Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 820

Chapter 820

Chapter 820

In the afternoon of the same day, Huaqing Holding Company allocated 500,000 yuan to China Construction for the fire-fighting fee, and to Zhengyue Construction Company a fire-fighting fee of 200,000 yuan.

The persons in charge of the two construction companies also had a moment of emotion after receiving it, except that Jiang Xiaobai's conditions were harsh during the bidding.

But Jiang Xiaobai is doing that now, and after talking that day, the money will be in place that afternoon.

The person in charge of CSCEC immediately contacted the accountant.

"Huaqing Holding Company allocated 500,000 yuan for the fire-fighting fee, leaving a part of the uniform purchase of warm clothes and gloves, and the rest will be distributed to the big guys tomorrow..."

"According to head, administrative level and job title..." The person in charge interrupted before finishing the accounting.

"According to the head points, the money was allocated by Huaqing Holdings. If anyone has opinions, he will come to me." The person in charge of China State Construction is still very bold, and this is also extremely domineering.

Especially in a state-owned enterprise, it is even more valuable.

Chen Zhengyue needless to say, there are not as many of them as China State Construction Corporation, so the money will be sent on the next day according to the head of the preparation.

In the early morning of the next day, the workers got up and went to work. They worked until 12 noon before they left for work.

Workers eat. Needless to say, this time, even later generations will not be much better.

Boiled Chinese cabbage, with some salt in it, which is neither salty nor light, it is the noon dish, followed by one or two miscellaneous facial masks.

It's just that when eating, Xiao Hongtou came over.

"Hurry up and eat. After dinner, everyone will go to the financial room to collect money." The foreman said.

"Get the money, this month's salary has been paid in advance, great, it just happens that there is something wrong with the family, and I said to borrow some money."

"Yes, Brother Zhang, this is the sun hitting the west side today. It is not bad if you are not in arrears for a few days, and you can still pay your wages in advance."

"Old Liu, it's not good to pay wages in advance. If you take the money, wouldn't it be able to take care of the women under the street lights."

"You just went, and I heard that you went to play again, and you didn't have enough money, and you still bargained with others,"

The workers talked in a mess, and soon the topic didn't know where to turn, and they drove when they said they were driving.

But it's normal. Workers can't come back home several times a year when they work outside. What if there is a need, it can only be...

This kind of thing happens all the time, and what kind of temporary couples are there on the construction sites of later generations.

"The car is noisy," the little foreman yelled. The effect was not very good, but it was finally quieter.

"It is the fire-fighting fee allocated by Huaqing Holdings Company, saying that it is coming into winter, so that everyone can keep warm from the cold."

"Huh? The grilling fee, and this good thing, how much is it?"

"Really? It's not an advance payment. Brother Zhang, don't you fool us?"

"Brother Zhang, receiving this grill fee will not affect our salary?"

Everyone asks everything.

"It does not affect the wages, it is an excessive amount of money, which is given by Huaqing Holdings," the little foreman finished.

Everyone is excited, windfall, who is not happy.

One after another asked how much money, while asking, the speed of eating in his mouth also increased.

"I don't know how much it is. I didn't say it above. I'll know when you go. Let's eat quickly." The little foreman finished speaking and turned and walked towards the financial room.

Such a scene also happened in all corners of the construction site, and the whole construction site suddenly burst into flames.

Many people took out the rice in the bowl in two of three, and then walked towards the financial room.

After a while, there was a long line at the entrance of the financial room.

"Pharaoh, Pharaoh, how much money did you receive?" Xiao Liu suddenly asked, watching the Pharaoh who was in the dormitory with him come out.

"One hundred yuan, everyone is the same, and I said that I will send out gloves and coats in two days." The expression on Lao Wang's face was about to melt away.

I thought it was worth more than ten dollars, but it's not bad to have dozens of dollars.

But I didn't expect it to be one hundred yuan, one hundred yuan, his salary for two months.

"One hundred yuan, my goodness, so much."

"One hundred yuan..."

Everyone exclaimed, obviously this number is beyond the big guy's expectations.

But compared to everyone's gearing up, it was time for a break at noon soon.

Cong, the person in charge of the finance room, came out and said: It's time to go to work. Everyone who hasn't received the money will start working in the community, and come back to collect the money after work in the afternoon.

If this is the time when you are receiving your salary, you must be unwilling to get the ink for a while, and then you can leave if it is not good.

But today, surprisingly no one said that it was unpleasant.

Many people said: "Okay, no problem, let's go to work first, and then we will leave work in the afternoon. People have paid so much money, so we can't delay the construction period."

"Yes, don't miss the delay, or I'm sorry for the one hundred dollars, go, go, go, and come back after work."

As everyone said, they soon dispersed.

However, many people have been in a state of excitement throughout the afternoon.

At night, almost everyone received the money.

"One hundred yuan, I have never seen such a generous Party A before. The other Party A cares about life and death, because the progress of the project is not fast enough."

"Yes, I heard someone say that the director of Huaqing Holdings, Xiaobai, came yesterday. After seeing the progress of the project, he was very satisfied and said that he would pay the firefighting fee, but it was paid last night.

The boss is also very particular this time. They are all based on human hair. I heard that those leaders are also 100 yuan. "

"It's true, it's impossible." Some people didn't believe it.

"Really, I saw the money-receiving list. It's just the leader, and the same goes for those engineers with high-level titles. It's just like people's hair."

At night in the construction dormitory of Huaqing Holding Company, if at this time of day, the tired workers would go to bed and snoring long ago, but today everyone who received the equivalent of two months' salary was so excited that they could not sleep, lying in bed and talking. .

After a while, the topic changed to how to spend the money.

Some people said that they would go out to eat the good ones after work tomorrow, so as to improve their lives.

Some people say they want to sell Japanese sweaters, and some people say they want to send the money to their homes, just to solve the family's urgent needs. Of course, this is also the way most people do.

Perhaps the money was given out, but it was not actually used on the workers themselves, so that the workers could stay warm for the winter.

But at this time of winter, it warmed the hearts of all workers.

(End of this chapter)