Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1495

Chapter 1495

Everyone is smart, and when the old man said this, the richest man Bao certainly understood what he meant. This kid must have an illegitimate child, and the expression just now can't deceive anyone at all.

After Iwasaki Hongyi left the exhibition hall in the afternoon, he did not go to the company, nor did he go home. Of course, it may not be accurate not to go home. After all, the lover's home also belongs to his home. A villa on the outskirts of Tokyo that Iwasaki Hongyi bought for his lover and son.

Seeing Hiroyuki Iwasaki coming over suddenly, the woman couldn't believe her eyes. After all, I didn't expect a man to come here at this time, and he also brought a gift.

If you want to convince women to go to Hong Kong, or even to live in the Middle East; you must do some preparation. Just in time for the Italian trade fair, picking a gift is the easiest thing to do.

The woman is about 40 years old and looks very beautiful. She is definitely a beauty when she is young. Even now it is not worse than most people, otherwise Iwasaki Hiroyuki will not look down on it.

The woman was as respectful as always, and took out slippers for her; it can be said that the service was meticulous. It is estimated that it is only here that you will feel relaxed.

After Iwasaki Hiroshi sat down, the woman said, "You haven't eaten yet! If you want something to eat, I'll prepare it!"

Iwasaki Hiroyuki said with a smile: "I've already eaten, so don't be busy. I just caught up with my partner today and invited me to the Italian trade fair. Thinking that you probably won't have time to go, I brought you some clothes. It's all designs. It was recommended by the teacher, I hope you don't dislike it."

"Chiba should rest today, why didn't I see him."

The Chiba mentioned by Iwasaki Hiroyuki is called Harada Chiba; it follows motherhood. This is the sadness of an illegitimate child, even the surname cannot be known. After all, the Iwasaki family is too famous in Japan. If you really dare to call Iwasaki Chiba, it is estimated that people around you will think about Mitsubishi. There was no trouble, and at the same time, I didn't want to expose it; therefore, Iwasaki Hiroyuki decided to let the child have a mother's surname.

The mother and son did not dare to have any opinion on this, after all, in their opinion, Iwasaki Hiroyuki was their god.

The woman said softly: "I signed him up for some courses, and he is now learning Chinese. Last time you came over and said that Huaxia will develop greatly, and he is getting older and older, so it is not a problem to always stay in Japan."

"Thinking of studying abroad in Hong Kong, didn't you mean the chairman of Heiyun Group, the president of Yulin Institute of Technology; Mr. Bao Zixuan has a good relationship with you! Coupled with the overwhelming media reports, Sony Corporation Yulin Institute of Technology graduates from the Department of Computer Science. , has made great achievements. Thinking of letting Chiba go to Xiangjiang, I was worried about where it would be inconvenient, so I learned the language in advance."

Hearing that the woman was so sensible, Iwasaki Hiroyuki really didn't know what to say. Studying at Yulin Institute of Technology is really a way out. Although for him, even if his son doesn't do anything, he doesn't have to worry about the cost of food and clothing. But the son can create a world of his own, which is also the pride of a father.

It is said that a woman influences three generations, and now it seems to be true. Know what you should do and what your son needs. Such a woman is very rare.

In fact, women also know that if they stay in Japan, their sons will never be able to succeed. Even if the son's father becomes the head of the Iwasaki family, so does the head of the Mitsubishi Group. After all, they have wives and sons. Her son can only be regarded as a wild species and has no chance to be recognized at all. It can be seen from the surname that Iwasaki Hiroyuki did not dare to violate the family principle.

Only when you go out and venture outside can you have a chance. Although she usually only takes care of her son at home, she is a full-time housewife. But that doesn't mean there are no ideas. She is learning every day; especially with the economic situation and what the Iwasaki family and the Mitsubishi Group have done.

Even if Iwasaki Hongyi is cruel, it is impossible to ignore his son completely. This is the basic conscience of a father, and tiger poison does not eat children. Bao Zixuan and Iwasaki Hongyi worked together in the Middle East, and the media has reported on this; it is enough to show that the two are inseparable.

In addition, many media and well-known scholars have positioned Yulin Institute of Technology as one of the best universities in Asia. It may even be a good contender for the best universities in the world in the future.

