Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2561

Chapter 2561

Chapter 2561 Warm Heart

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai talk about the things in Jianhua Village, Jiang Langlang listened with relish, and he would ask something from time to time. Of course, his main topic was the little friends around him.

But how can Jiang Xiaobai know how his little friend is doing? Jiang Xiaobai is also his little friend who eats and drinks when he goes back, so he doesn't care about things between children, but he is still very handy in dealing with his son Jiang Langlang and Jiang Xiaobai, just make up a little bit.

Now that the child is still young, it is easy to deceive very well. When it is a little older, it is estimated that it will not be easy to deceive.

In fact, sometimes Jiang Xiaobai watched Jiang Langlang grow up day by day, and he was actually very happy. He could understand some of the thoughts of Jianhua villagers. Although it was said that they were all in modern society, they would not do the same thing as Laozi and sons, but in fact there were When there is such a son, it can also make people feel a lot less.

As for the future, it will be left to chance.

Jiang Xin is a little vinegar bag, although she doesn't like to hear about Jianhua Village, but her brother pestered her father, so she stopped doing it, and also came over to pester Jiang Xiaobai.

Enjoying the company of the two children, Jiang Xiaobai's heart is very relaxed. This is the case every time, no matter how long the business trip is or how long it takes to travel, but every time after seeing the two children at home, the two children will With you by your side, all your exhaustion will be gone in an instant.

Home is a harbor for the soul and a place where the mind relaxes, which is also the meaning of home.

But when I got to Jiang Xiaobai, I had very little time for myself and my family. After returning from Jianhua Village, I only took a day off. The next day, Jiang Xiaobai had already gone to work in the group.

Zhao Xiaojin didn't follow her this time. When she came to Huaqing Holding Group, Huaqing Holding Group had already moved to Longcheng, so her visits to Jianhua Village were very limited.

When he was in Jianhua Village, Jiang Xiaobai's secretary was Song Xin. Later, Home and Beverage was established. Song Xin went to Home and Beverage to go to work, and Zhao Xiaojin joined the group.

Zhao Xiaojin is not actually an old man in a company in the strict sense, but because of the particularity of Zhao Xiaojin as a secretary, he can barely count.

"Jiang Dong, this is the planning table for the next year and the first quarter reported by Changxingju Real Estate Company..."

"Dong Jiang, this is after the investment company adjusted its plan..."

Zhao Xiaojin put the documents in front of Jiang Xiaobai. She basically sorted out all these documents and read them through a preliminary examination. Basically, there were no major problems, so she handed them directly to Jiang Xiaobai.

If there is anything different from usual, she will mark it directly, and then give it to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai is also looking at it roughly. Although the autonomy of the subsidiary is relatively high, many plans have to be reported for approval. However, if there are no major problems in many cases, Jiang Xiaobai will just have a pass, and will not take care of it too much. .

After the fourth quarter, there are relatively more things, because such a large group, in the fourth quarter, must make a comprehensive summary of the work, or in other words, the performance will be rushed in the fourth quarter.

Coupled with the invitations to various meetings and events, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't be too busy at all.

But I still took the time to visit an investment company.

Hu Jinshan and Zhang Jun picked up Jiang Xiaobai at the door.

"Jiang Dong."

"Jiang Dong." The two shook hands with Jiang Xiaobai in turn. Zhang Jun was slightly behind Hu Jinshan by half a position. Jiang Xiaobai could see it. At least now you can focus on your work, instead of complaining to each other and pulling your back, that's fine.

In fact, sometimes seeking common ground while reserving differences is the norm in life.

If nothing else, in terms of the company's executives, for example, Zhang Weiyi wanted to hire the company's executives from outside, while Jiang Xiaobai wanted to be promoted from within. Back then, all the group's executives were was promoted from within.

But Zhang Weiyi also seized the opportunity and started to change by digging Hu Jinshan over. This is seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Investment company, Hu Jinshan's investment philosophy and Zhang Jun's investment philosophy are completely different. This is an obvious thing. After all, the past experiences of the two are completely different. Hu Jinshan graduated from a famous foreign school. He has worked in major investment banks, but what about Zhang Jun.

I have also made some investments before, but basically all of them are in China and Hong Kong. The ones I have come into contact with are also investments full of mainland characteristics.

This is the period of great changes in the country, and each industry has his special surname, so the concept of two people is fundamentally different, and it is impossible to be the same.

But it is best if two people can be combined.

Hu Jinshan has advanced foreign experience, but he has no experience in domestic investment, the national conditions are different, and sometimes it is not possible to copy it.

is like the management experience of many companies, you are allowed to study and visit, but after you copy it back to your own company, it will not be the same.

The development is not smooth, so it must have its own characteristics, so as to be able to adapt, it is impossible to say that it is rotten.

As for Zhang Jun, he has domestic investment experience, but he is a little worse than Hu Jinshan in terms of knowledge and ability.

So if two people can seek common ground while reserving differences, and focus on their work, they will complement each other, but if two people can't understand this, they are still arguing about ideas, pulling, and internal friction, and the final result? Either one of the two left.

Either both of them get out.

People who don't have a big picture concept are useless to stay.

Jiang Xiaobai has always been like this. When Song Weiguo was able to leave as the general manager, there is no one who can't leave. We must adapt to this rule here.

If you can't adapt, you will be eliminated.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and reached out and patted the two people on the shoulders. Hu Jinshan and Zhang Jun didn't understand. Just this time, they were already on the verge of getting out of work.

"Can you adapt to the life here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile as he walked in.

"It can be adapted." Hu Jinshan felt warm in his heart, no matter if Jiang Xiaobai was doing it on purpose or really cared, even if it was a deliberate gesture, it means that there is this attitude here.

Instead of just talking about work and the benefits brought to the company, as in foreign countries.

(end of this chapter)