Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2138

Chapter 2138

Chapter 2138 You dare to think

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the information in his hand and was also a little worried. He understood and supported the idea of Huaqing Electrical Appliances wanting to go out of the country, but he acquired more than 400 stores in one fell swoop.

It's not that Huaqing Holding Group can't afford to buy it, but the key thing is what it does after the acquisition.

what to do? The acquisition is in your hands, and the money spent has to be converted into benefits. Doesn't it mean that you have acquired so many stores and then lost money in your hands?

More than four hundred stores, the capital required is not a small amount, and it may even be possible to acquire them with the funds of Flower Bank.

So you have to be cautious.

"Well, let's discuss what to do now?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I think it can last a while. Although Yaohan's collapse was caused by the improper management of Yaohan, and to a certain extent, it was affected by the financial crisis in the southeast, but it also proved the mistake of Yaohan's business model.

So now it is impossible for Yaohan to transfer all the stores. "

Zhang Weiyi analyzed, everyone agrees with this statement.

It is true that a behemoth like Yaohan crashed down. There are many problems here that are worth pondering, and it is worth summing up experience and lessons.

So at this time, there are no people who have the ability to take over such a big stall. Jiang Xiaobai is not the only one, but there are really no people who dare to take over.

is not other factors, just afraid of becoming a receiver.

"So I think that if we wait a little longer, if Yaohan's store can't handle it, the final result will definitely have to be split and sold. So as long as we wait, I think this matter is very promising. Now." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile.

Wang Chao nodded: "This is certain, but the key is how long you have to wait. If the waiting time is too long, it will be inappropriate to calculate.

In the end, it's better to say that we set up our own store, so time is also money. If too much time is lost and too much energy is consumed in this matter, it is not worthwhile. "

What Wang Chao is talking about is also the actual situation. After all, he has to consider from the perspective of the enterprise. The acquisition of Yaohan is good for the company, but if this matter is delayed for a long time, then it will be for the company. Not worth it anymore.

When the time is different, it may be different because of the company's consideration. This is normal.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and signaled Wang Chao to continue. Wang Chao continued: So I think this time should be controlled within one year, otherwise it would be inappropriate for us.

So if you wait, it will take up to one year. If Yaohan can't give us a clear answer at this point in time, then the acquisition can't be successful within two years.

Then I think there is no point after entering the millennium. "

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. He remembered that Yaohan's last acquisition was completed in the millennium in his previous life.

It is true that there is something like Yaohan. It seems to be worth a little money now, but now in this era of rapid economic development, it can be said that it changes every day. It is now in 1998, and it will take two to three years to reach the millennium.

In this process, those assets will continue to depreciate over time, and will become worthless, or less valuable.

It's just like the present Hong Kong Furama Hotel. When the Furama Hotel first opened, business was not good enough, but in recent years it hasn't worked. The facilities, equipment, services, layout, and layout can't be followed. On it.

So after the acquisition of Lixin Development Company, it can only carry out upgrades.

"Okay, then in a one-year period, you continue to contact Yaohan Mall. This is considered a plan."

When Jiang Xiaobai said the first half of the sentence, everyone nodded, but in the second half of the sentence, everyone was stunned. This is one plan, but another.

"Another one?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile, which was also curious to everyone.

The other kind is that if Yaohan insists on the transfer of all 400 stores, can we acquire it? If it is acquired, what use will it be for us?

Can it be used? Can it supplement our company's industrial production capacity? "Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhang Weiyi, Chu Beiping, Wang Chao and others all fell silent, but Li Jingwei was shocked. Jiang Xiaobai was really thinking about daring to buy so many stores at once.

There are more than 400 stores in more than ten countries and regions around the world. There are tens of thousands of employees.

This is a huge multinational group. Although the more than 400 stores cannot be regarded as all of the Yaohan Group, the Yaohan Group also has other industries, such as clothes, shoes and hats, all for the purpose of increasing profitability. , An industry that reduces costs.

But these more than 400 stores are the core and essence of Yaohan, and it is also the most valuable thing in Yaohan.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to acquire the best part of Yaohan.

"Dong Jiang, what you said is true?" Wang Chao stood up from the sofa in surprise and said. Get it.

There are no other surprises.

"What I said is true, but first of all, you must think clearly. I know that Huaqing Electric wants to go abroad, but you also have to understand the price of this acquisition. There must be a sufficient plan for the company to be able to Do it." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to let Wang Chao sit down.

Wang Chao nodded, still showing excitement: "Jiang Dong, I understand, I understand, I actually considered this issue before."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Chao: "You kid has thought about it, and you really dare to think about it. How capable you are and still think about it. Can you consider this matter?"

Wang Chao said with a smile: Yes, yes, it's not something I should consider, it's not something I should consider, this matter should be considered by Jiang Dong."

Jiang Xiaobai pointed to Wang Chao and shook his head helplessly. Zhang Weiyi and the others also laughed. The acquisition of Yaohan would of course be a big event for Huaqing Holding Group, but it is only a big event.

In the past few years, Huaqing Holding Group has done big things. If it is small things, Huaqing Holding Group has not done it yet.

Even if Yaohan is a multinational company, it is just a closed company.

(End of this chapter)