Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

So many places were bombed, and the attacking troops could not be contacted. The strength shown by Fucaira made Sharjah Chief Qasimi despair.

What kind of army are they fighting against, and they haven't even seen what the enemy looks like. The war is basically over. The only chance for victory now is for De Ligt to lead the troops. Rush directly to the enemy headquarters to grab Bao Zixuan, and maybe it can turn the tide of the battle. But that kind of situation can't happen at all, my brother; if you talk about women, there may be no one who is his opponent.

But going into battle to kill the enemy is just a decoration. Before letting him lead the army, he just felt that there was no threat. Not only is there no threat to Fucaira, but of course there is no threat to his dominance. But now that it is like this, we must ask Abu Dhabi to help coordinate.

And Fucaira didn't attack the palace with missiles, just didn't want to do it. It means that there is room and room for negotiation, otherwise he might not be alive or not at this time.

Zayed, of course, knew about Sharjah's attack on Fujairah, but he did not stop it. However, the progress of the war is beyond expectations, and it is even impossible to imagine. It took less than an hour for Fucaira to counterattack and the Sharjah army was rendered incompetent. Even the entire country was paralyzed, which shows the cruelty and horror of war.

He knows better than anyone what Fucaira's strength was before. There is no so-called regular army in the country at all. There are at most dozens of palace guards and some police officers to maintain law and order.

Bao Zixuan is really too scary, such a person came to the United Arab Emirates. Whether it will threaten the rule of Abu Dhabi is really not guaranteed.

Therefore, he received a call from Sharjah Chief Qasimi, and he decided to intervene in the matter. At least the war cannot be expanded. In any case, the loss is also the defense force of the UAE.

Zayed: "I already know the matter, but in any case, Sharjah fired first. Although Sharjah is the chief now, it is more of a decoration. Everything is done by Bao Zixuan, and this kid has a lot of ambition. But Not using missiles to attack the Sharjah Palace shows that we do not want to escalate the situation."

"Then there is room for relaxation. I want to know what Sharjah can pay. After all, it is you who started the war first, and others fight back. Sharjah can only suffer a little, or there is no way to explain to the other side."

Rahimi also knew that the failure of the war must pay a corresponding price. And this time it was Sharjah who fired first, and Fucaira would never let him go easily. After thinking for a while, he said: "Sharjah can make some appropriate compensation, and I hope President Zayed can coordinate it. After all, you are the head of state, and Fujairah is also a member of the UAE after all."

Now I know that I am the president and the head of state; what have I done earlier? But the old guy is really insincere; proper compensation, it was better to say before. After all, Fucaira itself is not rich, but the acquisition of the Black Cloud Group has made people not short of money at all.

Is Bao Zixuan the one who lacks your compensation? Is the old boy confused, what are you thinking about all day!

Zayed: "At present, it may be difficult to satisfy the other party with some compensation, and we must show sincerity. Although I am the head of state, you should be clear about many things. It is not easy to restrict Fuzairah in a transitional way, and now its military might already be in Above Abu Dhabi."

While Zayed and Qasimi were discussing countermeasures, the so-called three-way army in Sharjah was struggling to support it.

The troops stationed in the Kaleba enclave were caught by surprise as soon as they invaded the territory of Fucaira. And there are only 800 people, and more want them to play a restraining role.

But it's too late to say anything now, and it's too late to retreat. And the tanks and armored vehicles were all destroyed, how could two legs be faster than the enemy's four wheels. Fucaira's armored forces, under the cover of aerial helicopters, began to attack the enclave.

One side had only light weapons, and had suffered heavy casualties before; the other was a heavily armed armored force with aircraft support in the sky. In addition to the quality of individual soldiers, Fucaira is also superior; the progress of the war can be imagined.

The commander of the Kelba garrison was also a member of the royal family, but only as a sideline. Seeing this situation, how dare you resist. In less than 2 hours, the white flag was raised; surrender to Fucaira was announced.

The news of the surrender of the garrison in the enclave was sent back to the headquarters, and a smile finally leaked from Bao Zixuan's face. I have been a little nervous recently, after all, neither in the past nor in this life, I have never directly participated in the war. I only knew its cruelty before, and I was prepared for it. But I didn't expect that at the moment when the enemy opened fire, I was really a little scared.

