all integers; plus the Japanese like to use paper money, it should be very fast. But it is still too busy. After all, there are too many customers who pay. There is no way but to increase the number of people.

More than 200 cashiers alone today; Japanese lining up to deliver money to Italians. Of course, not only Italians, but also the richest man made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

Sumitomo Bank has become one of the settlement banks of this exhibition, which is well-deserved; after all, it has worked closely with Heiyun Group before. Sumitomo Takeshi returned to Japan from Hong Kong specially for this exhibition; it can be said that he attaches great importance to it. Of course, Heiyun Bank must have a share, and it still accounts for the majority.

This is Japan after all, although there are a lot of security personnel; but Bao Zixuan is also worried that something will go wrong. After all, I am not afraid of ten thousand, but I am afraid that it is not! Therefore, the cash received by the Black Cloud Group will also be temporarily handed over to Sumitomo Bank for safekeeping.

Sumitomo Takeshi said with a smile: "Bao Sang still has an idea. It seems that returning to Japan this time is really the right choice."

Because of his excellent performance in Hong Kong, Sumitomo Yi basically determined a place to return to the headquarters. It's just that it hasn't been announced yet, after all, other people have to be investigated!

The Sumitomo family can stand for four hundred years, and the number of family children will definitely not be small. But ability needs to be cultivated, so their performance in Waifu will inevitably become an important criterion for evaluation.

Sumitomo Yi returned to Japan temporarily, just to overwhelm Bao Zixuan with all the treasures. Before Heiyun Group undertook the Italian Commodities Tokyo Exhibition, everyone felt that Bao Zixuan was not doing his job properly. As the world's top engineer, doing ordinary investment, I feel that my identity is not suitable.

Black Cloud Group is known as the world's No. 1 high-tech industrial enterprise, but it is recognized by engineers and people in the field of science and technology. Why do people recognize you, not because Bao Zixuan has always advertised himself as an engineer. Without Bao's richest man, Heiyun Group would not have such a high reputation.

Professionals are responsible for the investment promotion, and Bao Zixuan does not need to appear in person.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Sumitomo, don't say that, it's the same everywhere. The Sumitomo Group, or the Sumitomo family; we were the first to meet. And we are more familiar with each other, and it's really not that much if it's someone else. Habit."

"You must have heard about Fucaira. In the future, the focus of the Black Cloud Group and myself will basically shift there."

"If you have an idea, you can go over and take a good look."

"Even if you don't have it now, it's hard to guarantee that you won't have any ideas in the future. I can only say that if the family members pass over at this moment, they will become nobles of Fucaira, and no one can guarantee it in the future."

Sumitomo Takeshi knows best about the relationship between the female chief of Fucaira and Bao Zixuan. But I didn't expect that Bao Zixuan would say it directly. It was scruples before, but now it doesn't matter at all. At the same time, he also expressed his hope for everyone's support.

The Sumitomo family, as well as himself, are still a little hesitant. After all, I haven't thought about it, or I'm not sure yet.

Sumitomo Takeshi: "I also need to ask the family for instructions. My current fiancee has a very powerful family. I really don't dare to have other ideas, so I have to ask her for her opinion."

Many things can only be said once; if you say too much, you will feel guilty. Going on the pole is not a business, since Sumitomo Takeshi doesn't want it, he can't force it.

So Bao Zixuan didn't say anything, which disappointed Sumitomo Takeshi. After all, I chatted with Iwasaki Hiroyuki for a long time in the morning, how did I get here; suddenly there was nothing to say, is there any hidden meaning here.

He has not thought of it now; Iwasaki Hiroyuki, the future patriarch of the Iwasaki family and the head of the Mitsubishi Group; has already completely tilted towards the Black Cloud Group. At least they were willing to introduce their illegitimate children to Bao Zixuan.

To be able to let competitors, or leaders see the shortcomings; but it takes a lot of courage. Obviously Hirotake Iwasaki has done it; and done it well. Then Bao Zixuan will definitely choose to believe him. As for Sumitomo Takeshi, he will be treated as an acquaintance at most in the future.

This time, it was to let the other party pick up a bargain. The exhibition has been confirmed to be held, and Oman is the only one who picks up the trouble. If Oman picks things up first, it may not even be possible for the exhibition to open. Even if it is open, then the interests should be inclined to support their partners unconditionally. Obviously, Sumitomo Bank, or the Sumitomo family, has not met the requirements.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Since Mr. Sumitomo needs to think about it, then I don't force it."

After that, there is no more text. Sumitomo Takeshi felt that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, after all, Bao Zixuan's expression could not deceive people. But it's too late to say anything now, and it's basically impossible to recover.

After Bao Zixuan greeted him politely, he went to receive the others.

Although not very happy, the richest man Bao will not show it in front of his subordinates. They are right again and have a good working attitude. It's just that some people don't know how to praise, but these have nothing to do with subordinates.

Chen Yuesheng came to Bao Zixuan's villa and said very seriously: "Boss, today's sales are higher than yesterday. You were worried about the sales of men's clothing before, but it doesn't seem necessary at present."

"Yesterday, most of the consumers were waitresses and related practitioners. Today, both husband and wife come to consume, so that the sales of men's clothing are no less than that of women's clothing."

The entire show had $4.2 billion in revenue, including $1.2 billion in menswear alone; it definitely made history.

Hearing this, the richest man in Bao is still very relieved. It seems that Japanese women love their husbands very much.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It is said that Japanese women are the most virtuous, and now it seems that what they say is true. It is necessary to investigate the consumer psychology of the Japanese. This is a big market, and no company can ignore it."

"One more thing, try to keep a distance from the Sumitomo Foundation in the future. Since Sumitomo Takeshi doesn't know how to praise, then we don't need to be polite."

Hearing that the boss suddenly mentioned the Sumitomo family, Chen Yuesheng immediately understood what he meant. It must be Sumitomo Takeshi who offended the boss, so pay attention in the future.

I may have felt that the Sumitomo Foundation was amazing before; now I think that is the case. The person in charge of the Japanese branch of the Black Cloud Group is still very important. At least not much worse than any business leader, after all, he will be respected wherever he goes.

Chen Yuesheng: "Don't worry, boss, I know what to do in the future. I still need them now, and the scale of Sumitomo Bank's deposits will be gradually reduced in the future."

Smart subordinates or explain the truth, it is also a lot easier to be a boss. As the head of the Japanese branch of Heiyun Group, Chen Yuesheng can understand many things.

Bao Zixuan: "You can do it yourself, there are some things that don't need to be reported."

The boss said this, obviously he has trusted himself. This is a huge improvement and has surpassed the vast majority of migrant workers.

As for the exhibitors from Italian manufacturers, they were even more happy. Although very tired, it seems that I can't feel it at all at the moment. After closing, I was thinking about where to go for a drink.

Italians make money and go to Japanese bars or clubs to spend; then Japanese waitresses come to the pavilion to shop during the day. It can be said that this process is very reasonable, and even the richest man cannot find any faults.

off topic

I drink a lot, why can't I control myself?
