Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438

Iraqi oil is mainly distributed in 73 areas within the territory, of which only 15 areas have been exploited. 70% of the natural gas is associated with oil, mainly produced in the Kirkuk oilfield in the north and the Rumaila oilfield in the south. At present, the daily processing capacity of 9 gas gathering stations is 42 million cubic meters.

Since the discovery of oil in Iraq, the oil industry has always been the mainstay of Iraq's economy; oil production and export have become the basis for Iraq's economic development. At present, Iraq's daily output of crude oil is 3.5 million barrels, with a peak of 4.5 million barrels, accounting for 6% of the world's daily crude oil production. Iraq's oil exports account for 95% of its foreign exchange income, although the economic structure is relatively simple; but fortunately, the population of the entire country is not very large. So before the war, the people lived very well.

It can be said that Iraq at this time is a huge treasure house. As long as it is developed well, the profit earned will be incalculable.

At present, it ranks among the top ten oil fields in the world, and the first is the Garwal oil field.

Ghawar Oilfield is located in the east of Saudi Arabia, about 500km east of the capital Riyadh, with proven reserves of 10.74 billion tons and an annual output of 280 million tons, accounting for 30% of the entire Persian Gulf region. It is the largest oil field in the world. The oil well is a self-blowing well, the crude oil contains less wax, mostly light oil, and the freezing point is lower than -20, which is convenient for transportation.

The world's largest onshore oil field to date was discovered by Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf Basin in 1948 and started production in 1951. The production layer is Jurassic carbonate rock with a depth of 2,200 meters and an oilfield area of 3,264 square kilometers.

The second oil field is the Da Bulgan oil field.

The Daburgan Oilfield is located in the southeast of Kuwait, with proven reserves of 9.91 billion tons and an annual output of about 70 million tons. The world's second largest oil field, also known as the Bulgan oil field. It is located in Kuwait on the coast of the Persian Gulf, 20 kilometers east of the coast of the Arabian Gulf. The oilfield structure is a complex anticline, 40km long from north to south, 20km wide from east to west, and covers an area of about 700km2.

Geological surveys began in 1934. Drilling of Bulgan 1 in October 1937; good oil formation found, but production did not begin until 1946, after World War II. A discovery well was drilled at Magwa High in 1951, and a discovery well was drilled at Ahmadi High in 1952, and in 1953 both highs began to be mined.

The third largest oil field is the Bolivar oil field in South America.

The Bolivar oil field is located in eastern Venezuela, on the Orinoco Plain. Most of them are heavy oil, with proven reserves of 5.2 billion tons and an annual output of 1 million barrels.

The fourth is back to the Middle East, the Safaniya oil field.

Located in the northeastern waters of Saudi Arabia, it is the world's largest offshore oil field with proven reserves of 3.32 billion tons. Part of the crude oil will be transported to Tripoli, Sidon, Lebanon, and the port of Baniyas in Syria for loading via pipelines. Part of it was exported to Rastanura.

The fifth largest oil field is the Rumaila oil field in Iraq.

The Rumaila oilfield is located in southern Iraq and has been developed since the 1950s. It is close to the domestic oil port and is developing rapidly. The proven reserves are 2.6 billion tons, and the annual output accounts for about 60% of Iraq's national total.

The sixth largest oil field still belongs to Iraq, the Kirkuk oil field.

Kirkuk Oilfield is located in northern Iraq and has been developed earlier, with proven reserves of 2.44 billion tons. But the current development situation is not very good, mainly because the environment is relatively complex.

The seventh is the Romaskin oil field.

The Romaskin oil field is located in the VolgUral oil field of the Soviet Union. Reserves of 2.4 billion tons, ranking first in the Soviet Union. The field mainly produces medium and heavy crude oil with high sulfur content; production has declined in recent years.

The eighth largest oil field, still in the Soviet Union; the Samolotr oil field.

The Samolotel oil field is located in the West Siberia oil field of the Soviet Union, in the central part of West Siberia. With a proven reserve of 2.06 billion tons and an annual output of about 140 million tons, it is second only to Saudi Arabia's Ghawar Oilfield in the world and is the largest oil production site in the Soviet Union.

The ninth-ranked oil field is related to the richest man in Baotou; because it is in the United Arab Emirates, the Zakum oil field.

The Zakum oil field is located in the central and western parts of the United Arab Emirates, with proven reserves of 1.59 billion tons. Most of them are self-blowing wells, with good crude oil quality and little wax content; there are pipelines leading to Ruwais Oil Port and the capital Abu Dhabi.

The tenth-ranked oil field is Hassi Messaoud.

