Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379

Hearing the old man say this, the people at the scene basically did not dare to have any objection. After all, this old man is not simple. He has a detached position in Lufthansa, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a Dinghaishenzhen. In addition, the other party is also one of the shareholders of Lufthansa; no matter from which perspective, it will not harm the interests of the company.

At the same time, the identity of the old man can only be described as a legend. The engineer, Gerd Messerschmidt, was a pilot in the Luftwaffe early in World War II. But later in the war, he turned into an aircraft designer; it can be said that this kind of resume is rare in the whole world.

In fact, not many people know the identity of the old man. Of course, the German executives may know some. But when it comes to the old man's family, the whole world, especially the aviation industry, can't describe it as thunderous.

Willie Messerschmidt, a famous German aircraft designer and aviation industry entrepreneur. He was born in Frankfurt on the Rhine on June 26, 1898. In 1923, he founded the Messerschmitt Aircraft Manufacturing Company. In 1936, he became head of the Braunschweig Aeronautical Institute in Germany. During World War II, Messerschmitt became one of the largest German aircraft manufacturers and designed a variety of excellent fighter jets.

The famous bf-109 fighter was developed by Willie Messerschmidt. Became the most important fighter of the Luftwaffe in World War II. It remains the most produced fighter, with around 35,000. Another Messerschmitt-designed aircraft, the me209 fighter, broke the world's absolute record for the level flight speed of a piston-propeller aircraft. His company, Messerschmitt, also built the world's first jet fighter, although Messerschmitt himself did not personally participate in the design; but life is legendary enough.

Gued-Messerschmidt knew from the surname that the two were closely related. That's right, they are a father and son. Otherwise, an Air Force pilot would not be able to directly transfer back from the front line to become an aircraft designer.

After the end of World War II, Messerschmitt was charged with slave labor, and Willie Messerschmitt was sentenced to two years in prison. After his release from prison, he returned to his company, but because Germany was banned from producing aircraft until 1955, Messerschmitt turned to tailoring cars and small cars.

Although some aircraft were developed later, some of them have not kept up with the trend of the times. Moreover, his grade is relatively old, and his descendants cannot take over; Messerschmitt is directly merged into Daimler-Chrysler Space.

When World War II just ended, it was basically unrealistic to develop and manufacture aircraft in Germany, and neither the United States nor the Soviet Union would allow it. However, under the influence of his father since he was a child, Gerd-Messerschmidt, who has a fanatical love for airplanes, is of course unable to rest. And with a huge amount of money in his hand, of course he wants to do something. The rise of Lufthansa just gave him hope.

Most of the funds from the sale of Messerschmitt were used to buy Lufthansa shares. It is now only a little less than the Spohr family and belongs to the second largest shareholder of Lufthansa. In addition, it is a combination of pilots and engineers, and its comprehensive technical strength is excellent; it can be said to have a pivotal position in the company.

Gerd-Messerschmidt is not only a member of the company's board of directors, but also a senior advisor to Lufthansa. When it comes to purchasing aircraft, opinions matter.

Now that he approves both planes so much, it is enough to show that there is no problem. As for the high price, there is no way out. After all, the market is like this now, and the Japanese have already recognized this price, so why not let people lower the price?

As for the ground effect aircraft, we are not worried at all in terms of performance. The Falklands War has proved everything. Lufthansa didn't buy it before, it just didn't feel necessary. But now with more and more freight, it is necessary to develop this business.

The German express company is still in its infancy. The strength is not strong, can only find airlines to cooperate. Lufthansa itself has this business, but now it is more convenient to add some ground effect aircraft.

However, the number will not be too much, after all, it is not a professional express company. Moreover, the ground effect aircraft can only be used for cargo transportation between coastal cities, which itself has great limitations.

There are not many coastal cities in Germany, otherwise World War I and World War II would not have been blocked by the British navy in the port, and basically dared not come out to fight.

