Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168

There must be reporters participating in the celebration, otherwise how can it reflect the wise and greatness of Minister James Baker. And the secretary of the treasury wants to continue to rise, even if he can't be president, he wants to be secretary of state.

To say that this old boy's life history, or family background is also perfect; at least the road to politics is still very smooth.

James Baker was born on April 28, 1930 in Houston, Texas. His father was a well-known lawyer in Houston. After graduating from Princeton University in 1952, Baker served in the Marine Corps for two years and graduated from the University of Texas Law School in Austin in 1957. After attending a major law firm in Houston. He finally became a partner of the firm. In 1970, he campaigned for his old friend Bush Sr. for the Senate. Although Bush Sr. failed, he has been involved in the Republican campaign ever since.

From 1975 to 1976, he served as Deputy Minister of Commerce of the Federal Government. In 1976, he served as vice chairman of former President Ford's campaign committee. From 1979 to 1980, he served as the person in charge of assisting Bush's campaign. Bush agreed to serve as Reagan's vice-presidential campaign, served as a senior adviser to the Bush and Reagan campaigns, and later served as a member of the White House transition team. From November 1980 to January 1985, he served as White House chief of staff. Skilled at work. In January 1985, he became U.S. Treasury Secretary.

With such a perfect resume and family background, James Baker is very comfortable both in the legal circle and in politics and business; life is very moisturizing. This time, I have made such a big contribution to the United States, and my heart is of course a little swollen. Therefore, I didn't think about comforting my younger brother, as long as I was comfortable, who would care about that.

Maybe this is also a common problem for Americans, as long as they are comfortable, they never care about the feelings of other countries. The concept of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in later generations has been proposed for a long time. But Americans still go their own way, and what kind of environmental protection has nothing to do with others. Only 5% of the population consumes 33% of the world's energy. And when small-displacement or electric vehicles in other countries have become mainstream, they are still large-displacement pickups. It is so arrogant, even if other countries condemn it, they will not care.

James Baker came to the stage and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to New York. Today is a special day. At the same time, it is also a day of great significance for the entire world economy."

"Just now, the United States, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement that the dollar will gradually depreciate, and governments of various countries will intervene in the foreign exchange market. This is only for the continuous appreciation of the dollar and the market adjustment of overvaluation, and will not affect the current situation. There is an economic order."

The old guy said it directly, which made Japanese Finance Minister Takeshita Nobuo even more angry. This isn't a blatantly telling the world that they should quickly dump the dollar. He didn't want to prepare opportunities for the Japanese at all, and his intentions were very sinister. But I don't dare to say more, after all, things are a foregone conclusion; Americans are determined to devalue the dollar, and Japan can't stop it.

Hearing this, the scene seemed to explode. This time, the finance ministers and central bank governors of various countries came to the meeting; the professionals who were able to attend the reception were professionals, and the reporters were well-known figures from major financial media.

Hearing what James Baker said, I immediately understood what it meant. This is because the economic development of Japan and West Germany is too fast, and I want to make up for it; it is too shameless!

But after thinking about it, isn't this world a world where the strong eat the weak and the fittest survive? The United States is now strong, and Japan and West Germany need to rely on other people's breath, and of course spend money to buy peace. But for the world economy, it is an opportunity. At this time, the U.S. dollars in hand should be exchanged as soon as possible, and it is safer to exchange them for West German marks or Japanese yen.

The devaluation of the dollar has been made public, and Takeshita Noon has nothing to say. Although it's hard to explain it when I go back, it's the same for anyone who comes here, and Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone can't do anything to him.

The finance ministers of the five countries have just gathered at the Plaza Hotel for a meeting, and Bao Zixuan, who is far away in Xiangjiang, has already sent people to closely monitor. After all, his appearance has changed some history, and there is still some worry in his heart. With so much investment in Japan, if there is no Plaza Accord, the effect will be greatly reduced. Because of the strong rise of the Heiyun Group, the Japanese should have made money, and he made it away. Whether it will change anything, no one can say.

