Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2560

Chapter 2560

Chapter 2560 Successors

In the morning of the next day, Mr. Li came to find Jiang Xiaobai, took Jiang Xiaobai to worship at the cemetery of the genius doctor, and prepared some paper money and the like.

Looking at the solitary tombstone in front of him, there were still some weeds in front of the tomb. Li Laosan took a shovel to clean it up, but was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Give me the shovel, I'll get it, I owed the genius doctor a favor, and the wound on his back was cured by the herbal medicine of the genius doctor." Jiang Xiaobai said, took the shovel to clean the weeds on both sides of the tomb.

Li Laosan said on the side: "This genius doctor has always been alone, and there are no descendants left. The village helped with the funeral at the beginning, but after that, no one came to see it, so this tomb is just That's it."

"Yeah, but that genius doctor is so smart, he won't care about that." Jiang Xiaobai cleaned up the weeds, then put the things he brought, and put three sticks of incense sticks, burned some paper money, and finally poured three glass of wine.

lit a cigarette for the genius doctor, and lit a cigarette himself, without saying a word, and patted Mr. Li on the shoulder after he finished smoking.

"Let's go." On the winding mountains, looking down, the entire Jianhua Village is like a giant dragon entrenched in the mountains, as if it will spread its wings and take off in the next second.

The second stop was in front of Huang Fugui's grave. The front of Huang Fugui's grave was much cleaner. Huang Fugui had children, and now they have been taken care of to a certain extent in the village.

The old village chief has dedicated his whole life to this village, and is respected by people in terms of character and other aspects. When Huang Fugui left, I don't know how many villagers were very sad.

It's almost the same as the tomb of the genius doctor, it's still the same procedure, but before leaving, he said one more sentence: "Old Huang, you can just watch here, the future of Jianhua Village will definitely get better and better, Jianhua Village will definitely get better and better. The spirit you left behind will be passed down from generation to generation."

Jiang Xiaobai turned and left, Li Laosan followed behind Jiang Xiaobai, he was also an old man in the village, and he had witnessed the changes over the years.

The village is rich, and everyone is living a good life. Let's not talk about the hidden benefits brought by the development of the village now, that is, the smooth roads, the lonely old people have support, the children go to school for free, the village will pay for major diseases, and the poor households will be reimbursed in the village. Policies such as subsidies have made Jianhua Village a reality now. There is no problem in supporting the young, the elderly, and seeing a doctor.

At present, the happiness of Jianhua Village is not comparable to that of many other villages in China. In the past, there were a few, such as Daqiuzhuang, which were also very lavish. A year is not as good as a year.

Now several villages in China are developing well, that is, Jianhua Village, Huaxi Village, etc. Basically, there are still people who took these people on the road to prosperity.

If the founder or the leader is gone, it is certain that the village will start to go downhill. For example, Daqiuzhuang, when the owner of the village is there, the owner of the village will be able to screw everyone together and think in one place. , work hard in one place, then there is nothing that cannot be done.

With such a charismatic person appearing, as long as the time is right, there is basically nothing that can't be done.

But when the village develops and everyone has money in their hands, their thinking will change. If the leader is still there, then there will be no problem. Everyone has this trust and is convinced, but if the leader is not there Then there is a problem, and no one else obeys.

became a mess of loose sand.

The current Jianhua Village is also Jiang Xiaobai. As long as Jiang Xiaobai is there, Jianhua Village will basically be prosperous for a day. No one has any thoughts, and no one dares to jump out.

No matter who the person in charge of the village is today is He Lianghua or who is tomorrow, it is the same.

This will not change, just like the Huaqing Holding Group, whether it is the general manager, the person in charge of this group has been replaced from Song Weiguo to Shi Sheng, or from Shi Sheng to Zhang Weiyi, and they have all been replaced.

Every manager has a different style, but as long as Jiang Xiaobai is there, Huaqing Holding will always be Huaqing Holding Group, but if Jiang Xiaobai is gone one day, then Huaqing Holding Group is still not Huaqing Holding Group. Of course.

Jiang Xiaobai left that afternoon, Wang Chao and Wang Meng also left with Jiang Xiaobai, but the three separated after departure, Jiang Xiaobai returned to Longcheng, and left from Longcheng to return to the magic capital.

Wang Chao went directly back to Jinling. The headquarters of Huaqing Electric was in Jinling, and Wang Meng was going on a business trip. There was an auction going to start, so make preparations in advance.

Huaqing Holding Group is getting bigger and bigger, and everyone makes more and more money, but the days where they can get together are getting fewer and fewer.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the magic capital, he rested for two days. His son Jiang Langlang was still pestering Jiang Xiaobai to talk about the things about Jianhua Village. In the past few years, Jiang Xiaobai would send him back to Jianhua Village every winter and summer vacation.

The people in Jianhua Village have nothing to say about Jiang Xiaobai's son Jiang Langlang. Almost no one dislikes it. Even in the eyes of some old people, this is inheritance, and this is the leader of Jianhua Village in the future.

Many families send their children of the same age to play with Jiang Langlang. In their opinion, this is the successor of Jianhua Village, and this is the future of Jianhua Village.

In addition, Jiang Langlang is staying in the magic capital, and the things he has seen are definitely much stronger than those in Jianhua Village. Speaking to the friends of the same age in the village, it is also righteous, and when I go back, I will bring a bunch of goodies to my friends. food.

Now Jiang Xiaobai has more friends of the same age in Jianhua Village than in Modu. He has gradually changed from unfamiliar to familiar with the place in Jianhua Village. It doesn't matter from the beginning, but now he misses it very much. to go back.

also have different feelings for Jianhua Village.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai has no idea of taking over or not. What age is this? It is hard to say what will happen to Huaqing Holding Group in the future. Besides, he is not too old. He is at the peak of men. Professional managers are also mature, what kind of Jiang Langlang can become, whether he likes to be in business in the future is not sure.

I didn't think that far at all, I just thought about raising my children in the city, and I don't want to be someone who can't even tell the difference between grains and grains in the future.

But many people don't think so. When Jiang Langlang goes back, many people regard Jiang Langlang as the future heir. This is left over from thousands of years of history, and sometimes it's really hard to say.

(end of this chapter)