Both of them are shareholders of the company. In order to have an explanation to the board of directors, they must also ask other people's opinions. In this regard, we will try our best to avoid suspicion, otherwise the members of the board of directors may have some ideas. In any company, internal unity is very important. If you are always intrigued, you don't have to compete with your competitors; it is estimated that your own people can kill the company.

Gu Yan

Manstein-Spohr: "I understand what the Messerschmitt consultants mean, what the others think; you all know it, and today you have to make a statement. We don't have much time to let our partners laugh. "

The subordinates are also speechless for a while, you all say that you are a partner, will it still change. Moreover, Gerd-Messerschmidt has already expressed his views. If they dare to object, then it is estimated that their future at Lufthansa will come to an end.

The two largest shareholders of the company have tacitly agreed that who would dare to express different opinions.

At this time, a pilot said: "I very much agree with Messerschmidt's consultant that both aircraft should be part of the Lufthansa fleet. I have studied the Black Cloud 919 passenger plane repeatedly; I have experienced it once in the exchange of peers.

"It can be said that it is a very good passenger aircraft, and it will definitely not be worse than similar models of Boeing and Airbus. Although the aerodynamic layout of the aircraft produced by the Soviet Union is not so reasonable, the advantage is that it is rough and fleshy and will never cut corners. Combined The technical advantages and overall technical indicators of Heiyun Group in electronics, engine fields, and control software are very worth introducing."

"As for the h3m-111 aircraft produced by the United Aircraft Corporation, although it looks very large, it is not cumbersome at all. The farthest taxiing take-off does not exceed 3,000 meters, and that is still in the case of full fuel and full load. In other words, in the world All civil airports can meet the take-off requirements and have very strong adaptability."

"The layout of the aircraft cabin is very reasonable, which can ensure the safety of passengers to the greatest extent; if there is an emergency, it can be evacuated as quickly as possible. The seat is also very comfortable. Although I don't know what material is used in the interior, it is definitely better than Boeing and Airbus aircraft seats. The chairs are much more comfortable."

"As for power, fuel consumption, handling, etc., I fully agree with Messerschmidt's consultants; Lufthansa must introduce the h3m-111 aircraft. I personally agree with it, and even strongly support it."

Even after the boss and the leader talk, it is very artistic. If you agree directly, then everyone will only think that you are slapping the horse, and there is no subjective consciousness at all. As the leader of the Lufthansa pilot brigade, such a low-level mistake would not be made.

The most important people in the company have all expressed their opinions, and the boss is also in the default state. And the purchase of h3m-111 and Heiyun 919 aircraft is indeed no problem at all. So what are you waiting for, get Bao Zixuan to sign the contract immediately.

Manstein-Spohr found Bao Zixuan and said directly: "Thank you Mr. Bao for giving Lufthansa an extra hour. We can't let you down. After research, Lufthansa decided to buy 12 h3m-111s. Passenger aircraft, 5 h3m-111 cargo aircraft; 10 Heiyun 919 aircraft, and two Xiangjiang monster ground effect aircraft."

Although they were well prepared, when they heard the reported figures, the people at the scene still exclaimed loudly. After all, the total value of the contract alone has exceeded 4 billion US dollars. Although the delivery time is more than 5 years, it is definitely one of the few large orders in the history of civil aviation. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Not only that, United Aircraft Corporation also dispatched technicians. In the past, dozens of airports in Germany have negotiated LED screens on the spot. Although compared to the aircraft, the contract amount is not very high. But the profits are very considerable. At least the two companies, Black Cloud Group and Motorola, can make a lot of extra money.

In one day, United Airlines received two orders; sales exceeded 10 billion US dollars. This is something that no airline in the world dares to think about, and it is estimated that only the richest man, who is constantly creating miracles, can do it.

At this time, little MacDonald could not wait to suspend the production line of McDonnell Douglas Company's production of passenger aircraft and transport aircraft; and then fully produce h3m-111 aircraft. After all, even a 25% stake is more profitable than producing McDonnell Douglas' own planes. The most important prospect is bright. I believe that after this incident, the American media will never say that he is just a **** and cannot support McDonnell Douglas.

The choice of partners is also a manifestation of strength, which no one can envy.