Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 485

Chapter 485

Chapter 485

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words, Liang Mingqiang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Support, support, of course we have to support."

Liang Mingqiang finished speaking and waited for Jiang Xiaobai to raise the conditions.

As a result, Jiang Xiaobai stopped speaking after speaking, eating food and drinking, without saying a word.

"Little fox." Liang Mingqiang cursed inwardly, then smiled and said: "Before, that condition was indeed a bit excessive. Let's change it. Director Jiang thinks that one is not good, so we will discuss the other one."

"Conditions?" Jiang Xiaobai had a confused expression, was taken aback, and then asked, "What are the prerequisites? Didn't Mr. Liang say to support us?"

"Fuck, you are so special, you want to play the empty glove white wolf." Liang Mingqiang was also stunned, watching Jiang Xiaobai almost yelling.

I asked you to negotiate terms, but you kid didn't think there were any terms.

This particular appetite is too big, my special is not called support, then it is called contribution.

Do you still want to give a production line? This is too shameless.

"Mr. Jiang was joking. Don't watch our Luobo factory grow up, but we don't have any family background. This year's turnover has increased by about 10%. To be honest, I really can't sustain it."

Liang Mingqiang also began to complain.

"Mr. Liang, it goes without saying that Luobo Glass is still developing in a prosperous and prosperous way. It just won't work. The camel is bigger than a horse. Our profit for Daxing is only about 50,000 yuan a year. In previous years, we depended on our superiors. I can barely make a living with the funding provided. I am participating in reforms this year, and the expenses are high. That is really..."

"Mr. Jiang, our Luobo benefits have not been posted for several years..."

Jiang Xiaobai and Liang Mingqiang began to sell badly.

"We are in great prosperity, and wages will not be issued. Don't you know, two days ago, an old worker and his family blocked my office..."

Jiang Xiaobai said bitterly, and a few tears squeezed out of the corner of his eyes.

Looking at Liang Mingqiang, He Wenbin, and Chai Jianping, the three of them were dumbfounded.

Fuck, this is really coming for acting.

Jiang Xiaobai said while wiping tears. In terms of miserable sales, he has never been afraid of anyone. He started his family by buying miserables.

I thought that when I met Song Weiguo, it was not a miserable sale, how could it be possible to get a hundred dollars into a can.

"Let's do it, Director Jiang, let's move to my office and talk. Don't worry, I will definitely support you if you are supportive. If you can help, I will try my best to help, okay." Liang Mingqiang was convinced.

Seriously, everyone is a state-owned enterprise, and the meat is still in the pot if the meat is rotten. He has never seen Jiang Xiaobai so desperately.

Even about this, tears came out.

"Okay," Jiang Xiaobai also agreed readily, and a group of people came to Liang Mingqiang's office.

Looking at Liang Mingqiang's office, Jiang Xiaobai also really felt the atmosphere of the office for the first time, and it was up-to-date.

My office is simply incomparable with others.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows are probably made of tempered glass.

Several sets of sofas turned out to be leather sofas. This was the first time Jiang Xiaobai saw it after he was reborn.

Although the coffee table is made of wood, it looks like an antique, simple and elegant.

There are floor tiles in the house, which really blinded Jiang Xiaobai's group of people.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's appearance, Liang Mingqiang smiled, finally feeling a little more at ease.

Whatever? This is the gap, have you seen such an office? Haven't seen it before.

Jiang Xiaobai took a seat on the sofa, and immediately felt the huge spring under his butt.

Fuck, I thought it was a high-end product. The original and current cloth sofas are not much better. It is still a big spring lowered on the bottom and a big spring on the back.

Sit is not comfortable at all.

The two sides sat down again, and finally had the sincerity to negotiate.

First of all, it's impossible to sell all the products produced by the Daxing Glass Factory using the float glass production line to Luobo Glass.

Jiang Xiaobai said, his **** lifted slightly, as if he was about to leave at any time.

Liang Mingqiang nodded, indeed this one is a bit too much.

People introduce a production line and promise you a bunch of conditions. As a result, the final product can not be bought by yourself, and no one is willing to change it.

"Okay, go to the last one, we have a basis for negotiation." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Liang Mingqiang and He Wenbin are a little speechless, and they have already gone to one of their co-authors before starting negotiations.

"No. 3, no, three months, at most one month, I will start production, now it is June, starting at the end of July, personnel training, etc., also have to start production in September, just a year ago The last quarter is left."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"One month," Liang Mingqiang exclaimed, this is really a joke, one month, it is impossible for a **** to introduce a production line.

"One month will not work, that is, Luobo will not do anything. All the staff will work for you, and it will not be possible to complete it in one month." Liang Mingqiang said, shaking his head.

"Then two months?"

"Two months will not work. The time is too tight. Luobo also has this year's production tasks and can't take so much to endure. What's more, some equipment also requires debugging, which is impossible to complete in two months..."

"One month will not work, two months will not work, then three months will be fine." Jiang Xiaobai said impatiently.

"Three months, also...well." Liang Mingqiang nodded and agreed.

It was built a year ago, and now it has been three months.

Although Jiang Xiaobai looked impatient, he was still very satisfied. The original three months was his expectation.

The previous month, two months, were for Liang Mingqiang to refuse. As expected, Liang Mingqiang who refused twice in a row, he was embarrassed to refuse for the third time.

"Second, it is impossible for our employees to be trained here for half a year. Let's send someone from Luobo to the training."

"Yes, there is no problem, but the cost of this training staff will be paid, 50 yuan a day."

Liang Mingqiang promised this time, once the two sides have a mutual agreement, everything will be easy to handle.

"No problem, we will also pay for the commissioners and engineers' money, just one hundred yuan a day on the previous conditions."

Jiang Xiaobai also agreed.

"Okay, Happy Plant Manager Jiang," Liang Mingqiang also said. Although Jiang Xiaobai said he was a rogue, he could do things, he was still very angry.

"Well, what, the 100,000 yuan introduced?" Liang Mingqiang asked.

"Yes, but pay 30% first, and pay the rest before the end of the year."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Everyone knows the situation of Daxing Glass Factory. Even the loan takes time. It is impossible to come down immediately, but the progress of the project cannot be pulled down."

"Okay." Liang Mingqiang thought for a while and agreed.

(End of this chapter)