Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Chapter 278 List announced

"I borrowed it from my classmate Jiang Xiaobai. I mentioned to you before that he made some canned food in Jianhua Village, so he made some money. He lent it to me."

Li Siyan did not hide it and said directly.

"Jianhua Village, is that the place where you jumped in the line? Is he still jumping in the line in Jianhua Village?" Li Mu asked pointedly.

"No, he was admitted to Beijing Normal University this year, and now he is studying at Beijing Normal University," Li Siyan said.

"Nizi, tell your mom honestly, what is the relationship between you?" Hearing that Jiang Xiaobai is also going to school at Beijing Normal University, Li Mu let out a long sigh of relief, and then asked.

"It's an ordinary **** relationship." Li Siyan said with a twist.

Mother Li understood her daughter's expression, smiled and said, Is there a better relationship than ordinary comradeship?

"Mom." Li Siyan yelled coquettishly.

"Mom just ask." Mother Li said with a smile. In fact, she had never seen or heard of the incident of jumping in line.

Many men and women who jumped into the queue got married in the village. Girls were okay. Few married in the village, but many boys married in the village, but they didn't get a marriage certificate.

When they returned to the city later, many people left their wives and children in the countryside and returned to the city by themselves.

This is caused by an era.

"What does this Jiang Xiaobai do at home?" Mother Li asked again.

"His parents are both steel factory workers, but they seem to have retired."

"How far have you developed? You heard your mother say that you are all in college now, you must not..." Li's mother urged.

"Mom, what are you talking about." Li Siyan no longer followed.

"Okay, okay, Mom won't say it, but you must pay attention." Mother Li continued after speaking.

"By the way, someday when you have time, take him home for a meal, and see you mom." Mother Li was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Mom, who do you see? I rely on, so much money? Where does it come from."

"Don't move, Li Chuang, can you look serious all day? Look at your sister. She went to the countryside to jump in the queue and was able to enter the university." Li's mother opened her son Li Chuang's hand. Then reprimanded.

"It's not mom, can I compare to my sister?" Li Chuang sat down on the side with a bitter face, and then continued to ask.

"Mom, haven't you said it? Where does the money come from, and who else do you want to see?"

"See your sister's boyfriend, this money was also borrowed by others and let your dad do activities." Mother Li said.

"Sister, you have a boyfriend." Li Chuang stood up with a shocked look, and the expression on his face was also very rich.

There is loss, there is worry, the only thing not is blessing.

Perhaps every younger brother is the same. When he hears that his sister has a lover, he will feel very disappointed.

The sister who loves herself will love other men from now on. Mistakes and jealousy have all kinds of emotions.

"Hmm." Li Siyan nodded in embarrassment.

"Then what does he mean by giving you so much money?" Li Chuang asked angrily.

"It is not to give, but to borrow. The purpose of borrowing is to rehabilitate our dad."

Li Siyan looked at his younger brother's jealous look, and said a little bit angry and funny.

"That's not okay, I'll figure out a solution about Dad." Li Chuang said stubbornly, but said that he lacked confidence.

"Okay, go ahead and work." Mother Li said.

Li Chuang waved his hand and went out, Li's mother looked at the girl and said.

"Okay, since the money is borrowed, then use it. When we have the money, we will pay it back. Mom is not a rigid person. If you fall in love, mom agrees, but we must pay attention to the proportions. When we have money, we will be the first. Give back the time."

Li's mother decided in one word, the matter was settled.

Li Siyan nodded, and when he went out, he saw his younger brother sitting on the threshold.

Li Siyan also sat down beside Li Chuang.

"I'm jealous, don't worry, sister will always be your sister," Li Siyan touched Li Chuang's head and said with a smile.

"Stop touching my head, how old I am." Li Chuang shook his head and said.

"Sister, how is he treating you?"

"Okay, he has special ideas and perseverance, and he is especially capable of creating miracles..." Li Siyan said of Jiang Xiaobai, and his eyes were shining.

Li Chuang, who had already stabilized his emotions, became jealous again when his sister said this.

"Sister, you are too exaggerated, and you are doing miracles. What does his family do? How come there is so much money?"

Li Chuang asked.

"His family is an ordinary worker's family. The money is earned by doing business on his own and buying canned food..."

Li Siyan said, Li Chuang thoughtfully.

"Doing business is that kind of individual industrial and commercial household?"

"Almost." Li Siyan also couldn't tell. She left Jianhua Village early, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't mention anything about the educated youth cannery.

In her impression, educated youth canned food is still the kind of soil workshop.

At this time, there are many individual businesses registered in Beijing, Quanjude Roast Duck, and various other time-honored brands have already opened.

Li Chuang was thoughtful and did not speak any more, but he was thinking about doing business in his heart.

The weekend passed in a flash. On Monday, the student union posted the admission list of the student union's recruitment in the public notice column.

and the list of new student council members.

Jiang Xiaobai, as the president of the student union, is of course at the top, and then the secretary general of the secretariat is Hou Yuande.

Then two deputy ministers, Deng Haonan and Liu Yadong.

Further down are seven sub-offices of the Student Union.

Song Xin, the director of the Disciplinary Inspection Department; Zhao Xinyi, the director of the Propaganda Department.

Liu Qian, the director of the External Liaison Office, and Liu Houdao, the director of the living department, are the boss of Jiang Xiaobai's bedroom.

Sports Director Wang Jinxi, a black and strong boy, wears sunglasses just like his eldest brother.

The director of the Health Department is Qian Shengli, a former member of the Student Union.

At the same time, the names of other student council members have also been announced.

Finally, it is five o'clock in the afternoon. After class is over, all student union staff will be notified of a meeting in the student union office.

"What's this? All women's army." Some people who lost the election complained under the bulletin board.

"Speak down, maybe there are members of the Student Union around me, so I will write it down to you." My companion reminded me.

"Sister Xinyi, you are the chief of the Propaganda Department, and Sister Song Xin is the chief of the Disciplinary Inspection Department. I am also a member of the Propaganda Department."

Zhang Li excitedly ran back to the bedroom, looked at Zhao Xinyi and said.

The title of also changed from classmate Xinyi to sister Xinyi.

"Really?" Zhao Xinyi was also a little surprised, thinking that Jiang Xiaobai was so despised of herself, did she have no hope.

"Really, I also informed that after five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone will go to the office for a meeting." Zhang Li said affirmatively.

"Go, let's tell Senior Sister Song Xin this news." Zhao Xinyi said.

(End of this chapter)