Fortunately, the Japanese have a deep background, and in some areas, the Black Cloud Group has just started; it does not pose a threat to Japanese companies, so that the overall economic scale has not been reduced.

They're just taking a share of corporate America, making the US economy worse than it was in previous lives.

The Plaza Accord has been signed, so there are no scruples. Blackstone funds have been buying yen and selling dollars before, but not on a large scale. Now that I have no worries, I can finally let go of my hands and feet and work hard.

At night in the United States, it happens that the Japanese market just opened in the morning. As soon as the Tokyo foreign exchange market opened, the Blackstone Fund began to sell dollars and buy Japanese yen.

Japanese companies certainly know what's going on, and their intelligence capabilities are not weak. Seeing the Blackstone Fund take action, of course, dare not fall behind. The Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, and Fuji consortiums bear the brunt of the brunt, and it is a multi-billion-dollar sell-off.

It can be said that because of Bao Zixuan's strong intervention, the dollar fell faster than in the previous life. In one day, the exchange rate with the Japanese yen fell from 1:250 to 1:220. A single-day drop of more than 10%; it is beyond everyone's imagination.

You must know that this is currency, and there is a national credit system behind it. And it is also the currency of the most powerful country in the world, the United States. In the past 40 years, it has been the common currency of the whole world.

When this happened before, it was very likely that the country had entered a state of war, and it was still defeated.

After the news reached the United States, James Baker was happy, but also worried. Happy because the U.S. dollar, which had been overvalued until now, has finally started to fall. The worry is that the decline is too fast. If it is not handled properly, it will inevitably cause panic among the people.

But now that the shell has been fired, it is definitely impossible to recover it. That would disrupt the entire plan and would certainly damage the US national credibility. At that time, Reagan will definitely use him as a scapegoat, and it is estimated that taking the blame and resigning is the only way out.

Since it cannot be stopped, then everything is left to the market to decide. And he also has the confidence, after all, the United States is the country with the most dollars. It's really not enough to print more, don't you have everything! Fortunately, the United States has the capital to be a hooligan. To put it bluntly, it is to let the world pay for it.

After arranging various matters in Japan, Clay Clark, president of Blackstone Fund, came to Hong Kong. It stands to reason that Bao Zixuan went to Japan, but who made the child just born, plus the goal is too obvious.

It is impossible for the richest man to go to any country in the world to keep a low profile. It might be better to have his subordinates come to Xiangjiang to The confidentiality measures are not necessarily good, but they are still much stronger than when he used to go to Japan.

Clay Clark really admired the young boss in front of him at this time, as if nothing could be hidden from him. From the oil crisis; to silver futures; and now the Plaza Accord; every bet was accurate.

As for the transcendental fantasy, he hadn't thought of it yet. However, he has a powerful intelligence system and his own super analytical ability; this is absolutely recognized by Clay Clerk.

Many people say that Bao Zixuan is the illegitimate son of God, otherwise there is no news about who his father is. Now it seems that this is not without reason; at least in luck and ability, God is indeed on his side.

Bao Zixuan: "It will be very hard recently, let the team members overcome it. This is a long-term process that requires you to stay in Japan for a while."

Since the end of silver futures in 1980, the main force of Blackstone Fund has been active in Japan. It's been five years now, and when the boss said that, Clay Clark certainly understood what he meant. Japan has made a lot of money in the past, but the team members are still a little uncomfortable. Now that I have integrated into Japanese life, it doesn't matter if I stay for 5 years.

Moreover, the appreciation of the yen is the general trend, and the domestic economy continues to grow. At this time, the Japanese financial market is definitely more attractive than the United States. People who work on Wall Street have always liked a challenge; as to where they work, it really doesn't matter that much.

Clay Clark said with a smile: "I think the team members will jump for joy when I hear this news. Japan is still very good, and there should be no objection to continuing to work in Tokyo."

Most of the members of the Blackstone Fund are Americans, and they are like a privileged class in Japan. In addition, there are subsidies for working abroad, and the salary itself is very high, so the employees' small days are not to mention how nourishing.