Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

Seeing his son thinking, Zheng Yutong was very happy. It shows that this kid can still be cultivated. If he doesn't care about anything, he only knows how to enjoy himself. Perhaps it is really not suitable to inherit the family business, after all, the Zheng family needs capable and responsible people to take the helm.

Zheng Ershao said very seriously: "Dad, does our family have to fight with Bao Zixuan again? We must be fully prepared this time. The Black Cloud Group is not what it used to be, and there is no surety, so we can't take it lightly."

"Bao Zixuan is an outstanding graduate of Oxford in the United Kingdom and MIT in the United States. These two schools are the world's top universities, but I do not recommend recruiting talents from these two schools in the past. After all, they have cooperated too closely with the Black Cloud Group. What's the matter; Bao Zixuan will know right away."

"And the top talents from the two schools are basically absorbed by the Heiyun Group. Or to work in a company related to the Heiyun Department. If you go there rashly, you may not even be able to drink soup."

"But there are still many well-known universities on the west coast of the United States; in addition to Oxford, the United Kingdom also has well-known universities such as Cambridge and Imperial College; they are now trying to compete with MIT and Oxford. Although some schools have good resources, But the funding is not necessarily abundant.

"Although the Rothschild family can think of these problems, their identity is not suitable. After all, it involves the game between the UK and Israel. There is no problem in our family. As long as the money is in place, there are really not so many political extras. Conditions. So I want to do it in my own way, I don't know what my father wants.

For Shaqiantong, as long as the child is willing to think, he really doesn't care about other things. Anyone who grows up pays some tuition. For this amount of money, Shaqiantong can still afford to lose. And I didn't expect my son to think so thoughtfully, and even he might not be able to think of it. The last time I went to China mainland, although things were messed up, I still grew a lot.

Zheng Yutong: "It's good to have this kind of thinking, it shows that you have matured a lot after passing the last incident. I am your father, of course I will fully support you. Don't have any concerns, even if you lose money, the Zheng family can afford it. But you must know where the money is lost."

"If you say it, you must do it. If you just say it with your mouth, then nothing can be done."

"First of all, I will give you a task. You have seen the video tape just now. Find a suitable opportunity and send it to the TV station. I want the whole Xiangjiang to know about this matter, at least let Bao Zixuan hate the charter king."

"It is absolutely impossible for the Bao family to stay out of the way. Many things must be brought into the Bao family. Only in this way can we work with the Rothschild family to be equal."

Hearing that his father wanted to expose the contents of the videotape, Zheng Ershao immediately understood what he meant. This is to want Bao Zixuan to hate Bao Yugang, but I am helping you, and actually gave me this hand. In the future, the two sides will never negotiate peacefully, and even conflicts will break out; at this time, Zheng Ershao is also feeling that Jiang is still old and hot.

Zheng Ershao: "Dad, I have a good relationship with the second child of Qiu Degen's family. Asian TV stations have been suppressed so much by TVB, I believe they will never miss such exciting news."

"Although TVB's ratings may be higher, Bao Zixuan is one of TVB's shareholders after all. And he has a good relationship with Run Run Run Run, so TVB will definitely ask him for instructions on broadcasting content related to Bao Zixuan."

Zheng Yutong also sighed that his son has made great progress recently. Could it be that there is an expert instructing him. So he asked curiously, "Have you made friends with someone recently? Being a father has no other meaning; if you can make capable friends, you will definitely support it."

Hearing this, Zheng Ershao knew that he couldn't hide it, and his father had already asked, so he could only tell the truth: "I just made a girlfriend, and I didn't say it because I was worried that my family would disagree."

"She is a lawyer and graduated from the law department of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States; it's just that her family background is not very good, haven't you always wanted to find a girl of the right match!"

When he heard that his son had made a girlfriend who graduated from a famous American school, he thought that he had heard it wrong. After all, haven't you always liked models and celebrities before? But this is good, it shows that people are mature. For large families, stars and models, although beautiful, are at most a vase. It's okay to play, and if the son wants to marry a star, Shaqiantong will never agree.

Lawyers who graduated from prestigious schools are different. As they grow older, they will become more mature and their abilities will continue to improve. As for finding a suitable girlfriend, it looks good. But the ability of the two sons is average, if there is no good help, what will happen in the end, it is really hard to say.

