Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

The security personnel who came to participate in the war knew the character of the boss, and this time they worked so hard; I believe the bonus will not be small. The boss has never been stingy when it comes to money, and I believe it is even more so this time. The greater the credit, the greater the benefits, and capturing the prisoners is a great credit.

Sharjah Sheikh Qasimi was thinking about what Zayed meant, and properly compensated Fucaira for his dissatisfaction. Do they want land, it seems that the president may have known long ago that he is the only one left in the dark. It may be acceptable to lose some money, but the land was handed down from the ancestors and was taken away by Fucaira in his hands. Then he will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame, and he will definitely be on the list in the selection of the worst chiefs in Sharjah.

Just when he was thinking about how to solve the crisis, Muhammad just rushed back to the palace. Seeing this nephew, Qasimi said very rudely: "Mohammed, you are not commanding the army on the front line, what are you doing when you come back. You must give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the people."

It can be said that Muhammad was very embarrassed at this time, and the way back could not be peaceful at all. Many important facilities have been destroyed by enemy missiles, that is, because of their status as princes, the people will give some face. He borrowed a horse from the people and returned to the palace. When roads are badly damaged, horses may be more useful than cars.

A member of the Middle Eastern royal family, he has taught equestrian lessons since he was a child. Therefore, it is not said that it is a master of horseback riding, but it is definitely not too bad.

Muhammad knew that Sharjah had been defeated, and very thoroughly. So he said directly: "The frontline troops suffered heavy losses. We just started the artillery bombardment, and we were violently attacked by the enemy. They must have received the news in advance, and all communication equipment was not working properly. They rushed back from the front line because they were worried that there was a problem with the palace. Look. Look at the situation of the palace, and report to the chief about the specific battle situation at the same time. And what to do next, at this time, the gap between us and Fucaira is very large."

"If the war continues, Sharjah will suffer even more."

This kid will be so kind, and he is worried about problems in the palace; if he can't get in touch, everything is just an excuse for greed for life and fear of death. But now is the time to hire people, and De Ligt must not be counted on. As for Sheikh, it was even worse, and was directly killed by Fucaira's missiles.

Sheikh is checking the logistics supply situation inside the military camp, and the troops and horses will go ahead without moving food and grass; it is applicable in that country. The logistical supplies of the attacking troops were coordinated and deployed by him.

The supply base must be the key target of the missile attack. In addition, there is a large amount of ammunition and gasoline stored in the warehouse itself. The missile attack directly led to the explosion of the ammunition, and the entire base was razed to the ground. It can be said to be the biggest loss this time. Sheikh was at the base at the time, and he may not even find his ashes now.

At present, the members of the royal family are a little capable, and it is estimated that only the boy in front of him is left. Negotiations will inevitably be faced after the war, and Qasimi will certainly not participate. In any case, he is also the chief of a country, and he will never be insulted by this. But calling others, the weight is not enough.

Qasimi: "You must already know the domestic situation. Sharjah is no longer capable of fighting. I contacted Abu Dhabi and asked President Zayed to coordinate. The two sides will definitely start negotiations, and this time you will represent Sharjah. ."

"Failure in the war is not terrible. We must sum up our experience. I am old, and the country still needs you to be at the helm in the future."

Negotiating as a loser is not a glorious thing after all, but a chore. No one is willing to do it, and he won't agree if he doesn't give this kid some sweetness.

Although Muhammad thought that Qasimi would choose a truce, he did not expect it so soon. However, this is also a no-brainer. The country is already in this state, and if the war continues, it may face the danger of subjugation of the country and the species.

Qasimi called Zayed on the phone and said directly: "Your Excellency, please stop the fire in Fujairah immediately. Sharjah is willing to pay the price and will send a negotiating delegation to negotiate with the other party."

Zayed did not look surprised when he received the news. Because he has already learned from the intelligence personnel what the state of the war is at this time. Sharjah's three-way army has surrendered, and the mainland has been severely hit. Prince De Ligt was captured, the Kelba enclave was occupied; it could be said that there was no strength to continue the fight at all.

