Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2521

Chapter 2521

Chapter 2521 Now and then

"I think it should focus on medicine and high-tech industries, such as computers, mobile phones, cars, etc.

As I said at the beginning, the world has been changing rapidly, and the things that drive these changes in the world have always been technology..."

Zhang Weiyi also agrees with Hu Jinshan's point of view. For a long time, within the Huaqing Holding Group, although the scale of each subsidiary is very large and its influence is also very strong, the computer companies and investment companies that make Zhang Weiyi most satisfied are these two.

There is also a car factory. Why? Because computer companies represent high technology, car factories are also technical industries, and investment companies are financial.

As for other subsidiaries, such as Changxingju Real Estate Company, do they make money? Really make money, such as Huaqing Electric, is it influential? The influence is indeed great. Now with the serious homogenization of products and fierce competition, the power of the channel has also emerged.

Many domestic home appliance manufacturers have to look at Huaqing Electric's face and act a little bit, but at least Huaqing Electric holds a part of their production lifeline. This is true.

But what are these two companies talking about? One is building houses and the other is selling electricity. It always feels a little low-end.

Although this kind of low-end is also the dream of many companies, but with more choices within the Huaqing Holding Group, it will naturally be more inclined to these companies that speak out.

"Jiang Dong, technology is the primary productive force. I agree with this view. We now have auto companies and the computer industry. With the development, this will definitely occupy a more important position.

These two markets have not been maturing in the past two years. More people are buying cars and home computers. This was originally our plan and what we were optimistic about. Our investment in this area must be correct. several"

Zhang Weiyi supported Hu Jinshan's choice.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Yes, in fact, I also think that the medicine and technology industry will definitely develop on a large scale in the future, but let's not touch the medicine thing."

Zhang Weiyi understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant as soon as he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, but Hu Jinshan didn't quite understand it.

Jiang Xiaobai said towards Zhang Weiyi Nunuzui: "Please explain."

Zhang Weiyi nodded and explained to Hu Jinshan in a low voice why the pharmaceutical industry is not good. First of all, if the industry wants to develop cutting-edge drugs, the scale of investment required is very large. Of course, this is not a problem.

The most important thing that Huaqing Holding Group lacks now is money. The key is that many drugs are in the stage of clinical trials, and sometimes other things are needed.

And many pharmaceutical companies are not doing their job properly and always make some unconscionable money. Jiang Xiaobai is not prepared to make this kind of money, and he is not willing to make this kind of investment.

In fact, sometimes pharmaceutical companies don't need much investment. After all, those who can make medicines, to be honest, can't do it without strength.

Hu Jinshan understood after listening for a long time. Although he still did not understand why Jiang Xiaobai had such concerns, since Jiang Xiaobai agreed with his other choices, it is not a problem not to invest in the pharmaceutical industry.

"And there is another industry. I think we have to put it in the front, and put it in the same important position as the investment in the high-tech industry." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"What industry?" Zhang Weiyi asked subconsciously.

"Internet industry." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Jiang Dong, then the Internet industry is in a bubble, and there is not much water in total. If we entered the Internet industry before that, we could still make a lot of money. Citi country's stock market listing is really profitable.

But now the Internet is in a bubble, it's worthless, it's just a bunch of code, those companies don't have any actual products, they don't have their own sales channels, they don't have their own

Zhang Weiyi said with disdain, in fact, to say that the Internet has changed people's lives, in this millennium, to be honest, not much has changed.

means that there is no computer at home. Maybe in some universities, there are more students buying computers. Internet cafes have just appeared, but it is really impossible to say that computers have changed people's lives.

So it's not surprising that Zhang Weiyi's views on the Internet industry, after all, no one can see his influence on the future.

seems to be illusory. To say that the Internet can change the world at this time is indeed an exaggeration. Many people do not believe it.

It was written on an Internet billboard in the capital that it was 300 meters away from the information highway, which was also an exaggeration.

In fact, at this time, those who are really engaged in the Internet are very confused, and they do not know the future of the Internet.

Especially after the Internet bubble burst, everyone thinks that the Internet is a hype. Now that the hype is over and the capital has been used up, it will be kicked away, and there is no value in using it.

In fact, after the burst of the Internet bubble, many people have carefully considered what the Internet is.

But because the Internet was really boasting in the early stage, this led to the high praise, and after the fall, everyone felt that it was worthless.

In fact, Hu Jinshan, who came back from abroad, doesn't believe in the Internet anymore. How high the Internet industry was praised in the past, how badly he fell at this time.

Internet companies, to put it bluntly, are really nothing, and when it comes to technical difficulties, there are really not many, often just an idea, so there are really not many people who are still optimistic about the Internet.

"Jiang Dong, I think if you are optimistic about the Internet industry, then we can use him as an alternative, there is no need to invest a lot of energy." Hu Jinshan also said.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Weiyi and asked, "Old Zhang, do you remember the annual meeting that Fortune held in the Magic Capital? That meeting was an annual meeting. How many topics were there about the Internet, have you forgotten all about it?"

"That would be that time, the Internet was still booming at that time, but now..." Zhang Weiyi didn't say the last words, but the meaning was obvious.

From time to time, the Internet at that time was still very popular, especially in foreign countries, but now the Internet industry can be said to be in the sunset.

Or it is almost over. After all, the impact of the previous bubbles in various industries once burst is very large, and it will not be relieved after many years.

(end of this chapter)