Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1228

Chapter 1228

The two can be said to be the same people, and they had a good time together at night. Early the next morning, I found that I was in the same room, showing how crazy I was last night. After looking at each other and smiling, they each went back to the office.

Since the Zheng family has promised to do things, then they can't break their promises. And if you want to get advertising fees, you must also show sincerity. If you play tricks on each other, the Zheng family's advertising fees will be completely missed with ATV. The loss of a major customer has made it even worse for the already struggling TV station.

The time came to twelve o'clock at noon, and it was the noon news time of Xiangjiang. This time is different from the past, Qiu Ershao came directly to the broadcast hall. To the person in charge of the news channel, he said, "The noon news is canceled, and an emergency news is inserted."

It's not surprising that this kind of thing happens often on TV. Seeing that Qiu Ershao's expression was so serious, the person in charge of the news department did not dare to object. After all, the TV station's surname is Qiu, and the boss is not there, so the one in front of him has the final say.

After taking the videotape, I don't care what it is. It started playing immediately. Everyone knows Qiu Ershao's temper. If he doesn't get it right, he will be scolded.

At this time, most of the citizens of Hong Kong are eating lunch, and the TV is basically turned on. Asia TV's noon news still has some loyal viewers. What surprised the citizens was that the news was not broadcast, but two people were chatting.

Seeing that there was another dialogue between the charter king and the richest man, the citizens immediately became interested. The last double pack meeting caused a huge sensation and made the citizens of Hong Kong hooked.

Unexpectedly, it was only a long time ago that someone was photographed again. The picture is clearer than last time, whose masterpiece is this. It stands to reason that the negotiations between the two should be very confidential. Most of the pictures are of the richest man leaving the country, so the photographer is likely to be the king of the charter, otherwise it will not be explained at all.

With such a clear picture, it is obvious that one party did it deliberately. And from the shooting point of view, the ship king Bao Yugang is more suspicious. But some things don't make sense. After all, the video shows that the richest man Bao directly refused to charter the king. And he also taught the other party how to do business. Bao Yugang would deliberately leak such a shameful thing.

How to say that the charter king is also a tycoon-level figure who has been famous for a long time, and it is shameful to be rejected by the juniors. Now being taught how to do business again, it's definitely not easy in terms of face. You must know when Bao Yugang was in business, he was older than Bao Zixuan.

Bao Yugang was eating at home when he suddenly received a call from his second son-in-law, and immediately turned on the TV. Seeing that the conversation between him and Bao Zixuan was coming to an end, he suddenly felt that the situation was not good. Who is Bao Zixuan, I can definitely imagine that he deliberately recorded it. This is not a glorious thing in business cooperation; business reputation will definitely be damaged.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. After Bao Zixuan saw it, he would completely lose the trust he had just established. If it is not explained clearly, maybe the two of them will not have to meet in the future.

At the same time, I knew with my toes that Zheng Yutong must have done this. Because he was the only one who had access to this videotape, and the rest were family members. For the Bao family, the ship king is still somewhat confident. And he has already thought that the player of Shaqintong itself has a copy function. How could it be so careless that it made people turn around.

The old boy must have seen that he wanted to ease the relationship with Bao Zixuan, so he did this. But what's the use of saying this now, Bao Zixuan must think that he did it on purpose.

Bao Yugang didn't talk nonsense, he just picked up the phone and called Zheng Yutong. Knowing that many things are no longer helpful, but being pitted by shark guts like this, I feel really uncomfortable.

At this time, Zheng Yutong had just watched the ATV news, and he was still very satisfied with the efficiency of his second son. It seems that the son still has the ability, but he didn't show it before; maybe he didn't make the best use of everything and people before.

This kid may still need practice in business, but he is definitely a good player when it comes to sabotage. Although it is not a glorious thing, but a family needs all kinds of characters, maybe the second child can take a different path. I recently made a lawyer girlfriend who graduated from a famous school. If the woman's family is not so complicated, she can let her daughter-in-law come to the front desk.

At this time, Sha Dantong was already planning to raise his grandson, but at the moment, his two sons are really not very satisfied.

Zheng Yutong said with a smile, "It's Baosheng! I don't know what instructions are there to call me."

