Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 819

Chapter 819

Chapter 819

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Jiang Hongxiang and his wife knocked on the door of Jiang Xiaobai's house.

"Who?" Jiang Xiaobai kicked his slippers and walked over to open the door. What happened to this? Come home.


"The third child." The couple looked terrified, making Jiang Xiaobai full of doubts.

"What's the matter with you? Did something happen in the store?" When it opened this morning, he went back. The business is pretty good, there is no problem.

"Go into the room and say." Jiang Hongxiang looked back and looked at him. There was no one, so he was relieved.

"Okay, come in, come in." Jiang Xiaobai let the two of them into the house and made tea for them.

"Look?" Jiang Hongxiang took the money out of the bag, and then said the whole story. After listening to it, Jiang Xiaobai laughed.

Such a large clothing store, Jiang Xiaobai clothing is now one of the well-known brands in the country.

On the opening day of the franchise store, there is a discount, earning two thousand yuan, although it is not a small amount at this time.

, but it's definitely not too much, but it is these two thousand dollars that make these two people like this.

"Xiao Bai, you said that so much money, we are holding it...or else, let's keep five hundred yuan, and this one thousand and six hundred yuan will be given to you." The third brother-in-law said.

Jiang Hongxiang was stunned for a moment. Her husband didn't mention the issue of giving money on the way.

But after another thought, it was also to my brother, and the money was indeed a lot, even if I left five hundred yuan, I also made a lot of money.

So also nodded and said: "Yes, Xiaobai, this is too much money, and we are not at ease in holding it."

The third brother-in-law said, counting 1,600 yuan from it and pushing it to Jiang Xiaobai.

At this time, the largest face value is Great Unity, with a face value of ten yuan.

In fact, the RMB 100 yuan in face value has existed since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and there were even banknotes with a face value of 50,000 yuan. However, when the currency reform took place in 55 years, it was no longer in circulation.

In a general sense, the first set of RMB 100 yuan currency is the fourth set of RMB, which will not be issued until April next year.

So the one thousand six hundred yuan at this time, all of them are ten houses, and there is a thick step.

"Not much, just keep it safe." Jiang Xiaobai pushed the money back in front of the two people.

"You joined the clothing store to make money. Now that you are making money, isn't it right to hold it? Give me something,

Hold it with confidence, if you are really not at ease, go and deposit the money in the bank tomorrow," Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"So much money, do we really have it?" The third brother-in-law asked tentatively.

"Don't worry, put it away," Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, thank you Xiaobai, or you and us......" Jiang Xiaobai interrupted the third brother-in-law before he finished speaking.

"A family doesn't talk about two things, I'm just three sisters,"

Jiang Hongxiang and the third brother-in-law nodded, thinking about it, the whole Jiang family brothers and sisters have been helped by Jiang Xiaobai.

Is the eldest brother-in-law doing with Jiang Xiaobai now? In fact, from the beginning, the eldest brother-in-law was also helped by Jiang Xiaobai, because it was an agent who followed the canned food.

Second sister's house, the second sister was able to marry the second sister-in-law because of Jiang Xiaobai. Otherwise, the second sister Jiang Honglan might be what it would be like after cutting her wrist.

Eldest brother Jiang Zijun's family, and sister-in-law Ding Xiaorong, if it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai, maybe she still works in the workshop now.

The same is true for the second brother Jiang Zijian. The old man treats Jiang Xiaobai much better than him. If Jiang Xiaobai is not there, it is not certain whether Uncle Gu can marry her daughter to Jiang Zijian, and the furniture for the marriage is also prepared by Jiang Xiaobai.

The rest is Jiang Xiaomei, who is still young and has not received any help from Jiang Xiaobai. However, Jiang Xiaobai does not buy less pocket money, toys and the like.

The rest is my couple.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back, rest early, and open the shop tomorrow morning." Jiang Xiaobai sent the two away before preparing to rest.

On the way back Jiang Hongxiang and her husband, Jiang Hongxiang suddenly turned to look at her husband and asked: "Just now, you gave the money to the third child, you really gave it!"

"Yes," the third brother-in-law nodded.

"Can you be willing? That's 1,600 yuan?"

The third brother-in-law smiled, and said: "I am willing to bear it, if it is not for Xiaobai, how can we have this opportunity."

You saw it when I went to confirm the franchise store. It is such a quota. After paying the initial fee, many people are willing to pay an extra 5,000 yuan to buy a quota.

What do we both have? If it wasn't for Xiaobai, it would be worth two thousand and one hundred dollars. Even five hundred dollars would not be our turn to earn. It would be 500 dollars a day and 15,000 dollars a month. "

The third brother-in-law is a man who can handle clearly, Jiang Hongxiang listened, holding her husband's arm with a happy face.

In fact, Jiang Hongxiang was originally an indisputable character, and it was enough to earn enough money. She was afraid that her husband would become unrecognizable when she suddenly became rich.

The popularity of franchised stores reached its peak on the second day of opening, and after the first three days of opening, it declined.

But the fall is still within an acceptable range.

The average daily turnover can be maintained at around RMB 15,000 to RMB 20,000.

In other words, the daily net profit can reach about 1,000 to 1,400 yuan.

In other words, the net profit in a month can reach 30,000 yuan to more than 40,000 yuan.

When Jiang Hongxiang and his wife calculated this number, they didn't know how to spend so much money.

On the last day of the first month of opening the shop, the couple gave the accounts early in the morning and paid the employees at noon.

In the afternoon, I first went to the mall to buy some supplements, then I went to buy tobacco, alcohol and other things, and then I went to Jiang Xiaobai's house.

It's the end of October, and the weather in Longcheng is already a bit cold.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is still spinning around on the construction site. After a year of construction, the main part of the Huaqing Building has been constructed for most of the time.

"The director of Xiaobai, it is estimated that the work will be handed over and put into use in June or July next year." The person in charge of China State Construction Engineering accompanied Jiang Xiaobai around.

"Well, thank you, the workers have worked hard, and the weather is cold. In this way, I will ask Huaqing Holdings to set aside a fire-fighting fee. I must make the workers comfortable and warmer."

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and wanted to say that he would not care about this little money if the progress of the project was not delayed.

"Okay, then I will replace the workers and thank the director Xiaobai." The person in charge of China State Construction Engineering said.

They are state-owned enterprises and it is not easy to send money randomly, but Party A has now designated to allocate a sum of money to the workers. Of course, it is no problem to send it to workers or use it as subsidies to workers.

(End of this chapter)