Just can't show any timidity in front of subordinates and women. Now I heard that the defenders closest to the headquarters had surrendered, and my hanging heart finally let go.

Dimitorov said to Bao Zixuan, "Boss, are you attacking the Kyleba enclave as planned?"

During the war, the report request was actually called the boss; it is estimated that other than the richest man in the world, there is really no one else in the world.

Bao Zixuan: "You are the commander-in-chief, so you don't need to ask me for instructions. Just follow the predetermined plan. I'm just watching the excitement."

Hearing this, several officers in the room were very happy. It seems that Bao Zixuan knows the depths, and he will never participate in the things he does not understand. Many civilian officials who do not understand the military always want to show their rights. The phrase "I order" is probably their favorite. It is very easy to make mistakes when a layman leads an expert. During the war, people will be killed, and this kind of thing has often happened in history.

With the words of Bao Zixuan, Dimitorov did not have any sloppy words. Said directly: "Order the troops to launch a counterattack and strive to occupy the Keleba enclave before dawn. Eliminate any enemy who dares to counterattack, or we will suffer."

The Black Cloud security team, who received the order, drove tanks and armored vehicles to attack the Keleba enclave as soon as possible. This is a good opportunity to build a career, and the boss has never been stingy.

In fact, Bao Zixuan only ordered missiles to attack the mainland of Sharjah before, and did not launch a missile at Kaleba. Because in his mind, when the fire was fired in Sharjah, it already belonged to Fucaira. Of course you can't destroy your own land.

But to a certain extent, it brought trouble to the soldiers to recover. After all, it is a war, and there will inevitably be casualties. Even if the war situation prevails in all directions, it is impossible to have zero casualties. But for these, the richest man Bao had already prepared in his heart;

As for the army led by Mohammed to attack in the direction of Khor Fekan, when it suffered a blow in the first round, it began to shrink its defense. Currently struggling to support, waiting for reinforcements to come to rescue.

Muhammad can be said to be a relatively sober member of the royal family, and he somewhat knows what kind of existence the Black Cloud Group is. Therefore, he did not dare to underestimate the enemy, which, to a certain extent, saved the lives of himself and his soldiers.

But at this time, he still regretted it very much. Even with so much information collected, the technical strength of the Black Cloud Group has been seriously underestimated.

At this time, they can't be contacted in China, and they certainly can't be contacted in China. We had to find a way to figure out what was going on. Fortunately, it was not far from the country, and Sharjah was behind it. It is still necessary to report the current to ask for instructions on the next strategic deployment.

He handed over the troops directly to the adjutant, and he rushed towards the palace.

In fact, deep in Muhammad's heart, he really had no idea of running away. But the soldiers don't think so, and the master will leave. They still have no energy to work hard here, and they chose to surrender directly.

At this point, Prince De Ligt's army of 3,000 remained, but they were attacked the hardest. At this time, although I don't know how many troops are left, I can't contact them after all. But deep in his heart, he felt that more than half of the casualties would definitely happen.

Fucaira's attack was comprehensive, leaving no room at all. But just surrendering like this, how could he be embarrassed to call himself the number one general in the UAE. So while ordering the soldiers to resist, they retreated into the country.

At this time, the armored vehicle can't sit, the target is not big, and there is still some damage. That is to say, it is only by virtue of the thick armor that it can withstand the missiles launched by Fucaira; otherwise, Prince De Ligt is likely to die before he is ready to attack.

The old guy had the right plan to abandon the car and run, but he should never, never dress too well. The previous plan was to be able to occupy the panoramic view of Fucaira today, and I wanted to have a prestige in front of the enemy. Therefore, wearing a gorgeous military uniform, many places are still sewn with gold thread. The goal is that it is too big, and it is difficult not to be discovered.

And with a woman next to him, the speed of escape can be imagined. The commander fled, and with more than half of the casualties, the soldiers did not have the courage to resist at all. In addition to running away, is to choose to surrender.

Opposite planes and armored vehicles were dispatched, and De Ligt's target was so obvious; therefore, within half an hour, he was captured by Fucaira soldiers.

All the invading enemies have been annihilated, making the headquarters rejoice. Regardless of the strength of the enemy, being able to win is the best news.