Hearing where Shaqiantong was gloating on misfortune, Bao Yugang was really annoyed. So he said directly: "Zheng Sheng, I take you as a friend, but don't you think it's too much! There is a standard and a bottom line for everything, why do you feel like I'm bullying someone."

The charter king has a good temper. The two have known each other for decades, and it seems that they have never felt him so angry. In fact, I also understand that it is the same for me. No matter who it is, it will not be happy when someone puts it together for no reason.

Gu, but some things can't be admitted to death, especially at this time. Even if the other party knows that you did it, they just can't admit it. Otherwise, how will the two meet in the future, how will they get along.

Zheng Yutong: "What did Bao Sheng say! I have always regarded you as my best friend. Who the **** made you so angry? If it's because of being here, then I must apologize to Bao Sheng in person."

Hearing that the other party was pretending to be confused, Bao Yugang knew; if he didn't show conclusive evidence, he would never admit it.

Bao Yugang sneered and said: "Since Zheng Sheng is pretending to be confused, then Bao has nothing to say. But what I want to say is that people are doing it, and God is watching. It happened; otherwise, if the evidence is found, everyone will not be able to get along in the future."

Hanging up the phone, Bao Yugang called Bao Zixuan. At this time, the richest man Bao was with Aisha, and as for Prince Sultan, he had returned to Saudi Arabia. After all, so many entrepreneurs are going to visit, and they must be prepared in advance.

Of course, Bao Zixuan knew about Asia TV's report. Xiangjiang is so big, if there is any trouble; the subordinates will report it as soon as possible.

The conversation between the two was reported again. Bao's richest man still has some atmosphere, and looking at the angle of the picture and the degree of clarity, you don't have to guess to know that it must be Bao Yugang. The two chatted in the box arranged by him, if it was an ordinary reporter; it was not that great at all.

At the same time, the richest man Bao is also reflecting, and many things cannot be taken lightly. This time it's a camera, what if I switch to a sniper rifle next time. You can't have too much subjective consciousness, or you won't know how your life will be lost.

Hearing that it was the king of charter boats calling, the richest man Bao Bao was not polite this time. He said directly to the bodyguard: "Tell Bao Yugang not to call him in the future. I know this may not be his original intention; but the video recording during the negotiation is not a gentleman's act.

For the rich in Xiangjiang, Bao's richest man has given up hope. Except for some people who can communicate with others, it is better to stay away from others. Bao Yugang will never let the video content be exposed, he must have shown it to and this person doesn't need to think about it to know that it was Zheng Yutong who didn't run away.

It's a waste of time to continue chatting with this kind of thing.

Hearing that Bao Zixuan didn't even answer the phone, he immediately understood what he meant. The charter king also has a face, and he will definitely not put his position too low.

Bao Yugang: "Zheng Yutong has teamed up with the Rothschild family and is ready to enter the high-tech field. And the first step is to poach people from the Black Cloud headquarters. I hope Bao Sheng can do it on his own."

Bao Zixuan also didn't expect the Rothschild family to get involved. It seems that the rejection of them last time has already caused the other party's dissatisfaction. Although it has passed its peak, the current strength of the Rothschild family is definitely stronger than that of the Black Cloud Group.

It seems that we also need to find some allies, otherwise it will be difficult to win the confrontation.

The top priority is to settle the Zheng family first, at least let the sharks know. I didn't take care of him before, not because of lack of strength, nor because of my good temper; but because I didn't free up my hands, and at the same time, I didn't meet the right time.

If the strength of the Zheng family is seriously damaged, the Rothschild family will definitely not depend on their cooperation. The Zheng family is not the only candidate to poach people from the Black Cloud Group. And people have developed for hundreds of years, and they must have their own talent channels.

As long as the shark guts can't do anything, then the other tycoons in Xiangjiang should not dare to oppose the black cloud; and they themselves have nothing to do with the Rothschild family. Things still have to be well planned, although the time is not ripe, but also make the other party pay a certain price.

Before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Bao Zixuan didn't want to make troubles; but if anyone dared to have a crooked mind, then he was not the master who was slaughtered by others.

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