Zheng Yutong: "When you have time, bring it to me. Knowing what kind of woman suits you is also a kind of progress."

At the same time, at the boat king's house, Bao Yugang was introducing the situation to the old man.

Bao Yugang: "I have just shown the video content to Shaqiantong, and I made it clear that I will not participate in the action against Bao Zixuan."

"Listening to Zheng Yutong, the Rothschild family is preparing to enter the high-tech field. In recent years, the Black Cloud Group has made too much money, and there must be a lot of jealous people."

"You must have heard of the Rothschild family. This time they are aggressive. Looking for Shaqiantong just wants to use the other party's influence in Xiangjiang to poach people from the Heiyun Group."

Hearing that the Zheng family was going to do something again, Mr. Bao was a little excited. Now the two are in a cooperative relationship. If it is not handled properly, it is very likely that Bao Zixuan will even hold a grudge against the Bao family.

Mr. Bao ": Shaqiantong wants to go all the way to the dark, so some relationships have to be cut off. There are many examples of Dang Duan's continuous reversal of chaos, and the Bao family must not make this mistake."

Feeling that the old man's attitude is very firm, the charter king can only nod in agreement. Now, in this situation, you can't go against the master's wishes. And he didn't want to continue to cooperate with Shaqiantong in his heart; this person's courage is like a nickname. It's a dangerous thing to continue.

The charter king said very firmly: "I know what to do, and Bao Zixuan can tell me so much. It means that the other party doesn't want to fight, and also wants to ease the relationship."

"I will split with the Zheng family as soon as possible. It is very dangerous to continue to cooperate."

But what the masters didn't know was that Zheng Ershao was digging a hole for Bao's family at this time.

In the private room of a well-known nightclub in Xiangjiang, Ershao Zheng and Ershao Qiu were drinking and chatting.

Zheng Ershao: "Young Master Qiu, I heard that you were recently assigned by the old man to work in a TV station. That's a job that everyone envy; it's a lot of fun!"

Qiu Degen also has no choice. Compared with Asian TV, Songyuan and Far East Bank are the main body of Qiu's family, and it can be said to be the most core industry. But since the TV station has been acquired, it must find someone to run it. I know that putting my son on the TV station is putting the wolf into the flock.

But the TV station must be managed by someone, and it is not easy to give it to others. I can only ask my son to pay attention to the impact, although the effect is not very obvious; but this kind of thing is not a big problem in Xiangjiang.

The two young masters of the Lee family have gone too far in TVB; don't TVB still rank No. 1 in Hong Kong in terms of ratings!

Moreover, there is still his own control on it, so he will not make too much action.

Ershao Qiu is very similar to Ershao Zheng, they are both the second children in the family; their father is young and powerful, and there is an elder brother who manages the company. He used to be a well-known dude in Heung Kong, but with the increasing number of two industries in recent years, he gradually managed the company.

Because of age, plus I did play a little crazy before. This made my father not trust him very high, and he could only manage the less important businesses under the family; it was a kind of exercise.

Qiu Ershao: "Zheng Shao, if you invite me out for a drink, it's just to amuse Then it's better not to date in the future, so as not to be embarrassed together."

"All Xiangjiang knows the temper of our old man. The beautiful female stars of the TV station are not allowed to be touched at all. I think you must have heard of it!"

Although he can't completely stop his son from picking up girls, he is a young man after all; But I also know that we must protect the pillars and famous actresses well. That is the guarantee for the survival of the TV station, and Qiu Degen is still very strict about this aspect.

After Qiu Ershao hit the wall a few times, plus his father's reprimand, he didn't have any crooked thoughts.

The Hong Kong tabloid has reported on this matter, and it is impossible for Zheng Ershao not to know. It is normal for Qiu Ershao to be angry when he thinks that the other party is laughing at him.

Zheng Ershao: "What did Mr. Qiu say! Between us half price is eight taels, and no one will laugh at anyone else."

"It's important news to ask you out this time; if Young Master Qiu feels suitable, he can sell it to you."

Although this kid is unreliable, he comes from a famous family after all. Dad is the top ten super rich in Hong Kong, maybe he can really get any valuable news.