Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Chapter 538 Fallen leaves return to their roots

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai drove Zhang Baofeng to the hospital.

Zhang Lanfang and Li Xiaoliu also accompanied the whole journey.

On the other side, in the conference room of Beijing Normal University, Li Siyan is filling out the form seriously and writing down his name.

She doesn't want to think about other things, so let's go abroad first.

After being diagnosed in the hospital, Zhang Baofeng also made a decision to treat conservatively.

"Why don't you stay in the hospital for conservative treatment, the medical conditions in the capital are also good." Jiang Xiaobai said while looking at Zhang Baofeng.

"No, the fallen leaves return to their roots. I'd better go back early, otherwise I'm afraid I can't go back."

Zhang Baofeng said, Zhang Lanfang cried.

"Dad, don't say that,"

"Uncle Baofeng." Li Xiaoliu's eyes were also red.

"Dad, I want to follow you back." Zhang Lanfang looked at Zhang Baofeng and said.

Zhang Baofeng tried to persuade him again and again, but Zhang Lanfang insisted.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, "Okay, I will arrange it from the school. It is okay to leave school for a while.

"Okay." Zhang Baofeng agreed, and Jiang Xiaobai did nothing for a whole day.

I drove Zhang Baofeng to go around the capital. I had lunch at the Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant.

Zhang Baofeng's mouth was full of oil, and he touched his round belly when he went out.

Zhang Lanfang saw his father like this, Zhang Lanfang, who had been a little unhappy all morning, suddenly laughed, and then cried with a smile.

In the afternoon, we finished visiting several famous scenic spots in Beijing.

Then in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai asked people to settle the hot pot in Donglai.

Large slices of lamb hot pot, Zhang Baofeng drank a couple of taels of wine.

Jiang Xiaobai suffered insomnia again that night, and the bright moonlight came in through the window.

Jiang Xiaobai got up and looked at the bright full moon in the sky.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai went to the factory and took the sleeping berth ticket from Jin Guoyan.

Then go back to the flagship store to pick up Zhang Baofeng, Zhang Lanfang, and Li Xiaoliu, and drive towards the train station.

"It's worth it, I've been worth it in my life. I can get in a car and see the capital, such a tall building, and so many people."

Zhang Baofeng said with emotion.

"The only thing I can't stand for is Lan Fang, how many mothers are you."

"Dad, you will be fine and you will be fine." Zhang Lanfang nestled in his father Zhang Baofeng's arms and said softly.

The hand is still pulling at the corner of his father's clothes, just like when he was a child.

The clouds in the sky are constantly changing, suddenly becoming round, like when my father was shopping with him when he was a child, he looked at the piece of sesame sesame biscuits, but his father stubbornly hugged him.

I remember that at that time, my father's arms were so strong.

On the train station and platform, Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Baofeng.

"Uncle Baofeng, we are all a family, don't worry, no matter what, Jianhua Village, I, Jiang Xiaobai, and the educated youth cannery will not leave your house alone."

Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhang Baofeng on the shoulder and said.

Zhang Baofeng went back. Jiang Xiaobai was in the capital and couldn't leave.

Plus the death notice from the doctor, so this farewell, see you next time, maybe...maybe farewell, never see again, this is the last side.

"Thank you, Director Xiaobai." Zhang Baofeng bowed deeply to Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai did not hide, he accepted the bow.

In the future, if something happens to the Zhang family, he will help solve it.

"Uncle Baofeng." Li Xiaoliu also stepped forward and hugged Zhang Baofeng. He didn't have time to go back.

So, like Jiang Xiaobai, this parting is a farewell.

Zhang Baofeng waved his hand and walked towards the car.

"Uncle Xiao Bai, Brother Xiao Liu, I am leaving." Zhang Lanfang also waved and said.

"Lanfang, call me if you have something to do." Jiang Xiaobai shouted at Zhang Lanfang's back, and Zhang Lan waved.

"Beep, drip."

"Besides, besides..." The train braved black smoke and slowly drove far away, taking away Zhang Baofeng and Zhang Baofeng, a villager in Jianhua Village.

took away Zhang Baofeng, who was known as the iron rooster, but he used the money he saved from his teeth to give away a college student and several high school students.

"Goodbye, Uncle Baofeng, goodbye iron cock, goodbye..."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands vigorously. Perhaps life is like this. Once he said goodbye, he would never see him again.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Xiaoliu stood on the platform for a long time before turning around and leaving the station.

Zhang Baofeng has left, and the days have returned to the past.

Jiang Xiaobai is still running at three o'clock and one line, the school, the flagship store, and the Daxing glass factory.

There have been a lot of things in the school recently. Song Xin and Liu Qian from the Student Union are going abroad.

This will vacate the two student union cadres, Jiang Xiaobai had to set aside in advance, so as not to be in a hurry.

I even need to prepare now, because Song Xin and Liu Qian are now focusing on preparing materials for studying abroad.

In addition to Li Siyan, almost half of the student union cadres are in the student union.

After Jiang Xiaobai came to school, he also heard about Zhao Xinyi's refusal to go abroad to study.

I wondered a little bit in my heart. Could it be that Zhao Xinyi didn't go because she didn't go anymore.

Zhao Xinyi likes herself, thinking Jiang Xiaobai shook her head, one of the three illusions in life, this woman likes me.

As for Li Siyan's mistakes, there was no place to get a place, Jiang Xiaobai shouldn't say anything?

Maybe two people really have no relationship.

Time passed day by day, and the Student Union did not recruit again. This time, the cadres of the student union were all promoted from the old people in the student union.

Baby Qian became the director of the Disciplinary Inspection Department.

The winter in the capital is getting colder day by day.

The magic city store of Jiang Xiaobai's flagship store is about to open soon, and preparations are almost done.

December 25, this Christmas in the West, has not yet become popular in China at this time.

But this one, the campus of Beijing Normal University is lit up with lights.

The same goes for other major colleges and universities, because the students who study abroad will leave on this day.

Jiang Xiaobai took the members of the student union and also participated in the activity of sending foreign students to the airport.

A bus stopped in front of the school.

After the students and teachers were assembled, they went to the airport. After the bus started, many students looked at the people in the car with envy.

Wang Chunfang sat down with Li Siyan early, but Jiang Xiaobai did not go to Wang Chunfang to change seats.

Province's self-declaration is boring, but his eyes fall on Li Siyan from time to time.

Everyone dressed up by Li Siyan today is beautiful, with thin yellow plaid coats and ponytails tied to the back of his head, revealing a delicate and pretty face.

The eyes are full of longing for the future.

Only occasionally when his eyes fall on Jiang Xiaobai, will he show a trace of dismay.

Of course, more is yearning.

(End of this chapter)