Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Seeing Grandpa stop outside, Hanada Haruko really didn't know what to say. Could it be that the old man began to see things and think about people again, after all, this is Sony's earliest office building. It is best not to disturb at this time, otherwise, with the character of the old man, he will never give up. It's okay to laugh with you at ordinary times, but you still have to pay special attention when people are thinking.

After about 3 minutes, Ibuka said with a big laugh: "When you get old, you always think about the past. In 1946, almost 40 years ago, I, Maeda Tamen and Morita Akio, together with more than 20 employees, The development of the tape recorder started here; we continued to work here until the tape recorder was released in 1951."

"It can be said that this place is definitely a treasure of feng shui for Sony, and Akio Morita has good intentions. I was 38 years old at the time, and Akio Morita was only 25 years old, which is the golden age of men. Looking back now, it seems like it was yesterday."

Hanada Haruko didn't say anything, after all, only those who have experienced this kind of thing can understand it.

After walking to the office, I saw a group of sloppy young people working in front of the computer. These people have several characteristics in common, very scruffy, but very young. However, the speed of the fingers hitting the keyboard is definitely the fastest group of people he has ever seen.

Although computers have not been popular for a long time, as a top student at Waseda University, Dai Ibuka can not only use personal computers, but also systematically study servers. But he asked himself that he was definitely not skilled in the operation of the young people in front of him, and it was a pleasure to watch other people's work.

Ten minutes later, the group of young people did not notice that there were two people standing at the door. Ibuka looked at his watch and found that it was already 11 o'clock in the night.

At this time, a young man said: "Takakurkun, I really can't stand it; I apply for an hour's rest."

I saw the young man sitting in the middle replied: "Yes, you still have two hours of rest today."

Hearing this, the young man who just spoke immediately ran to the cot, took off his shoes and immediately rested. At this time, it seemed to him that every minute was very precious and could not be wasted.

Every half hour, someone applies to take a break. Then another rested person came to the top. It can be said that the time is applied very reasonably here.

Before he knew it, Ibuka had been here for two hours. During the period, no one came to say hello, as if they hadn't seen it.

At this time, a programmer said: "Takakurkun, you have been working continuously for more than 18 hours, so you should take a break. I will top it first, and you will come to check it later."

The young man called Takakurkun is Takakura Jiro, and at this time he is imitating the working model of the weasel factory.

Takakura Jiro saw the classmate who was talking just now and said, "Okay, I'm really tired. I'll rest for an hour first, and then come over to replace you."

After speaking, he fell asleep on the cot next to him. At this time, Ibuka wanted to have a good chat with these young people, but he saw that it was already 1 o'clock in the night; he thought he would come over tomorrow. He really couldn't bear to disturb the rest of these young people, and even felt a little empathy. When he was young, he seemed to be the same, devoted to his work.

Walking out of the office, I saw several old Sony employees who were drunk. Ibuka is really angry, and it seems that Akio Morita's reform is right. Sony should boldly use young people, otherwise it will be caught up or surpassed by its competitors.

Ibuka: "A lot of old employees often do this!"

Hanada Haruko didn't know how to answer, but since Grandpa asked, he still didn't dare to hide it. So he replied directly: "It's basically like this, and some are later than this. Last time, there was a drunk employee who came back at 3:00 in the morning and didn't pay the taxi fare. As a result, the matter was very big, and in the end it was the section chief. Just pay for him."

There is no harm if there is no comparison. On the one hand, there are young employees who work hard and diligently; Jing Shenda returned home in a mood of anger and joy, and went back to the room to rest without saying anything.

The next morning at 5:00, Ibuka woke up on time. The biological clock has been formed, no matter if you slept late the day before, you will get up at this time the next day.

If it was before, he would exercise his muscles in the yard and have breakfast. But I don't know what happened today, maybe it was out of curiosity, maybe I wanted to check it on the spot; I actually came to the office area where Takakura Jiro was.

After coming over, I saw that there were a few young people resting. The rest of the people have already started work, but they are obviously much more energetic than yesterday. It seems that they took a bath and changed their clothes.

Takakura Jiro suddenly said: "It takes an hour to prepare, and then we will connect the data. Everyone must be in place, notify those who are still resting, and get up immediately."

At this time, Takakura Jiro was like an army commander; all programmers had to do their bidding.

Ibuka is also full of curiosity. Data docking means that R&D is about to see results, and of course he doesn't want to miss it.

In the busyness of the programmer, an hour passed quickly.

Takakura Jiro: "Basic code group;"

I saw two young people saying: "The basic code is ready."

Takakura Jiro: "Data Analysis Team;"

"The data analysis team is ready;" a voice came from the corner.

Takakura Jiro: "Graphics Settings Group;"

A short young man said, "The image setting team is ready."

Takakura Jiro: "Start the data connection now, and count down 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Success can be described as everyone's joy, failure means that most of the hard work is in vain.

No one knows more than them how much criticism and how much scorn they have suffered in the past six months.

With the start of Takakura Jiro, the programmer began to transmit the code he was responsible for writing to the host, and then the chief engineer Takakura Jiro was responsible for the assembly.

In less than ten minutes, the data transfer was completed, and everything went smoothly.

Now that the system assembly has been completed, it must be verified.

Takakura Jiro: "Sony Inventory and Sales as of December 3, 1984."

I saw a programmer next to him working on the computer immediately. And directly replied: "Sony's inventory of finished products on December 3, 1984 was 180.0032 billion yen, semi-finished products were 168.245 billion yen, and raw materials were 240.558 billion yen; the sales on that day were 2.367 billion yen."

Not only that, but also report the model and quantity of the products sold; as well as the model and quantity of the products in stock.

Next, Takakura Jiro kept telling the time, and the people below kept reporting the sales amount and inventory quantity.

Ibuka couldn't help but be curious, and said while Takakura Jiro was drinking water, "Inventory and sales on November 3, 1955."

The programmer thought it was still the order of Takakura Jiro, and immediately started to and began to report: "The finished product inventory was 1.2 million yen that day, and 1,349 transistor radios were sold; however, three were returned due to quality problems. ."

At present, there are three machines with quality problems, one is in the home of the founder of Sony, Mr. Ibuka, and the other is in the Sony Museum; the other was completely damaged in 1968.

I was shocked to hear that Ibuka here; I very much agree with the reported data. The day Sony really took off, and no one knew 55 years better than him.

With this system, Sony can predict which product will sell better in the future based on the comparison of inventory and sales. Through big data analysis, inventory can certainly be reduced.

And the inbound and outbound of products are also more systematic, and it will definitely not be as messy as before. Even if the Japanese work very carefully, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. This system seems to be tailor-made for large companies.

Only at this time did the programmer realize that the person who just spoke was not Takakura Jiro.

Ibuka was also embarrassed, after all, they were working. Even as a boss, it shouldn't bother. This is very unruly, but when people are old, it is inevitable that there will be children thinking. He quickly explained: "I'm sorry to disturb your work."

Everyone is a son of Sony, and now works at Sony again. Even if he has nothing to do with Sony, he knows who Ibuka is. At this time, Takakura Jiro was a little embarrassed. After all, the work was only halfway through. If he entertained the old president at this time, it would definitely affect the progress of the work.

What kind of person is Ibuka, of course, he can see the dilemma of young people. He smiled and said, "Takakurkun, don't mind me. The most important thing is to finish the work well; I'm just curious to take a look at it and pretend I don't exist."

The old man has already given instructions, and Takakura Jiro did not hesitate to continue his current work.