Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537 Advanced Lung Cancer

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi gave up their places to study abroad and began to spread out in the school.

Although everyone who hasn't done it is well known, the people who should know, the well-informed people already know.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai and others also got the film. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai could not understand the MRI film.

The four people came to the doctor's office and asked the doctor who took the film to put the film on the light box in the morning.

Then looked at Jiang Xiaobai and others and asked, "Are you family members?"

"Well. This is his girl, and we are his friends." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Basically, it can be diagnosed as advanced lung cancer," the doctor said directly.

As for the TV series, there is nothing to say to family members alone.

is to tell the patient directly.

When I heard of lung cancer, everyone was stunned.

What is the meaning of advanced lung cancer, I'm afraid that besides the doctor, Jiang Xiaobai knows best.

It's not a matter of money. Cancer is too terrible. Until Jiang Xiaobai was reborn, there was no good way to treat cancer in the world.

What's more, now that chemotherapy and surgery can only prolong the lives of some patients.

But wanting a thorough treatment is a idiot. What's more, even if it is an operation, there are many people who can't get on the operating table at all.

And some lucky people got off the operating table, undergoing difficult chemotherapy.

is just a few days longer, but the patient's life has no quality at all during these extended days.

Jiang Xiaobai remembered that in his previous life, his uncle had lung cancer.

The children in the family are very filial, and every one of them contributes a lot of money and effort.

Doing surgery, chemotherapy, and doing my best to do my last filial piety.

But it's just that, to satisfy them with their filial piety. The uncle lay painfully on the hospital bed every day.

Jiang Xiaobai remembered that once, the uncle secretly told himself that he would rather not undergo surgery than chemotherapy.

I will treat conservatively and spend the last time in my life happily.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Baofeng, his mouth opened, but he couldn't say anything.

Li Xiaoliu and Zhang Lanfang beside , although they don't know what lung cancer is, they still have a concept in their minds about what cancer is.

That was a devil. I heard that there was cancer, but none of them survived.

"Doctor, can it be cured?" Zhang Lanfang asked?

"It is now in the late stage, and it is too late to find out. It is recommended to treat conservatively. Of course, if your family members are willing to undergo surgical treatment, it is okay."

Doctor shook his head and said.

"Then it will die, how long can I live?" Zhang Baofeng, who had been stunned, suddenly said.

"A few months. Of course, it can be a month, it can be half a month, or...anytime."

The doctor speaks too straight for everyone to understand.

"What about treatment, surgery or something." Zhang Lanfang quickly asked, seeing the doctor's eyes full of expectation.

"In the case of surgery, whether you can get the operating table or not is a problem. Even if the surgery is completed, chemotherapy is needed. That is a big number."

The doctor said that if this person is willing to do it, it would be good to be able to cut a late stage lung cancer.

"Okay, you go out to discuss, and let me know when there is a result," the doctor said.

Several people are sitting in the corridor of the hospital.

Zhang Lanfang kept sobbing. Li Xiaoliu also had red eyes. Jiang Xiaobai sat on the ground in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yes, he is a rebirth, but it does not mean that he is used to seeing life and death and can face it calmly.

"Don't cry, it's okay, don't cry." Zhang Baofeng comforted the girl with his arms around.

"Uncle Baofeng, think about it for yourself. If you want to have an operation, all the expenses will be paid out of the factory, and a one-month system will be formed in the future. All serious illnesses will be reimbursed in the factory for all medical expenses. If you want to treat conservatively..."

Jiang Xiaobai can't go on, he can't make decisions for others.

Needless to say, he is an outsider, Zhang Baofeng's son and daughter, wife, and Jiang Xiaobai feels that he has no right to make this decision for Zhang Baofeng.

Jiang Xiaobai can guarantee that Zhang Baofeng will not influence his judgment because of the money.

"Thank you, Director Xiaobai, I see." Zhang Baofeng looked up at Jiang Xiaobai and thanked him.

Four people came out of the hospital, and Jiang Xiaobai drove back with him.

That night, Jiang Xiaobai was tossing in the room and couldn't sleep. He was troubled in his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

At night, Zhang Lanfang had already called the family, and everyone in the family had already heard the news.

Zhang Baofeng did not stop either.

On the other side, Li Siyan was also lying in bed with insomnia.

She received a notice, if nothing goes wrong, she will have one place to go abroad.

She also figured out why she would get this spot that she shouldn't get.

Jiang Xiaobai was not going out, so Wang Chunfang went up.

And Zhao Xinyi is not going out, so she can go up.

Why did Jiang Xiaobai not want to go abroad? Obviously he has agreed. Is it because of his own reasons?

No, no, Jiang Xiaobai had never wanted to go out before, so he gave up.

Li Siyan kept persuading herself in her heart.

But what about Zhao Xinyi, why is she? If you don't want to go abroad, why didn't you say it before, and wait until the watch is sent out.

Why? Is it because Jiang Xiaobai is not going, so...

Li Siyan shook her head and didn't dare to think about it. She was afraid that she could not accept the quota for going abroad.

"Dad, I'm thinking about it, not going." Zhao Xinyi said to the phone.

"Think about it," Zhao Gang's voice rang on the phone.


"Does dad know why?"

"Well, I won't ask any more. If we want to go abroad in the future, we will study abroad at our own expense." Zhao Gang said.

"Okay, thank you Dad." Zhao Xinyi smiled and hung up the phone.

"Xinyi, you are not because of Jiang Xiaobai, are you?" When Zhao Xinyi hung up, Song Xin looked at Zhao Xinyi and said.

"He has a girlfriend,"

"What are you talking nonsense? You just don't want to go suddenly. It's not because of what?" Zhao Xinyi shook her head.

I feel a bit bitter in my heart, yes, he has a girlfriend, so what if he goes by himself, what if he doesn't.

There is no reason to say it.

"You can go to you with peace of mind, maybe one day I want to go, I will study abroad at my own expense." Zhao Xinyi said.

At this time, there are students studying abroad at their own expense, but it is very difficult to do so.

(End of this chapter)