Zayed thought for a moment and said: "I can help coordinate, after all, they are all emirates of the United Arab Emirates. The outbreak of war between you is bound to make the world laugh. But now things are happening because of Sharjah, I hope you can show your sincerity. In this way, I can also coordinate, otherwise the other party will definitely not be satisfied."

If you don't want to take care of it, you have to take care of it, who put him in this position! But he also knew what Bao Zixuan wanted. Why the Kelba enclave was not attacked by missiles, and why soldiers were sent to occupy it; the purpose is self-evident. It must be regarded as its own land, it depends on Sharjah's reluctance.

Although Qasimi was reluctant, he still said bravely: "Sharjah is willing to give up the territory it obtained from Fucaira, and will also make appropriate compensation."

Hearing this, Zayed knew that Bao Zixuan's appetite should be satisfied. If this is not satisfactory, then he will unite all the emirates of the UAE and must get rid of Fucaira. The land and the indemnity are not satisfied, and they must be seeking the entire UAE. That is absolutely intolerable, and he welcomes the other party to come to develop Fucaira. But if there is an idea for the entire UAE, or a threat to its dominance, it is a matter of principle.

Although the time is not right, I also know that Salad and Bao Zixuan should not rest. It is estimated that not only salads, but also the chiefs of other emirates in the UAE did not rest. No one knows what Bao Zixuan will do next, and what if he hurts innocent people.

Seeing the special phone number with Abu Dhabi, Sarah connected the phone. This phone is only for the most urgent matters, or a dedicated line that needs to be kept confidential; not easily. After all, the more you use it, the higher the risk of exposure.

Salah: "Is it President Zayed! I'm Salah."

Hearing the other party speak so calmly, it seems that this woman is really not to be underestimated. There is a war going on outside, but it is unusual to keep calm.

Zayed couldn't lose the battle, so he said with a smile: "Sarah, Qasimi called me just now. He has realized his mistake and will see if he can stop the fighting. Fuzaira's interests will definitely be guaranteed. , I apologize for provoking this dispute and taking the lead in firing cannons in Fucaira."

"He will definitely punish those responsible and compensate Fucaira's losses. At the same time, he is willing to take out the disputed part of the land for negotiation."

The phone was on the speakerphone, and when he saw Bao Zixuan nod, he wrote his opinion on a piece of paper.

Sarah replied directly: "No Wireless communication will be resumed later, and I hope Sharjah will show an attitude. If the conditions are right, the army will naturally stop attacking."

The meaning is obvious. It is to let Sharjah take the lead and make it clear what caused the trouble. At the same time announcing surrender, if this is not possible, then what step Fucaira's army can achieve, maybe.

Hang up the phone and see the salad still very incomprehensible. There have been many wars between the two small countries in history, and Fucaira suffered a loss before. With such a great victory today, why not pursue the victory and occupy Sharjah? At least hit the palace and arrest Kasimi for trial.

After all, she is her own woman, and others may not care; salad still needs to be concerned. And in the future, she is still needed to run the country, and it is necessary to teach by words and deeds.

Bao Zixuan: "Zayed called, not to ask for advice at all. It's more of a test to see how ambitious we are."

If we continue to attack Sharjah at this time, then it will no longer be an issue between our two emirates. Abu Dhabi and Dubai will not sit idly by; The UAE confronts."

"Now maybe we don't fear them in terms of military strength, but Fucaira's national strength is limited, so to be precise, it's not enough. Once the war enters the stage of stalemate and consumption, it will be us who will suffer."

Might as well just build it and take it, so Zayed feels the UAE is still under his control. Although he will be on guard against us, he should not be hostile. If you can get the enclave back, you have completed the strategic goal, don't do it, and other emirates will definitely have an opinion.

Although Sarah is not stupid, she still has not fully understood; but she has absolute confidence in the man in front of her. So there is absolutely no questioning, there is nothing to say.