Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Chapter 277 Unorganized, Undisciplined

Song Xin flushed a little and walked out of the student union office, looking at Zhao Xinyi's gaze a little weird.

"Next." A voice came from the office.

Zhao Xinyi walked in, while looking at Song Xin in a low voice and asked, "Sister, how is it?"

Song Xin did not speak, but motioned her to go in.

"Student Zhao Xinyi. Sit down." Jiang Xiaobai greeted with a smile.

"Jiang Xiaobai, why are you here?" Zhao Xinyi seemed to understand the meaning of Senior Sister's eyes at this moment.

"Zhao Xinyi, right? Let me introduce you to you. This is Minister Jiang of our student union." Hou Yuande smiled and said.

"Minister Jiang?" Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and couldn't believe it.

"Yes, sit down, classmate Xinyi, tell me what position you are applying for."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I'm going to apply for the head of the Propaganda Department." Zhao Xinyi originally expected to be the deputy head of the Propaganda Department.

But now Jiang Xiaobai is the head of the student union, and her expectations have involuntarily improved a bit.

"Well, if you are now preparing for the New Year Party, would you like to talk about your organizational plan?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile.

The old classmates belong to the old classmates, but they are incapable and only have a look. How can people say that the students will be short of vases and they need one to come as a display.

This kind of organizational planning question can be regarded as a question type in the interview of later generations.

Zhao Xinyi didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to ask this, but her father was also the director of the steel plant at any rate, and he was also the monitor when he was in junior high school, and he organized similar performance reports.

So after Zhao Xinyi organized the language, she spoke.

"First, I will make a work plan to divide the work of the staff of the Cultural Propaganda Department, and then mobilize the teachers and students of the school to actively participate in the preparation of the program, and finally contact the school leaders to determine the number of leaders to participate..."

After Zhao Xinyi finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

"You probably said the same thing, but there are a few most important things that you didn't consider. Of course, this is because you turned out to be the factory manager's daughter. Someone will do these issues without you having to think about it."

Jiang Xiaobai was a bit straightforward. The smile on Zhao Xinyi's face instantly solidified. What's wrong with me as the director's daughter? How do you engage in life attacks,

Jiang Xiaobai must be cautious, maybe he knew it, his brother asked someone to beat him up, and now he is picking his fault here and retaliating against him.

One is the sponsorship issue. You need money to report the party. Costumes, props, audio, etc. all need money. How can you organize it if you don't have money?

Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhao Xinyi's face changed, and she was more convinced. Jiang Xiaobai did not make a mistake.

I really didn't think about this. It turned out that the director of the factory took the money for the cultural performances in the factory.

My own factory director's daughter used to be in the past, and there is no one time that the finances are not given.

But when I came to Beijing, Beijing Normal University was different. I really didn't think about it well.

There is also a second point, shouldn't you report to the leadership of the Student Union after your plan is finished? Isn't the Propaganda Department a subordinate unit of the Student Union? Do you still have a leader in your eyes? Is there a minister like me?

This means that I am the leader of the Student Union. I am open-minded and don't care about it. Otherwise, you can end the interview with another person. To put it lightly, this is called a work procedure error, and to put it more seriously is unorganized and undisciplined... "

Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhao Xinyi was almost crying, and she was scolding Jiang Xiaobai over and over again. I just forgot to talk about it.

As for being so pretentious? Need a big hat? Still unorganized and undisciplined, is it so serious?

Zhao Xinyi has been held in the palm of her hand since she was young, and this is the first time she has been reprimanded like this.

Jiang Xiaobai was also talking while paying attention to Zhao Xinyi's expression. Zhao Xinyi was originally the squad leader, plus Zhao Gang's daughter was caught in the ears.

As the chief of the cultural and publicity department, Jiang Xiaobai feels that he is still competent, but Zhao Xinyi, the proud girl of heaven, is so proud and arrogant that if you don't put her down, you will have to turn the sky in the future.

It's just that it can't be beaten too much. For example, I'm about to cry right now, and I have to get closer.

"Of course, classmate Xinyi, your organizational skills are still pretty good, I appreciate it......"

Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai with watery eyes. Her mood today was like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs.

The job interview lasted for a whole day, and Jiang Xiaobai also initially identified the staff of the student union.

"Xinyi, didn't you say that Jiang Xiaobai is also a freshman? And he is not a member of the student union, how could he become the head of the student union."

Song Xin looked at Zhao Xinyi and asked.

"Yes, Xinyi, Jiang Xiaobai is your classmate, then can I enter the student union?" Zhang Li also asked.

"I don't know what's going on? He is really a new student," Zhao Xinyi shook her head, her mind is also a little confused now.

"But the senior sister is right, this Jiang Xiaobai is very bad, and I will not interact with him in the future." Zhao Xinyi said a little angrily. It was too much, so she said herself in front of so many people.

"No, did I say it?" Song Xin asked stupidly.

"You said it." Zhao Xinyi said affirmatively.

"You said that, you also said that Jiang Xiaobai is a hooligan." Zhang Li has a better memory.

On the other side, Li Siyan went home and gave the 1,000 yuan Jiang Xiaobai had given to his mother.

Mother Li was shocked when she saw the thousand yuan in front of her.

"Your money? Where did it come from?"

"This thousand yuan was borrowed from my classmates. Mom, take it first, and then find someone for dad to rehabilitate. Now is the time to rehabilitate. Once it comes to this stage, it will be even more difficult for dad to rehabilitate. "

Li Siyan repeated Jiang Xiaobai's words to Li's mother again.

I heard Li Siyan said that the money was borrowed from classmates, so Li's mother was about to refuse.

But Li Siyan mentioned her father, and she couldn't say anything about her refusal.

In fact, she knew in her heart that although her husband had colleagues before the accident, she had social connections.

But even if you go to someone's house to ask for help, you can't go empty-handed, and you need money for activities like finding someone.

Light relying on a face, why is your face big?

"No, how can your classmate have so much money? And why did you lend it to you?" Li's mother asked worriedly.

At this time, one thousand yuan was a huge sum of money. If she didn't ask the source, she said she would not dare to accept it.

And if I took the money, I won't pay it back for a while.

Although Li's mother is eager to save her husband, she will not take so much money from other people's homes improperly.

(End of this chapter)