Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167

Since everyone has no opinion, and expressed their full cooperation with the resolution of the US Treasury Department. Then there is nothing to be polite. Japan and West Germany are both rich and oily. If you don't scrape more at this time, you may not encounter such a good opportunity in the future.

The United States has surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world economic hegemon, and it is not very glorious in itself. In fact, this is very normal, after all, capital has always been blood.

James Baker: "Since you all have no opinion, then I will express the opinion of the United States."

"Ministry of finance, as well as central banks, should intervene verbally in the dollar exchange rate."

Currently, the USD/JPY fluctuates around 1 USD/250 JPY. Within 3 months after the agreement is signed, the USD should fall to around 1 USD/200 JPY, a drop of 20%. The exchange rate ratio of the yuan is 1:120.

Hearing this, Japanese Finance Minister Toshita Takeshita was about to stand up. Executing in full accordance with the Americans' plan would mean a sharp depreciation of the dollar and a reduction in the existing dollar wealth of countries.

Japan is the world's largest creditor nation and buys the most U.S. Treasuries. That is to say, the dollars that Japanese companies have worked so hard to earn for decades have shrunk by half in a blink of an eye; who can stand it. If the agreement is signed according to these conditions, it is estimated that the heads of major domestic companies will be able to shoot him to death.

The appreciation of the yen is a good thing, but it can't appreciate too much at once. There should be a smooth transition. A substantial appreciation in a short period of time will inevitably increase domestic costs, which is very unfavorable to exports. Island countries have a limited market and their own resources are limited. How to survive if you lose your competitive advantage in the international market.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to agree, at least a discount should be made in the implementation process.

The Germans are also having a hard time. The depreciation of the dollar against the yen means that the Deutsche mark will also appreciate. Fortunately, the Germans already have a coping strategy, but it is difficult to implement.

Although it is very difficult, as long as it is successful, it also means that Germany's strength will get a qualitative leap. At this time, when Germans deal with international relations, they definitely belong to the existence of little daughters-in-law. No one dared to offend anyone, and the demands made by the United States and the Soviet Union were even more satisfied.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Takeshita Noboru was really annoyed. Can't we unite and make Americans a little bit shy, at least not so blatantly; what's the difference between this moment and outright robbery.

It's all a state of hanging up high without anything to do with it. Isn't this putting Japan on fire!

Five years ago, the world's mainstream media reported that Japan's economic scale will surpass the United States by the end of this century and become the world's No. 1. This has caused some expansion in Japan, thinking that as long as the economic scale increases, the right to speak will naturally increase. Takeshita is no exception, he is Japan's finance minister, not a U.S. subordinate official. Others can be silent, but he can't. At least we have to fight for Japan, and I really can't think of other ways.

Nori Takeshita: "To ensure that the U.S. economy does not collapse, it is not just a matter of the exchange rate. Hasty intervention in the exchange rate will seriously hinder the development of the world economy; therefore, it should be considered from multiple aspects."

"The yen has steadily appreciated. At the same time, Japanese, West German, French, and British companies can invest in the United States. Economic development cannot be completely determined by the government, and companies must also play a role in it."

"The size of the domestic economy has increased, and the unemployment rate of the people has decreased; the economy will naturally get better."

Hearing Takeshita's words, the finance ministers of the other three countries wanted to stand up and beat him. Investment in the United States in the past, he can think of it. Unlike Japan, the three countries do not have so many companies to develop abroad. Moreover, companies that invest in the United States must be high, sophisticated and sophisticated.

It is estimated that no one would dare to build a factory in the United States for a company with serious pollution. It is no different from courting death.

This time, I mainly want to use wool from Japan and West Germany; it is the tone set by the United States, Britain and France.

French Finance Minister Pierre Bergberg knew that he was asked to express his attitude, so he said directly: "It is a good choice for companies from all over the world to invest in the United States. But the thirst of the near future cannot be quenched by far. It takes a process to invest and build a factory."

"If countries are allowed to use funds to drive the growth of the U.S. stock market, property market, or futures market; at best, the data is good, and it has no practical significance for the growth of the U.S. economy. At least the American people are not getting any benefits, and the capital must come to make money."

