Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2522

Chapter 2522

Chapter 2522 Times are changing

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Weiyi and Hu Jinshan and sighed in his heart. In fact, this is the mentality of many people.

When a group of people is in demand, they take this thing too seriously, but when it is not sought after, they take this thing too lightly.

In fact, this is not correct, it belongs to the lack of a clear understanding.

"Old Zhang, do you think the people who participated in the discussion at the annual wealth meeting were all for hyping up the Internet and playing the game of drumming and passing flowers?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Weiyi and asked.

Hu Jinshan doesn't have the ability to judge. He doesn't blame Hu Jinshan. After all, Hu Jinshan has just arrived and is allowed to make mistakes. If Zhang Weiyi's judgment is this simple, then Jiang Xiaobai will doubt Zhang Weiyi's vision.

Zhang Weiyi also heard the meaning of Jiang Xiaobai's words and pondered.

Seeing Zhang Weiyi pondering, Jiang Xiaobai continued to say: "Old Zhang, we must have our own judgment, chase the ups and downs, that is what the leeks do, we should look at the problem in two parts, and be rational. Look at it dialectically.

The more absolute a person speaks, the less knowledge he has, the more he has never heard of another point of view.

Similarly, doing business is like this. When the Internet was blown up, you all thought it was good. Now that the bubble has burst, it is worthless in your eyes. Then you are not doing business, you are preparing to be leeks. "

Zhang Weiyi and Hu Jinshan stopped talking.

Jiang Xiaobai put Hu Jinshan's plan on the table: "I basically agree with this report, so be it, after you go back, you can start rectification, but don't move or transfer the original projects. The policy basically does not need to be adjusted.

It's just that the focus of your next work can be adjusted. In the future, you will focus on the high-tech and Internet industries, and these two industries will run in parallel. "

After Hu Jinshan came out of Jiang Xiaobai's office, he was in a relatively good mood. Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't fully agree to his plan, he at least agreed to part of it.

I originally planned to cut off the original project, except for a few companies with long-term development and good prospects, and transfer these investments in various ways.

The remaining promising companies are left behind, and they cannot be in a state of stocking as they are now. Instead, they should change to more stringent management methods, strive for the right to speak to these investment companies, and intervene in the operation of these companies.

But these were all rejected by Jiang Xiaobai, but the most important thing is the future development direction of the investment company. Jiang Xiaobai agreed halfway, but another Internet industry was inserted.

However, the Internet industry cannot be said to be completely useless after the bubble bursts, but the prospects are bleak, Jiang Xiaobai insists, then put in a little energy.

Hu Jinshan calculated in his heart that the originally vigorous company change, and finally under the influence of Jiang Xiaobai, this change seemed calm.

But this is not the case for the outside, but not for the inside of the investment company. After Hu Jinshan received support from Jiang Xiaobai, he quickly held his first meeting after taking office.

First of all, many investment plans in the last quarter of this year were stopped by him.

This has disrupted the investment company's plans at once, which was originally a lot of investment plans in the last quarter.

All of the stopped all of a sudden, of course everyone quit.

Zhang Jun was going to cooperate with Hu Jinshan, but isn't Hu Jinshan just messing around?

"It's all stopped, so the preparatory work is not in vain, and when will these stopped projects be released?" Zhang Jun asked with a frown.

Hu Jinshan shook his head: "These stopped projects will basically not start, even if they are all cut off, the company's strategic center will be transferred in the future.

Now we are going to set up two departments, one is the department mainly responsible for the mutual benefit network, and the other is the department mainly responsible for the high-tech industry. In the future, all the resources of the company will basically be transferred to these two departments.

These two newly established departments will be the focus of the company in the future. Of course, if other people have special projects, they can, but the focus of the company will definitely shift..."

Hu Jinshan announced a series of decisions of his own. Of course Zhang Jun disagreed. He came to Zhang Weiyi that afternoon. After Zhang Weiyi persuaded him for a long time, Zhang Jun stopped at Jiang Xiaobai's door again. When Jiang Xiaobai got off work, he saw that Zhang Jun had been waiting.

"Jiang Dong, I..."

"Get in my car, let's talk on the way, I happen to have a party at night, if you're okay, come with me." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhang Jun nodded dully. After he got into the car, Jiang Xiaobai asked, "Can't figure out the change of the company?"

"Yeah." Zhang Jun nodded honestly: "Jiang Dong, I know that there are three fires for new officials to take office, but they didn't burn like this. I cut off all the projects directly. This completely denies our previous Time to contribute to the company..."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head with a smile: "You misunderstood, this is not the three fires of a new official taking office, and he is not trying to establish his own majesty. I have read his plan, and there is no problem.

In fact, without him, I am also going to talk to you at the end of the year. Investment companies can no longer make a hodgepodge of hodgepodge. "

"But it's always been like this before." Zhang Jun said inexplicably.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, it has always been like this before, but that doesn't mean it's right, and it doesn't necessarily mean it's the best, even the best has to change with the development of the times. .

Nothing is static, look out the window, what was the magic city like when we first came to the magic city?

There are several foreign-funded enterprises, and now, how many foreign-funded enterprises are there, like mushrooms after the rain, this is all change,

Let's not talk about it, you know the changes in Wanke, what did you do to make money back then, but what about now? Don't you focus your energy on the real estate industry now, why?

Just because you can't make money and do anything? Times are changing, how fierce the competition has been between enterprises in the past two years, and how serious the homogenization of the industry in the market. In the past, we Huaqing Electric were inferior to manufacturers. Now manufacturers are begging us to put their products on the shelves and use ours. Channels, these are changes, irrefutable changes. "

(end of this chapter)