Such an opportunity must be seized. Although my son's academic performance is good, he may not be able to get into Tokyo or Kyoto University in Japan. Through the relationship of Iwasaki Hiroyuki, I entered Yulin Institute of Technology; there should be no problem. Bao Zixuan will definitely give this face.

When the son goes to Xiangjiang, as a father, he must support him in secret. Doing anything is better than not seeing the sun in Japan.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "You and I thought of going together, and this time is also for this matter. In two days, you will prepare; I will invite Bao Zixuan to come over for dinner."

"As for Chiba's arrangement, it must be done well. This is my responsibility as a father, and I will never escape it. Since you want Chiba to study in Xiangjiang, then the matter is settled. In fact, after finishing school, I also have consider."

"You should always watch the news. You must have seen what happened in Fucaira in the Middle East. At present, the female chief of Fucaira has a relationship with Bao Zixuan, exactly the same as the relationship between you and me. Therefore, the future rich The successor of Chief Chaila is definitely the descendant of Bao Zixuan."

"He invited me to invest and would arrange an island for the Iwasaki family to plan and build. I didn't tell anyone about this, I wanted to build the island myself. If Chiba works in Fucaira in the future, it will be a big deal. Hope to become a noble. If he can seize the opportunity himself, or have the ability; the future is definitely bright."

"If the qualifications are mediocre, it's not bad to be a rich man in the Middle East. It all depends on him. This is the only thing my father can do for his son at the moment."

I heard that Iwasaki Hiroyuki also wanted his son to study in Hong Kong, and their mother will go to Fucaira in the future. And for this reason, he specially invited Bao Zixuan to come over for dinner; it means that in his heart, his son has been recognized.

Who is Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that the whole world knows. People who want to invite him to dinner are estimated to be able to line up from Tokyo to Osaka. The future patriarch of the Iwasaki family really has no advantage in front of others.

Being able to come over for dinner is definitely because of friendship. But the friendship is always limited, paving the way for his son; he specially invited Bao Zixuan to come over, it can be seen that the man in front of him is very serious this time.

The woman said excitedly: "Tell me about it in advance, and then you can't be rude."

The reason why I dared to bring it to the house for dinner is that Iwasaki Hiroyuki doesn't want to let anyone know about it; the most important thing is to believe in women's craftsmanship.

Japanese professional housewives do a good job of cooking, and they are also professionally trained.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "This matter must not be made public. Although I have a good relationship with Bao Zixuan, it is normal for me to get to know each other with my wife and children. But there is only one chance. Will people recognize it if there are more people?"

"Why does Bao Zixuan not want everyone to see his daughter? It's not just a matter of protection. The most important thing is not to make people misunderstand. After all, not every partner and friend is suitable for family members to know."

Hearing this, the woman immediately understood what it meant. As long as you can get Bao Zixuan's help, you will definitely not have to worry about your son's future.

After a while, the boy who called Chiba returned home and saw his father also. Although curious, he still smiled and said hello. He was a teenage boy before, but now he is a teenager. Of course, I know what role I am, and I feel my current life; it is already very good, at least far beyond my peers.

As the son of Iwasaki there is still no shortage of money. Life is guaranteed, and I dare not ask for too much.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "Chiba; I heard that you are learning Chinese recently, but I don't know how you are doing."

It is really rare that my father asks about his schoolwork. He is still very confident about this, and even the teacher praised him for his talent in language.

Chiba: "At present, I can communicate with the teacher normally, but the Chinese characters are too complicated and I can't fully grasp them. My mother wants me to study in Hong Kong. I believe that I will wait until I have the language and writing environment, and I will be able to master it proficiently."

Iwasaki Hiroyuki was very happy to hear that his son was so confident. Could it be that the illegitimate children are stronger than those born in the big house; it is estimated that this is the only way to explain it.

The richest man Bao didn't know yet, it was his remarks. Directly let Iwasaki Hiroyuki change his mind and prepare to help the illegitimate child to ascend. Although it is not in the country, it is very rare. After all, I have never thought about this before; of course, this is not a bad thing for Fucaira!
