Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1437

Chapter 1437

Any decision is unconditionally supported. This sentence is absolutely powerful, not only the father's recognition of his son, but also the assurance of the boss to his subordinates. The explanation is in Dad's heart; his current ability can already be on his own. As for the meeting between the President and the two sides, it is more out of courtesy and attention. In other words, his position has become more stable; this is a good thing for him.

Without saying anything, the Iraqi president returned to the room. My son has grown up, and he has done a few things very satisfyingly recently. It seems that we really need to give more opportunities to young people, otherwise there will be no such great progress. Their generation is already old, and many ideas are outdated.

At least not at night to study materials and study attitudes; they are too far behind young people.

Early the next morning, the second son personally went to the airport to meet Iwasaki Hiroyuki. The richest man, Bao, came to the presidential palace to communicate with the Iraqi president in advance.

The two were also acquaintances, and after a few simple greetings, they entered the topic.

The Iraqi president said with a smile: "Last night I heard that the Black Cloud Group was planning to invest and build three factories in Iraq. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well all night. I really blame you for this, but it gave me a big surprise. "

"To be honest, after experiencing the Iran-Iraq war, it's really impossible to find that a country has no industry. In times of crisis, no one can help you."

"Iraq has oil, which means that we will not be poor. But if you want the country to be prosperous and strong, just owning oil is not enough. After all, technology and industry are not strong, and their international status will not be too high. And once the country encounters a crisis, There is an international embargo against you; but nothing can be done."

"Other countries in the Middle East want to live a good life. But how do they know that a good life is not so easy. A life of luxury and enjoyment is destined to not last long."

"I thought about relying on war before, but now I realize that the country is prosperous and strong, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, it seems to be more important than anything else. But if you want to do this, you can't do it without weapons. If you don't have the ability to build weapons, it's even more useless."

"I spent a lot of money before, but I got nothing in the end. Fortunately, when Iraq was at its most critical, I met your friend. Without the help of the Heiyun Group, the war would never have ended so decently."

"We will unconditionally support the Heiyun Group's desire to build a factory in Iraq. I have already told the second child about this, and he will fully cooperate."

Although I don't know why the other party expressed such emotion, if it can be done, it will be a good luck for a country. But at this time, the richest man Bao's heart is very simple. He must make more friends and actively expand his strength, otherwise everything will be fleeting.

Bao Zixuan: "Don't say that, I'm not the savior of the world; Heiyun Group invested in Iraq to make a profit. It seems that the effect is good, so we will increase investment. Our previous cooperation must be It is based on a fair, just and open foundation, otherwise it will not last at all.

That being said, the Iraqi president is even more satisfied. In the past, European and American companies came to the Middle East to invest in the same way as poverty alleviation. As everyone knows, the Arabs have paid for their oil resources, and neither side owes the other.

Or the guy in front of him is more real, and he is making money on the bright side; this alone is much better than other businessmen.

While the two were talking, Iwasaki Hiroyuki had arrived at the Presidential Palace.

Although Bao Zixuan's status in Iraq is known to be very high. But I didn't expect this to be the case, and it turned out that the second son personally drove to meet him. He still knows a thing or two about the doorway here.

Although the Mitsubishi Group is very powerful, its scale is not small. But to invest in Iraq, it is definitely not necessary for the heir to come forward to greet them, or even drive the car in person.

It was only after a brief exchange between the two in the car that they found out that all this was because Bao Zixuan had done the foreshadowing. The second son is the future heir of the country. If every investor needs him to greet him, he will even drive. It is estimated that every day as a driver, he will exhaust himself to death.

Bao Zixuan quickly introduced: "Your Excellency, this is Mr. Iwasaki Hiroyoshi, the head of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries."

"Mr. Iwasaki, I don't need to introduce too much about this one!"

At this time, Iwasaki Hongyi really regretted not learning another foreign language, why Bao Zixuan could be integrated in the first time wherever he went. Only language skills, most people do not have. It seems that training children in the future should also be cultivated in this area, otherwise it will be easy to suffer losses.

The Iraqi president said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Iwasaki. Welcome to Baghdad. I hope that Iraq will leave a good impression on you in the future. Mitsubishi is a large international company. If it can invest in Iraq, then we Will definitely cooperate.

"Iraq is sincerely inviting investors and friends from all over the world."

I didn't expect how polite the Iraqi President would be. It seems that it is really different from the outside rumors.

But people are polite to you, that is because they have height; you can't be too arrogant. In fact, the bigger the family members, the more humble they will be. It's the same in that country, but it's the kind of getting rich; it's just that I feel that I'm amazing and arrogant and domineering.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "You must not say that. Iraq is a country with an excellent history and a splendid culture. It is an honor for the Sanling Group and the Iwasaki family to come here for inspection and investment."

"I feel the enthusiasm of His Excellency the President and the second son, and I am full of confidence in this cooperation and investment."

Attitude is important, after all, this is the key to the Mitsubishi Group's ability to extract oil in Iraq. It can be said that the Japanese are really fighting for oil.

And he knew how much Dad had made in order to convince the rest of the family to allow Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to go to Iraq to drill for oil and invest in shipyards.

The members of the Iwasaki family know that investing in oil fields in the Middle East in the past was a rare opportunity for thousands of years, so they must seize it. But it is not necessary to invest in building a shipyard in Iraq.

The shipyard first needs a lot of steel, and there is no iron ore in Iraq; it also needs a lot of mature skilled workers, which other countries in the Middle East do not have except Israel. The above two are not available, first of all, it is necessary to build a supporting steel plant. But coal Iraq also has no mineral deposits; as for natural gas steelmaking, the calorific value has not yet met the requirements. Ordinary steel may be fine, but special steel is fine!

Moreover, there are no natural harbors in Iraq; therefore, the time and money required to build a large shipyard will be incalculable. Comprehensive analysis down, very cost-effective.

Japan also has no resources, but there is no shortage of other aspects; the most important industrial base is strong. So it's better to make it in Japan and sell it to Iraq. Even if the price is lower, it does not matter, it is an exchange of interests.

Hearing this, Iwasaki Eiichi was almost stunned. It's not because the family members are looking for so many reasons, and their thinking is too naive. If the Mitsubishi Group is handed over to these people, there will be trouble sooner or later.

Isn't Iraq's purpose obvious enough? If Mitsubishi wants to have the qualification to mine oil, it must go to Iraq to invest and build a factory. While this is not written in the contract, some things are complementary.

In fact, the other members of the Iwasaki family are not stupid, and of course they understand what's going on inside. It's just that they can't do good things, and they can all be occupied by one room, so what's the use of them. Although Eiichi Iwasaki is the patriarch, others need the right to speak; he also hopes that the company he is responsible for can grow and develop.

The big family is like this, if the founder is alive. Then the problem is simple, and he will listen to his opinions. But a family like this that has been passed down for a hundred years cannot be a family that has the final say. Even as a patriarch, many things need to be consulted.

In the end, there was really no other way, and Eiichi Iwasaki made a compromise. Agreed to provide some funds to support the outward expansion of Mitsubishi Properties; at the same time cut off some other projects of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

That is to say, in addition to the exploration of oil in Iraq, the construction of shipyards, and the development and manufacture of flying saucers, other projects of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will be delayed or cancelled.

Leave the funds to other companies, and the matter is finally settled.

Although Bao Zixuan did not know the internal decision of the Iwasaki family, if he knew, he would definitely applaud. At present, the industrial competition is very fierce. If Mitsubishi does not keep pace with the times, it will be more difficult to keep up.


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