Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 486

Chapter 486

Chapter 486 Mobilization

Xu Weiping came to talk for more than half a month, but there was nothing to talk about, so Jiang Xiaobai was able to get it done in three days.

No, it's two and a half days to be precise, and there is one day to play and one day to visit Luobo's production line.

The real negotiation is one morning.

In the afternoon, Liang Mingqiang arranged for personnel to book train tickets for Jiang Xiaobai and others. Here Xu Weiping, Jiang Xiaobai, and Jin Guoyan are signing contracts with Luobo.

On the other side, Xue Fangling and others are on vacation and continue to travel.

At the same time, now that things have been decided, Liang Mingqiang has already begun to arrange mobilization.

In the evening of the same day, in the Luobo meeting room, a bright red banner was hung with the words "The signing ceremony for the introduction of Luobo float glass production line by Daxing Glass Factory."

Luo Bo's high-level staff gathered together, and Jiang Xiaobai also brought Daxing's personnel present.

He Wenbin finished reading the terms of both parties, Jiang Xiaobai and Liang Mingqiang signed the agreement and exchanged them.

Then shook hands, applause from below.

Then the two parties started to meet the matter of introducing the production line. When the equipment arrived, Daxing needed to prepare things.

There is also a date when the engineer is arranged and when to pay the money.

And so on, the meeting lasted until more than twelve o'clock that evening.

I also had supper in the cafeteria.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai and others got on the train back to Beijing.

Although the travel time is only three short days, everyone is satisfied. After all, they came out for a stroll.

Anyway, when Jiang Xiaobai got off the train in Beijing, his legs became weak.

After returning to Daxing Glass Factory, Jiang Xiaobai asked everyone to have a meeting at night.

After get off work in the afternoon, at 6 o'clock in the meeting room of Daxing Glass Factory, Jiang Xiaobai announced the news.

But most, even all workers are a little confused.

Don't understand what this float glass production line really means?

"Comrades, the glass produced by this float glass production line is much better than the flat glass we are producing now, and the market will be very good in the future. Even we will expand production. Some employees who do not have a system will perform well. This time, the production line is expanded and the establishment is obtained. The welfare at the end of the year will be more, and everyone's wages will continue to rise."

Jiang Xiaobai said, this time the applause in the meeting room became intense.

The workers do not know anything else, so they care about the establishment and welfare.

Especially some employees who do not have an organization, they applaud with excitement, expanding production, but also expanding, which is undoubtedly great news for them.

Xue Fangling was also extremely excited, arranging it.

After the mobilization, Jiang Xiaobai began to arrange tasks one by one.

"Manager Xu, you are in charge of technology throughout the process, selecting workers, and you must know the skills thoroughly. Section Chief Chen Shaodong is responsible for assisting..."

"Mr. Gold, you are responsible for the coordination of the overall situation, including the new production workshop, factory warehouse, and funding issues. First raise 30,000 yuan of funds and call it in half a month. You can't delay it for a day, Ma Liang. Chief Quan is responsible for assisting..."

"Okay, Director Jiang." Jin Guoyan nodded and agreed. He knew something about Jiang Xiaobai's vigorous work style.

"You have to deal with the loan issue as soon as possible. If you have any problems, you can communicate with me at any time." Jiang Xiaobai finished arranging Jin Guoyan, then turned to look at Shen Zhenglan and said.

"Director Shen, you will be responsible for the reception and accommodation of the other engineering staff and commissioning staff."

"Okay." Shen Zhenglan nodded and agreed.

"Okay, that's it for the time being. This time, in the process of introducing the production line, those who perform well will report and prepare problems and give priority to solving them, and the meeting will adjourn."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he got up and walked outside the meeting room.

Du Yonghong, who was sitting on the very side, thought for a while, and quickly got up and chased after him.

He has no political wisdom, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything. This time he didn't participate in such a big restructuring in the factory.

Now that the factory introduced a production line, I went out to investigate in Luoyang, but did not bring him as the director of the production workshop.

I'm back now, and I've already started preparations. He, the workshop director, still didn't assign any work to him. This obviously just stepped aside.

He doesn't talk about being young, but it's definitely not time to retire, so he is anxious.

He also noticed at today's meeting that Xu Weiping and Jin Guoyan are the main responsible persons, plus Chen Shaodong and Ma Liangquan.

Shen Zhenglan was only responsible for receiving it, but he didn't make any arrangements at all.

Jiang Xiaobai went back to the office with his front feet, and was about to pack his things and leave work.

Du Yonghong came in very quickly.

"Hey, Director Du, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, it's Plant Manager Jiang. I firmly support the decision made by you and the factory committee. I think the introduction of this float glass production line is particularly good. For our Daxing Glass Factory, it has a turning point... "

Du Yonghong slapped and cheered, and stunned Jiang Xiaobai. What's the situation?

"Director Du, is there anything wrong?" Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

Normally Du Yonghong is not like this.

"That is, you didn't arrange any work for me just now. I wonder if I can do something and make some contributions to the factory manager." Du Yonghong said with a plan.

"Oh, then you can help Deputy Director Xu." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

"Well, what, Mr. Jiang, when there is time, your sister-in-law keeps saying that I want to invite you to have a meal at home. You are in the capital alone, so you can eat and live alone..."

Du Yonghong nodded and said, he saw the randomness in Jiang Xiaobai's words, this time he showed loyalty and didn't get Jiang Xiaobai's attention at all.

"Eat, okay, tomorrow," Jiang Xiaobai said

He somewhat understood what Du Yonghong meant. To be honest, he didn't intentionally alienate Du Yonghong and Shen Zhenglan.

It's just that Jin Guoyan has a handle in his own hands, and Xu Weiping just arrived and can only rely on himself.

So I use a little more, but Du Yonghong and Shen Zhenglan, two elderly people, look forward and backward, and Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want to use it.

Since Shen Zhenglan is the office director, Jiang Xiaobai can still think of it.

As for Du Yonghong, a workshop director, and now Xu Weiping is there, Jiang Xiaobai generally can't remember it.

But Du Yonghong said that since he wanted to surrender, Jiang Xiaobai was willing to accept it.

"Okay, okay, then I won't bother you. Slow down on your journey." Du Yonghong suddenly smiled when Jiang Xiaobai agreed.

(End of this chapter)