Hassi Messaoud oil field is located in northeastern Algeria, at the northern end of the Sahara Desert. There are few dry wells in the oil field, and the unit yield is high; the crude oil has low sulfur content and very good quality.

It's not hard to see from the world's oilfield division why Iraqis were so wealthy before the war. He was holding a bunch of king bombs, but he was beaten to pieces by himself. At the same time, it is precisely for this reason that the Japanese will try their best to come to Iraq to extract oil. Iraq has a treasure trove and does not know how to use it; but companies in other countries cannot let go of such a good opportunity.

The Iraqi president chose to leave after having lunch with Bao Zixuan and Iwasaki Hiroyuki. And he has made it clear that he can discuss anything with the second son. His decision is Iraq's decision.

It can be said that it is absolutely authorized, so the problem is much easier to handle.

Not staying in Baghdad for too long, the second son took the two to the Kirkuk oil-producing area early the next morning.

The last time I accepted Bao Zixuan's suggestion, Kirkuk already had a certain industrial foundation. But they are all petrochemical industries. To be honest, it looks very polluting. But neither Bao Zixuan nor Iwasaki Hiroyuki felt anything about it. After all, this is not in their own territory, and they cannot control the affairs of other countries.

Moreover, coming here to extract crude oil will certainly cause some damage to the environment. If you bring it up now, wouldn't you shoot yourself in the foot!

Although the environment is polluted, the income of local residents has increased a lot. Therefore, the Kurds basically did not make much trouble, after all, the war between Iraq and Iran is over now. If they are making a fuss, it is conceivable what results are waiting for them.

Moreover, this time in Baghdad, they are still focused on developing the local economy; although they do not know what medicine is sold in the gourd, they have not done anything, so they dare not act rashly.

The person in charge of Kirkuk Oilfield began to introduce to the Japanese: "Kirkuk Oilfield, the oil-producing layer is the reef limestone of the Eocene unified Oligocene, with a thickness of 305-400m and a buried depth of 340-1200m."

"The top surface of the reef limestone has a dip angle of 50 on the two wings of the structure, and the closure height reaches 800m. The following two reservoirs are the Shirani Formation in the Upper Cretaceous and the Kachuk Formation in the Middle and Lower Cretaceous. The Shirani Formation belongs to Fractured limestone, 300m thick, massive reservoir, 40m high, no gas cap, buried depth of 1300-1380m.

"The Kachuk Formation is dolomite with a thickness of 120m, and the top surface of the dolomite is buried at a depth of 1800m. The oilfield covers an area of 360 square kilometers, and crude oil is mainly stored in the "main limestone"."

"Among them, reef limestone and some reef limestones have the best reservoir performance. The reservoir porosity of reef front facies is more than 18%, up to 36%, while reef limestone is only 4-10% or even smaller. In addition to pores, cracks are also particularly developed in the "main limestone", and because the limestone was weathered and leached before the Miocene, geodes and karst caves were also developed, so the production layers were connected in a large area."

Although Iwasaki Hiroyuki heard it in a fog, he couldn't help but bring an expert here. Mitsubishi attached great importance to this time, after Iwasaki arrived in Baghdad. The second group of workers, shipyard specialists; and petroleum professionals, set off; ready to join them.

It can be said that the Japanese are quite well prepared, and it is not difficult to see from here; they still pay great attention to work efficiency.

Japanese oil experts saw the data, as well as the oil well eruption, but their eyes were shining. Within Japan, there are only a few small oil fields along the coast of the Sea of Japan; oil reserves are very low. If it is placed in Iraq, it is estimated that people will never mine it. Input and output are not proportional.

Therefore, how can I not be excited when I see the self-blowing well in the Kirkuk Oilfield. At the same time, I admired the eldest young master in my heart, and he was able to extract oil here. If the project is negotiated, the status of Mitsubishi Corporation in Japan will certainly rise to a higher level.

For scientific and technological workers, although real estate and real estate are needed, compared with minerals, no one really pays special attention.

Japanese oil expert: "President, based on the data provided by the other party and the analysis of the oil well eruption. The Kirkuk oil field alone can meet the consumption of Japan's whole country for decades; or even more."

"But what it is, I still need to test it myself. It's not that I don't believe the Iraqis, it's just that the data they provide is too amazing; it's unbelievable. So I'm willing to stay here and work for the Mitsubishi Group. Oil provides all technical support.

The old man in front of him is Japan's top oil expert. Now that he said that, it was enough to show what was buried in the ground. Iwasaki Hiroyuki already knew that the opportunity was right in front of him, and he must not miss it.


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