"No one's money comes from the wind, and it cannot be given away for nothing."

Hearing this, West Germany and the British finance minister agreed. It takes a process to come and invest. At this time, the American intention is very obvious, and it must bring benefits in the short term.

British Finance Minister Nigel Lawson echoed: "Minister Bergberg is very reasonable, the most effective way in the short term is government intervention in the exchange rate."

"As for corporate investment, we are only the Minister of Finance. It is even harder for us to intervene in matters that neither the head of state nor the prime minister can intervene and decide. The development of enterprises requires a high degree of freedom, and the government is more of a supporting role, and must not interfere arbitrarily. Business development is very unfavorable and can even lead to a rebound.

The finance ministers of five countries, the United States is the undisputed leader. Japan and West Germany have sufficient economic strength; as for France, neither economic strength nor military strength is weak. In contrast, the former empire on which the sun never sets appears to be somewhat lacking in stamina. If you don't brush a wave of existence, who will take him seriously in the future.

The Falklands War made the British see the reality clearly. To deal with an Argentine, it would take the whole country's strength; and it was very hard to win. This is also the reason why he will make concessions on the Hong Kong issue. He feels that he is definitely not an opponent if he is fighting against Huaxia's real sword.

Hold the American thigh tightly and become a true portrayal of the British after World War II. Although it sounds embarrassing, it has nothing to do with national security.

West German Finance Minister Gerhard Stodenberg thought for a moment and said: "Since the US government wants the dollar to depreciate, the Federal Republic of Germany will fully cooperate and can use administrative means to intervene if necessary."

The Germans' remarks left Japanese Finance Minister Nori Takeshita completely without the capital to resist. When did the Germans have such soft bones, no wonder they were defeated in World War II. There is no reason to be invincible in an alliance with such a country.

There is no point in revolting. At this time, it is necessary to act according to the orders of the Americans. Is it really necessary to break up with the Americans because of this matter? It is estimated that he will definitely be handed over as a scapegoat.

Nori Takeshita: "Since everyone has this idea, Japan will try to cooperate as much as possible."

There is room for words to be said, and it may be difficult to accept for a while. No one's money is blown by the It's really unwilling to pay for the mistakes of the Americans for no reason.

Now that the finance ministers of the five countries have reached a consensus, the agreement must be signed.

That is to say, from this time on, the governments of the five countries jointly intervened in the foreign exchange market, so that the US dollar fell against major currencies in an orderly manner to solve the huge US trade deficit. Because the agreement was signed at the Plaza Hotel, the agreement is also known as the "Plaza Agreement". The agreement stipulated that the yen and the mark should appreciate sharply to restore the overvalued dollar. After the signing of the "Plaza Accord", countries began to sell the dollar, and then a sell-off frenzy of market investors was formed, resulting in a continuous and substantial depreciation of the dollar.

Looking at the development of the Japanese economy in the past three decades, the Plaza Accord in 1985 was a turning point. Some analysts pointed out that after the Plaza Accord, affected by the appreciation of the yen, Japan's export competitiveness has been hit hard, and the economy has been stagnant for more than ten years. Even in the field of economics, quite a few people believe that the Plaza Accord is a huge conspiracy by the United States to bring down Japan.

But it's useless to say anything now, agreeing even reluctantly. Americans don't give you a chance to refuse at all, at least Takeshita Nori doesn't have the capital and courage to refuse.

The purpose has been achieved, and as the host; even if the economy is difficult, it should not be too stingy. The U.S. Treasury Secretary told restaurants to start preparing buffets, and today is definitely a day to celebrate. All of America's goals have been achieved. As for how much Japan and West Germany would lose, it was never in the scope of the Americans' consideration.

James Baker was even more high-spirited, and finally explained to President Reagan; even to major consortiums and companies in the United States. As for this achievement, although it cannot directly affect the development process of the United States, it can at least make his name go down in history. It's an incredible honor to have an absolute chance to shock one of the most effective Treasury secretaries in the United States.